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Old 19-01-2007, 00:02   #121
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Re: The whole Jade/shilpa stuff...

Originally Posted by WillowTheWhisp View Post

Can I just go off on a slight tangent and ask if Jade had made remarks about a French person and said things like the French always gook with garlic could/would that have been considered racist and if not was it all that different from what she said about Shilpa?
Like I said earlier, what Jade said in her mad rant, was pandering to national sterotypes, with regard to Shilpa's surname, but not in my racist.

As for the question of the French, that would be rude, bad mannered, and ignorant, if those remarks were directed at the French, or any other national group. But do remember Jade is ignorant, bad mannered, and ignorant.
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Old 19-01-2007, 00:04   #122
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Re: The whole Jade/shilpa stuff...

Originally Posted by mani View Post

it wasnt as muhc as hte fact jade commented about her cookin as it was more to do with the bigger context of the conversation of which that was a line

That's the problem with not having seen all of it but I still ask the same question - is it racist because Jade is a different colour to Shilpa? Would the same comments have been non-racist, all of them, whatever they were, if they had been directed at a French/German/Austrian/Belgian/Irish/Scottish person of similar colour to Jade? If so then maybe they were bullying, bitchy or downright nasty rather than racism.

Bullying is unacceptable whoever it is directed against.

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Old 19-01-2007, 00:05   #123
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Re: The whole Jade/shilpa stuff...

Originally Posted by WillowTheWhisp View Post
That's not exactly the same thing that I meant. People were told that saying they had friends of different races automatically made them a racist.

So if someone accuses me of being homophobic and I say that I'm not, and add that I have a couple of friends who I know are gay and treat them no differently to other friends who are staright does that automatically make me homophobic because I've said that or because I have gay friends? I have other friends who are and always have been single so I haven't a clue what their sexul preferences are nor do I care as it doesn't matter to me one way or t'other. It would only matter if I was single and fancied one of them but I couldn't stand a chance because I was the wrong gender.

Totally confused as to what you mean.

I stand by my statement that people who say they aren't racist, after saying something obviously racist, can't be excused because they have black friends.
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Old 19-01-2007, 00:06   #124
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Re: The whole Jade/shilpa stuff...

Originally Posted by garinda View Post

As for the question of the French, that would be rude, bad mannered, and ignorant, if those remarks were directed at the French, or any other national group. But do remember Jade is ignorant, bad mannered, and ignorant.

Yes that's why I said it just shows her up and shows her in a bad light. All that likeable dimwit stuff which people found endearing has a darker side too when an ignorant person is in the presence of someone who makes them feel inadequate.

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Old 19-01-2007, 00:06   #125
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Re: The whole Jade/shilpa stuff...

Originally Posted by garinda View Post
Totally confused as to what you mean.

I stand by my statement that people who say they aren't racist, after saying something obviously racist, can't be excused because they have black friends.
...or I should add, white friends as well, if it was a black person being racist.
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Old 19-01-2007, 00:10   #126
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Re: The whole Jade/shilpa stuff...

Originally Posted by WillowTheWhisp View Post
Yes that's why I said it just shows her up and shows her in a bad light. All that likeable dimwit stuff which people found endearing has a darker side too when an ignorant person is in the presence of someone who makes them feel inadequate.
When she was originally in BB she was hated for just the sort of attitude she's shown now. At that time the person she disliked, and tried to bully was a white, middle class girl called Sophie. She used the same tactics on her as she has Shilpa.

The babyish act won the public over, hence her fame afterwards.

Not so now. Her journey is over.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
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Old 19-01-2007, 00:12   #127
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Re: The whole Jade/shilpa stuff...

Originally Posted by garinda View Post
Totally confused as to what you mean.

I stand by my statement that people who say they aren't racist, after saying something obviously racist, can't be excused because they have black friends.

I'm probably not explaining myself properly. Yes if somebody says or does something which is racist and then defends themselves by saying they can't be racist because they have black friends or a mixed race grannie then of course that's nonsense.

But when someone who hasn't said or done anything racist enters into a discussion about racial stereotyping and comments that they have friends of different races it is wrong to accuse that person of racism because "racists always claim they have black friends" which has been said on this forum and which I think is nonsense.

I have friends of different races as most people here know from a previous discussion but simply having a mixture of friends doesn't make me racist any more than having gay friends makes me homophobic. It was a twisted logic which was nonsensical.

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Old 19-01-2007, 00:13   #128
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Re: The whole Jade/shilpa stuff...

Originally Posted by WillowTheWhisp View Post

That's the problem with not having seen all of it but I still ask the same question - is it racist because Jade is a different colour to Shilpa? Would the same comments have been non-racist, all of them, whatever they were, if they had been directed at a French/German/Austrian/Belgian/Irish/Scottish person of similar colour to Jade? If so then maybe they were bullying, bitchy or downright nasty rather than racism.

Bullying is unacceptable whoever it is directed against.
It isn't racist. Full stop.

I think the dimwits who phoned in to complain that it was, are naive to the real world and it's problems, and will have undermined real acts of racism that do occur.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
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Old 19-01-2007, 00:16   #129
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Re: The whole Jade/shilpa stuff...

Originally Posted by WillowTheWhisp View Post
I'm probably not explaining myself properly. Yes if somebody says or does something which is racist and then defends themselves by saying they can't be racist because they have black friends or a mixed race grannie then of course that's nonsense.

But when someone who hasn't said or done anything racist enters into a discussion about racial stereotyping and comments that they have friends of different races it is wrong to accuse that person of racism because "racists always claim they have black friends" which has been said on this forum and which I think is nonsense.

I have friends of different races as most people here know from a previous discussion but simply having a mixture of friends doesn't make me racist any more than having gay friends makes me homophobic. It was a twisted logic which was nonsensical.
Right... I see.

Agreed, people with friends that may come from different ethnic or racial backgrounds aren't racist just because of that fact, no. Phew.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
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Old 19-01-2007, 00:34   #130
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Re: The whole Jade/shilpa stuff...

I wondered why I had not seen this in general chat, they were discussing this on Question Time, Edwina Curry just slagged the Scouse accent off she's in for a rougher ride than Jade now, at least it's given this boring programe another dimension, the race card is a weapon to soon produced and devalues their argument, it just rubs people up the wrong way.
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Old 19-01-2007, 00:38   #131
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Re: The whole Jade/shilpa stuff...

Originally Posted by Ianto.W. View Post
I wondered why I had not seen this in general chat, they were discussing this on Question Time, Edwina Curry just slagged the Scouse accent off she's in for a rougher ride than Jade now, at least it's given this boring programe another dimension, the race card is a weapon to soon produced and devalues their argument, it just rubs people up the wrong way.

I think some of the items raised in this thread deserve to be in general chat. Certainly more serious than some of the threads in there.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
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Old 19-01-2007, 00:47   #132
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Re: The whole Jade/shilpa stuff...

Originally Posted by garinda View Post
I think some of the items raised in this thread deserve to be in general chat. Certainly more serious than some of the threads in there.
Yes definitely should be in general (I nearly dropped a b*****k and raised it myself,) i'm glad I got bored up there, threads are crap just lately in general chat, I think everyone is walking on 'karma' eggshells.
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Old 19-01-2007, 00:52   #133
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Re: The whole Jade/shilpa stuff...

Originally Posted by Ianto.W. View Post
Edwina Curry just slagged the Scouse accent off she's in for a rougher ride than Jade now.
Oooh I wonder if I'm in trouble then - I find Jade's accent hard to follow especially if she's shouting and talking quickly.

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Old 19-01-2007, 00:53   #134
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Re: The whole Jade/shilpa stuff...

Originally Posted by Ianto.W. View Post
Yes definitely should be in general (I nearly dropped a b*****k and raised it myself,) i'm glad I got bored up there, threads are crap just lately in general chat, I think everyone is walking on 'karma' eggshells.

If you want a thread moved, pm Mick and suggest it. He'll decide what he thinks best, and has done it before when asked.

It does seem that these serious issue, albeit arising from a silly programme, does deserve to be taken seriously, and not here amongst the fun and silly stuff.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
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Old 19-01-2007, 01:03   #135
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Re: The whole Jade/shilpa stuff...

Originally Posted by garinda View Post
If you want a thread moved, pm Mick and suggest it. He'll decide what he thinks best, and has done it before when asked.

It does seem that these serious issue, albeit arising from a silly programme, does deserve to be taken seriously, and not here amongst the fun and silly stuff.
I daren't garinda iv'e only just got my lance corporals stripes back, 'I think, hope'
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