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  • 1 Post By Margaret Pilkington
  • 1 Post By Retlaw
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Old 20-05-2014, 11:22   #1
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Under water

Have you ever wondered what could happen if we had a 'big melt', millions of tons of ice melting and sea levels raise?

I found this (scaremongering) site:
World Under Water

It may only be me who finds it interesting to see their street under 10ft of water
Also (if you ask me) the sea level wasn't high enough in London as i could still see the parliament building poking out,they seem to have gone 'a little general' with the settings.
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Old 20-05-2014, 12:29   #2
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Re: Under water

I saw these a couple of weeks ago. It is all scaremongery...further attempts to make us cough up more dosh on the premise of climate change/global warming...which scientists are reluctant to admit isn't happening in the way the computer model suggested it just goes to show that if you input get crap out.

There have always been cyclical temperature and weather changes.
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Old 20-05-2014, 12:39   #3
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Re: Under water

Originally Posted by Accyexplorer View Post
Have you ever wondered what could happen if we had a 'big melt', millions of tons of ice melting and sea levels raise?
Attachment 40738

I found this (scaremongering) site:
World Under Water

It may only be me who finds it interesting to see their street under 10ft of water
Also (if you ask me) the sea level wasn't high enough in London as i could still see the parliament building poking out,they seem to have gone 'a little general' with the settings.
Never mind the ice melt, what about the 1000's of tons of space debris that lands on the earth every year, what does'nt land in the sea gets washed there when it rains, Is that not raising the levels as well, whatevers happening to the planet, talking about it won't cure it, neither will the scientists.
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Old 20-05-2014, 13:17   #4
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Re: Under water

Originally Posted by Retlaw View Post
Never mind the ice melt, what about the 1000's of tons of space debris that lands on the earth every year, what does'nt land in the sea gets washed there when it rains, Is that not raising the levels as well, whatevers happening to the planet, talking about it won't cure it, neither will the scientists.
You may be right there R, I bet it's a contributing factor to the raise in Sea levels from say 20,000 yrs ago.

The red bit use to be land

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Old 20-05-2014, 13:24   #5

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Re: Under water

Those of us still alive will be living on the coast so will be fine.
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Old 20-05-2014, 13:38   #6
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Re: Under water

Speaking of scientists:

"Scientists 'suppressed' paper over climate sceptic argument
Researcher claims his paper was rejected because it might help climate sceptics advance their case"

Scientists 'suppressed' paper over climate sceptic argument | News | The Week UK
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Old 22-05-2014, 09:00   #7
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Re: Under water

Earlier this week I watched a programme on ch4, it's on catch up, Britain's Most Extreme Weather - 4oD - Channel 4

Towards the end of it the guy was saying that due to the Earths orbit being slightly different we could be in line for another ice age, the only reason we aren't feeling those effects already is because of the extra CO2 in the atmosphere so who are we to believe? Is global warming good or bad?
Are scientists just jumping on and off bandwagons to keep themselves employed?

Back in the sixties they predicted an ice age was starting, by the 90's this had become a terrifying global warming, which included the death of the ozone layer, are we seeing yet another turn around? Will we be expected to go back to less economic transport so that we can pump more life saving CO2 into the atmosphere? Bring on those coal burning power stations we really need them now.

I can't answer these questions and I bet the 'experts' can't either.

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Old 22-05-2014, 09:17   #8
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Re: Under water

Never wondered at all,Why should i ?? I only wonder about things i can do summat about.
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