Interesting topic, and one that I think no matter how hard is debated will never end up with all agreeing. But that is because each person is entitled to his/her opinion. My opinion is : (If anyone is even interested)
First on the whole gay thing (that somehow ended up in a drug debate). People are born gay. Full stop. You can't be made gay, or turned gay or recruited. As someone said earlier, you are born that way and it is part of who and what you are. And as Cazzer (I think it was, sorry if it wasnt) pointed out, a man and another man may engage in consensual sex from the age of 16. Just the same as heterosexual couples.
As for the whole drug debate, this one is a little harder. First off I do not promote drugs. I think if you take them then you are putting yourself at risk, no matter how small or big. But that is the individuals choice. If they take drugs then that is their business.
If however someone is promoting and pushing others into it then that is wrong. If you are gonna do drugs, do them cause you want to, not because you are pressured into doing them. Better still dont do them at all.
Then you have the whole medical debate which I am not going to go into. Yes some drugs can help you in ways, but as with all things have a darker and negative side.
Personally I think it comes down to the individual. I have been offered drugs in the past and have always refused as I have never sought the need to take them. If someone feels they do need them, then perhaps there are other issues that they need to address first.
Anyway if that made any sense to anyone then well done and thats what I have to say.......... :