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Old 21-12-2012, 03:50   #61
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Re: Wandering off thread

Originally Posted by Less View Post
Is that as good as you've got?
I'd give up now if I were you, four pages explaining what type of head you are and you've still not learnt anything.
never learn ....
<img src= border=0 alt= />

The views expressed in this post is mine and mine alone
anyone want to argue
well tough!!!
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Old 21-12-2012, 07:39   #62
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Re: Wandering off thread

Originally Posted by DtheP47 View Post
So your carers gone off to look after another window licker has he ?
With not even a 'smiley' attached to signify it was tongue in cheek....but then, perhaps you meant wouldn't surprise me.
You certainly aren't out to win friends and influence people are you?
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Old 21-12-2012, 08:27   #63
Coffin Dodger.

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Re: Wandering off thread

It don't really bother me, if they need to feel superior,then thats fine, its pretty easy fer the ordinary person to suss out the score.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 21-12-2012, 08:36   #64
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Re: Wandering off thread

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
It don't really bother me, if they need to feel superior,then thats fine, its pretty easy fer the ordinary person to suss out the score.
Knowing what you are like, of course it doesn't bother you.

It's just a shame that some folk are as he is, There's plenty in the thread he could have commented on, but no, he just carries on in his arrogant way, of no use to the site at all.
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Old 21-12-2012, 08:51   #65
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Re: Wandering off thread

Originally Posted by Less View Post
Knowing what you are like, of course it doesn't bother you.

It's just a shame that some folk are as he is, There's plenty in the thread he could have commented on, but no, he just carries on in his arrogant way, of no use to the site at all.
Yeh but going off the time he returned n posted, right or wrong,i can only assume theres n alcohol problem? I mean some people do need it.
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N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 21-12-2012, 09:02   #66
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Re: Wandering off thread

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
Yeh but going off the time he returned n posted, right or wrong,i can only assume theres n alcohol problem? I mean some people do need it.
Wow! now there's a heck of a leap into the land of conclusions.
As for needing it, Some folk drink to be sociable some because it's their only friend.

“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
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Old 21-12-2012, 11:30   #67
I am Banned

Re: Wandering off thread

Originally Posted by Neil View Post
Where is above and where is below the lamp?

Seeing as most people born around here are born in Burnley General there are not many true Gobbinners left
Sorry Neil I wasn’t ignoring you but with all the cyber shin kicking* and click baiting** going on here your post got shunted down the thread.
The Gobbin Lamp is situated outside the Oswaldtwistle library, I feel sure there’s a thread on here dealing with the very subject but back in the day it used to stand in the gardens at the front of the library.
It’s my understanding that you were defined a “gobbinner” not by birth but by location, if I am wrong I am sure somebody (Retlaw ***) will put me right. So it’s not like the cockney born within the sound of Bow Bells thing, because for one thing a lamp has no sound (cb alert**** here) and if it was under the light of the lamp one would have had to be born either in the gardens or at best on the pavement. I am sure there will be a clamour of real real gobbinners telling me they were indeed born on the pavement but I think it best to ignore those attention seekers and dolichocecephalics (cb alert here Mog)

· * Cyber shin kicking, a bit like the the Bacup Coconutters but without the clogs, bells and black faces.
· ** Click baiting, miss spelling something or wrongly identifying a place e.g typing Atlas Street instead of Wellington Street and then waiting for somebody (usually Retlaw) to shout in his big bad bold font and throw his bag of pendant dust at you)

Note to self: get Retlaw some finer grain pedant dust for Christmas.
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Old 21-12-2012, 11:32   #68
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Re: Wandering off thread work here is done!
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Old 21-12-2012, 12:18   #69
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Re: Wandering off thread

Well as i never P.Md yeh wi a guess heres mine, D would be First Name,P would be last,47 would be year of birth, hardly n enigma code i know, but thats my thoughts.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 21-12-2012, 13:28   #70
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: Wandering off thread

Originally Posted by DtheP47 View Post
Well yes alcohol was involved Mr C, I'd been to the Forts Christmas Quiz and JBE's questions on Christmas smells were ****e sh one t
No real reason to quote this post, except it's the shortest of your juvenile rants.
Could I just draw the attention of the don't knock the newbie crowd, (all of whom have been very quiet).
That i did state you are a troll in my what I don't want for Christmas thread.
You are now in rant mode, obviously the world is against you, but fear not, some daft sod will come to your defence and claim you've still been bullied.
Actually compared to most nutters you've been treated with far too much tolerance, I think its time the gloves came off.
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
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Last edited by Less; 21-12-2012 at 13:30.
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Old 21-12-2012, 13:30   #71
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Re: Wandering off thread

Originally Posted by DtheP47 View Post
I am sure there will be a clamour of real real gobbinners telling me they were indeed born on the pavement but I think it best to ignore those attention seekers and dolichocecephalics (cb alert here Mog)

· * Cyber shin kicking, a bit like the the Bacup Coconutters but without the clogs, bells and black faces.
· ** Click baiting, miss spelling something or wrongly identifying a place e.g typing Atlas Street instead of Wellington Street and then waiting for somebody (usually Retlaw) to shout in his big bad bold font and throw his bag of pendant dust at you)
Originally Posted by DtheP47 View Post
"An interesting fact about Greylag geese is that they were once considered sacred by the Romans after reportedly saving the city of Rome in 390 BC. When the Gauls tried to climb in, the geese warned the Romans with their loud calls about the attempted invasion. After this, believed that the geese were sacred and it was ordered that the geese were to not be eaten in Pre-Roman Britain."
(cb alert here Retlaw) see below.

Sodit Retlaw I’ll do it for you:

I would doubt the validity of the last sentence in that quote.
Caesar was about 300 years later to start with,
and he only spent three months in Britain anyway.
How he could order that geese not be eaten in Pre-Roman
Britain is quite beyond me....
(I know it says 'it was ordered' not 'he ordered'
but the Ancient Brits wouldn't have heard of this edifying tale,
and wouldn't have stopped eating greylags, brents or
pinkfeet as a result of it. It's another of those unchecked 'facts'.
Oh I am enjoying this thread and learning so much too...

If I maybe allowed to throw a little pedant dust as well...
a) because I can
b) because I want to
c) it's Christmas and I just feel like it

First, our esteemed local(ish) Morris dancers go by the name of the Britannia Coco-nut dancers of Bacup, or just Coco-nutters. The hyphen appears to not be mandatory and is sometimes not seen. But not the Bacup Coconutters please.

Second, I would be interested to know what dolichocephaly (check your spelling BTW) has to do with attention-seeking gobbiners. If you are implying any sort of abnormality or deficiency on their part I find that rather offensive.

Third, you rather spoilt your attempt at a dig at Retlaw by missing out the word "Caesar" from the last sentence of the first part of your reply about geese. Yes I have checked your reference and it's there.

What bird was credited with saving Rome from the Gauls in 390BC?

Phew I feel better after that!
Let sleeping polar bears lie...
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Old 21-12-2012, 13:32   #72
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Re: Wandering off thread

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
Well as i never P.Md yeh wi a guess heres mine, D would be First Name,P would be last,47 would be year of birth, hardly n enigma code i know, but thats my thoughts.
Top of the class Cashy, my thoughts too or are we not thinking outside the box?
Let sleeping polar bears lie...
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Old 21-12-2012, 13:48   #73
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Re: Wandering off thread

well, I have a D.P. living with me(married -sigh)...but I can assure you it isn't him that is posting this stuff.
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Old 21-12-2012, 13:56   #74
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Re: Wandering off thread

Originally Posted by susie123 View Post
Top of the class Cashy, my thoughts too or are we not thinking outside the box?
I don't care what it means, I just wish folk like this had their fingers chopped off preventing them using a keyboard.
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
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Old 21-12-2012, 14:12   #75
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Re: Wandering off thread

Wow, 'dolichocephalic'- what a grand word, especially when you throw in a spare 'ce' just for good measure.
Imagine holding a conversation with DtheP- either you wait ages while he looks up all these grand words and tries to make a coherent sentence out of them or- God forbid, he doesn't need to look them up so talks like that all the time!
Either way must be seriously boring.
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