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Old 28-12-2007, 23:00   #211
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Re: what annoys you?

Originally Posted by Aleks View Post
Moan moan moan
And then there are those annoying folks who feel they have to respond to absolutely everything. Trying to bring one's comments down by sheer idiocy or a merely incompassionate/uncalled for "moan!"

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Old 28-12-2007, 23:03   #212
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Re: what annoys you?

Originally Posted by onlyme View Post
This thread, and the issues people have with you, is nothing to do with jumping to conclusions, it is about generalising and judging on first appearances. Your tsatement of fat people annoying you was out of order, and the sooner you hold your hand up to that one, the better!
Have to agree. How about it Blazey?
If time travel were possible, wouldn't somebody have been back or forward and told us by now?
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Old 29-12-2007, 00:02   #213
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Re: what annoys you?

Originally Posted by onlyme View Post
This thread, and the issues people have with you, is nothing to do with jumping to conclusions, it is about generalising and judging on first appearances. Your tsatement of fat people annoying you was out of order, and the sooner you hold your hand up to that one, the better!
agreed, Difficult one that though, you dont need brains its common sense n decency thats required.
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Old 29-12-2007, 01:06   #214

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Re: what annoys you?

sorry it double posted
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Old 29-12-2007, 01:06   #215

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Re: what annoys you?

Originally Posted by onlyme View Post
Your statement of fat people annoying you was out of order, and the sooner you hold your hand up to that one, the better!
Why is it out of order? If it is what she thinks then its up to her. Its only like me saying I hate it when I am stuck in a queue next to some dirty smelly person who probably hasn't washed for months, like I was in Asda the other day. So now am I a bad person for calling people who don't wash?

We all have likes and dislikes. Who says one persons has to be the same as the nexts?
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Old 29-12-2007, 01:13   #216
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Re: what annoys you?

Originally Posted by Neil View Post
Why is it out of order? If it is what she thinks then its up to her. Its only like me saying I hate it when I am stuck in a queue next to some dirty smelly person who probably hasn't washed for months, like I was in Asda the other day. So now am I a bad person for calling people who don't wash?

We all have likes and dislikes. Who says one persons has to be the same as the nexts?
i'll tell ya why neil, cos a dirty smelly person who aint washed in supermarket has NO excuse.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 29-12-2007, 01:14   #217
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Re: what annoys you?

Originally Posted by Neil View Post
Why is it out of order? If it is what she thinks then its up to her. Its only like me saying I hate it when I am stuck in a queue next to some dirty smelly person who probably hasn't washed for months, like I was in Asda the other day. So now am I a bad person for calling people who don't wash?

We all have likes and dislikes. Who says one persons has to be the same as the nexts?
People have the option of washing, as well you know. Bar of soap = 20p or thereabouts…stop bein antagonistic. Int nice bein next to some smelly ****** tho, must admit
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Old 29-12-2007, 01:32   #218
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Re: what annoys you?

Even though I think she (Blazey) can be a bit ditz at times (after all who else would ask on Accy web if anyone had experience about using sex organ enlargement medication for their 'suggested at' gay boy-friend) .
The girl has a right to her opinions , lets face it sizism is a big problem , who can honestly say they have never sat at red light and watched with a smirk as a tubby has tried to make to the other side before the light changed .
I just thank God I am not one who has to teach her at university
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Old 29-12-2007, 01:32   #219
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Re: what annoys you?

I am not going to apologise for finding fat people annoying, whether they have an 'excuse' for being fat or not, its still annoying and horrible.

Paedophiles have been given a medical excuse, do you like them more, tolerate them any more than before? Most of you have been ranting on about someone who had sex with a 14yr old for days, should you tolerate him because he has a medical 'excuse' if he's dubbed a paedophile? No, alot of you would say you hate him and want him dead. I didn't say I wanted fat people dead, i said I would rather they weren't fat because its unsightly.

I am entitled to my own opinion, and if it offends people, then who cares? Life is full of things that offend, its not something you can easily avoid unless you lock yourself in your house and do nothing at all. I'm not going to change my viewpoint just to make people happy, that would make me fake and untrue to myself. How many of you are fake just to satisfy others I wonder? Because right now it seems that there are very few on this forum who are true enough to themselves to say what they think rather than saying 'i agree with...(fill in the gap with the forums favourite members username)' so you wont get shot down.
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Old 29-12-2007, 03:21   #220
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Re: what annoys you?

Originally Posted by blazey View Post
I am not going to apologise for finding fat people annoying, whether they have an 'excuse' for being fat or not, its still annoying and horrible.

Paedophiles have been given a medical excuse, do you like them more, tolerate them any more than before? Most of you have been ranting on about someone who had sex with a 14yr old for days, should you tolerate him because he has a medical 'excuse' if he's dubbed a paedophile? No, alot of you would say you hate him and want him dead. I didn't say I wanted fat people dead, i said I would rather they weren't fat because its unsightly.

I am entitled to my own opinion, and if it offends people, then who cares? Life is full of things that offend, its not something you can easily avoid unless you lock yourself in your house and do nothing at all. I'm not going to change my viewpoint just to make people happy, that would make me fake and untrue to myself. How many of you are fake just to satisfy others I wonder? Because right now it seems that there are very few on this forum who are true enough to themselves to say what they think rather than saying 'i agree with...(fill in the gap with the forums favourite members username)' so you wont get shot down.
Though you had a crying hissy fit, after your pet lizard died.

After I said was that every cloud has a silver lining, and posted a picture of a handbag. Albeit a lizard skin handbag.

In my opinion, that was funny.
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Old 29-12-2007, 03:23   #221
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Re: what annoys you?

Children who don't want to get burnt, shouldn't play with my opinion.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 29-12-2007, 04:22   #222
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Re: what annoys you?

I get annoyed at being brought into peoples arguments when the argument has nothing to do with me and I dont even want to get involved

I also get annoyed when people tell me not to look at threads on forums because its obvious thats going to make me take a peep
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Old 29-12-2007, 09:37   #223
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Re: what annoys you?

[quote=Neil;509039]Why is it out of order? If it is what she thinks then its up to her. Its only like me saying I hate it when I am stuck in a queue next to some dirty smelly person who probably hasn't washed for months, like I was in Asda the other day. So now am I a bad person for calling people who don't wash?

Not the same thing at all. Blazey stated she hates fat people. The equivalent would be 'i hate smelly people', where i'm sure all of us have been a bit 'whiffy' at some point in our lives. My point is its a huge generalistaion without going into the background of why.

And Blazey, I, for one, dont change my opinion to fit in with the crowd. If I dont agree with someone on here, I'm not scared of arguing the point with my thoughts, and listening to other opinions. If people agree with me great, if they come up with a valid argument, I may agree with them, surely thats the point of this kind of forum.

Its all too easy to hide behind a computer screen making sly comments that can be aimed at certain members of the forum. I'm not sure if you are very clever, or extremely stupid and insensitive.

A womans weight, especially to those that have been slimmer in the past, is a very touchy subject, and you have hit upon these sensitivities to attack every person that is worried about their appearance. Who are you to judge them? And why do you feel the need to in the first place? You knew when you typed your statement exactly the reaction you would have. Why do it?

And to state paedophaelia is a medical condition is probably the weakest argument you have come out with so far. No one can explain why a paedophile does what he does, but it certainly cannot be used in an debate such as this one. A paedophile hurts and interferes with the innocence of youth, are saying that is the same with people with a weight problem? I would imagine for people that have been subject to sexual abuse as a minor, that statement in itself is extremely offensive and upsetting.

And if you are looking for a career in law, I think you should start opening your eyes a little more to let in the wider picture as oopose to seeing everything in black and white.

At the end of the day Blazey, you have come out with a ludicrous statement, purpely to cause upset and reaction. Good luck in your mission to battle the world
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Old 29-12-2007, 10:02   #224
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Re: what annoys you?

Originally Posted by blazey View Post
I am entitled to my own opinion, and if it offends people, then who cares?

I think that just about sums it up.
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Old 29-12-2007, 10:58   #225
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Re: what annoys you?

Originally Posted by blazey View Post
Most of you have been ranting on about someone who had sex with a 14yr old for days, should you tolerate him because he has a medical 'excuse' if he's dubbed a paedophile? No, alot of you would say you hate him and want him dead. I didn't say I wanted fat people dead, i said I would rather they weren't fat because its unsightly.
I don't believe we have discussed someone having sex with a 14 year old - or have I missed a thread? If you are referring to the discussion I think you are referring to then I suggest that you should get your facts right first. Not good for someone who is planning a career in law.

You didn't say you would prefer fat people not to be fat. You said you hate us. It is incredibly immature to hate someone who has never done you any harm but at least you were honest about it and I now know that although you don't even know me, you hate me.

Do you imagine for one moment that fat people enjoy being fat and wouldn't rather be slim? If only it was as easy as slim people think it is. Why do you imagine there are all these things like WeightWatchers and Slimming World? Even people who have won Slimmer of the Year often end up fatter than they were before. It isn't all about being a pig and stuffing your face but slim people just cannot understand that. Many of you have a 'holier than thou' attitude because you are fortunate enough not to have the problem.

We had a debate similar to this once before when a slim member of the forum said that no-one is ever offensive to fat people because it isn't PC but they insult skinny people like the waif thin supermodels. In my experience people are incredibly offensive to fat people. Now I dislike seeing people with their bones poking out of their skin and who just look like walking coathangers when modelling but I wouldn't say I hate them. I just hate the image they portray which is acheived by unnatural means and often ends up harming the person.

Of course I'd love to be slim. I have managed to lose a little this past 6 months. I haven't pigged out over Christmas on cake, trifle, pudding. In fact I can't physically eat as much as some people but it looks like I eat more because I eat more slowly. If I'm going out anywhere where there will be food (like an AccyWeb do) then I don't eat prior to that because I know I wouldn't be able to eat what was there.

I don't know what it's like for other fat people because everyone is different but I certainly don't enjoy it and if I could succeed in becoming slim again I hope I can manage to keep it off until I die.

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