Originally Posted by blazey
Got to hate fat people too. Why don't they just stop eating so much crap and exercise instead of taking up so much space?
Global warming is caused by fat people 
So far I have avoided replying to this post, however I think I should give Blazey the benefit of my wisdom which only comes through age and life experience.
Up to having my son I was 8st 8lb and a size 8, even after having my son I was one of the lucky ones who shed my baby weight easily. I have always eaten healthily and exercised at least 3 times a week, that is until I had an accident 4 years ago in which I suffered a permanent trapped nerve in my neck and 4 prolapsed discs in my lumbar spine. Although I still eat healthily, my disabilities hinder me from doing my step aerobics, playing sports and lifting weights. Because I am not as active as I once was - I am now classed as overweight. I could use my accident as an excuse to do nothing, eat more and accept that I have limitations, however I refuse to do that, I constantly push myself to try even through severe pain and discomfort. So do you really hate me for being fat or do I even deserve your hatred?
At the age of 18, I was very much like Blazey, said exactly what I thought without even realising the impact it has on others, and the hurt & anger it causes. I also detested fat people and believed that it was all their own fault for eating rubbish and not exercising! I only realized how hurtful this comment was when I heard someone say a similar thing in a room full of my relatives of which probably half were overweight, it is surprising how your own attitude changes when you are defending people that you love and you notice how visibly hurt & upset they were by the comment made.
Blazey as you go through life you will realise that not everyone can be taken at face value, older relatives, friends & colleagues give you the benefit of their advice but you think you know better even though you are very inexperienced in life in general. I was always told I had an answer or an excuse for everything - as you get older the realisation dawns on you that the people who challenged you were in the most part correct and that the majority of the advice they gave you was really for your own good.
I lost a few jobs in my youth for being lippy & not knowing when to keep the quips to myself, I also shot myself in the foot so many times at interviews and lost friends because of my so-called honesty and I'll say what I think attitude. Like you, I also threw arguments back like 'you did this or you said that or you're a hypocrite' to try and justify my own poor behaviour or thoughtlessness, I always said that I didn't care what others thought of me, they didn't matter - I was a complete & utter spoilt selfish brat and am now thoroughly ashamed of my behaviour and some of the ignorant comments I made.
Before I make any comments or jump to conclusions I always try to stop & think about what I'm trying to say, although sometimes I admit that I still can't help myself. However, I now have the humility to acknowledge when I am wrong and apologise for any offence caused. If you had really thought or listened to what people have said to you in this thread I would expect that you would have the maturity to at least apologise to those you offended and post a coherant explanation of your original statement - For example - I'm sorry my original post came across wrong what I meant to say is I hate people who over-eat, don't exercise and do nothing about it, then go on TV expecting sympathy or drain NHS resources. To me this is a valid statement and a legitimate argument and I don't think anyone could take offense to that.
You do have the right to express your opinion - I just think you could show some thought for others and choose your words more carefully. Always remember that you alone are responsible for your words and actions and that both have consequences not only for others but for yourself too.