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Old 16-11-2012, 13:12   #16
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Re: What you didn't know about Father Christmas.

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
You didn't factor in, the fact that Santa has magic on his theory for the price being left on
thats just the temp elves staff, who only get shipped in for the christmas rush, and dont care about the job cos they arent there after the season ends!
Hey fiddle-dee-dee, its the green dotted line for me!

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Old 16-11-2012, 13:13   #17
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Re: What you didn't know about Father Christmas.

and here is the scientific answer for you sugarmouse.

Just how does Santa get round Earth in one night? By exploiting the space-time continuum | Mail Online
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Old 16-11-2012, 14:29   #18
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Re: What you didn't know about Father Christmas.

Originally Posted by sugarmouse0707 View Post
Never did trust that Santa bloke. I remember when I was about five, lying in bed on xmas eve thinking 'Hang on a minute how the chuff can this poor dude get around EVERY house in the world, (I didn't know about third world debt and stuff back then) , in one night!Nah sorry Mummy and Daddy, not buying it!Plus you leave the price on everything!
It ain't really all that hard to believe in Santa (or "Satan" if you are dyslexic) when you consider all the odd-ball things that millions of humans believe in ... the Triune god for example: good cop, bad cop, and a ghost all rolled into one ... mmm, what are those christians smoking? And where can I get me some? And the Earth created in seven days! No wonder it's such a screwed up place; it was a goddam rush job ... jerry built. And how about, "hey, all I have to do is strap a bunch of explosives to myself, set them off as I sit down on the bus, and I will get how many virgins?" Just as weird as believing in Santa, and a hell of a lot more dangerous. And zombies. And Sasquatches. Hey, we almost had a moron ... oops "mormon" ... as President of the US Personally, I would prefer one who believed in Santa ... one who would be a lot less likely to say: "What would happen if I turned this key and pushed this red button?" The Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy are ok ... and quite harmless. Gotta go. I have aliens at my front door disguised as JWs.
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Old 16-11-2012, 16:13   #19
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Re: What you didn't know about Father Christmas.

[QUOTE=Eric;1028164And the Earth created in seven days! No wonder it's such a screwed up place; it was a goddam rush job ... jerry built. [/QUOTE]

Whoa, hang on, the place was built to a price, it was done to God's specifications, we, the contractors didn't have any say in the matter, just a quick sigh as you looked at the way everything was being pieced together was enough to have you moved to an everlasting hell...

Ve vere only carrying out orders!
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Old 16-11-2012, 16:37   #20
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Re: What you didn't know about Father Christmas.

Originally Posted by Less View Post
Whoa, hang on, the place was built to a price, it was done to God's specifications, we, the contractors didn't have any say in the matter, just a quick sigh as you looked at the way everything was being pieced together was enough to have you moved to an everlasting hell...

Ve vere only carrying out orders!
So that's the explanation for St James's church wall!
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Old 16-11-2012, 17:05   #21
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Re: What you didn't know about Father Christmas.

Originally Posted by Less View Post
Whoa, hang on, the place was built to a price, it was done to God's specifications, we, the contractors didn't have any say in the matter, just a quick sigh as you looked at the way everything was being pieced together was enough to have you moved to an everlasting hell...

Ve vere only carrying out orders!
I didn't mean that kind of jerry ... and if sighing got folks sent to an everalsting hell, Yorkshire would be bulging at the seams
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Old 16-11-2012, 18:51   #22
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Re: What you didn't know about Father Christmas.

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
You didn't factor in, the fact that Santa has magic on his theory for the price being left on
Hmm, I think by the age of five I was a bit too jaded to believe in magic! But you're right!
Originally Posted by Eric View Post
It ain't really all that hard to believe in Santa (or "Satan" if you are dyslexic) when you consider all the odd-ball things that millions of humans believe in ... the Triune god for example: good cop, bad cop, and a ghost all rolled into one ... mmm, what are those christians smoking? And where can I get me some? And the Earth created in seven days! No wonder it's such a screwed up place; it was a goddam rush job ... jerry built. And how about, "hey, all I have to do is strap a bunch of explosives to myself, set them off as I sit down on the bus, and I will get how many virgins?" Just as weird as believing in Santa, and a hell of a lot more dangerous. And zombies. And Sasquatches. Hey, we almost had a moron ... oops "mormon" ... as President of the US Personally, I would prefer one who believed in Santa ... one who would be a lot less likely to say: "What would happen if I turned this key and pushed this red button?" The Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy are ok ... and quite harmless. Gotta go. I have aliens at my front door disguised as JWs.
I am in total agreement! I had a debate about this with one woman recently who was all against bringing her kids up to be any religion but insisted they still believe in Santa and the Tooth Fairy.
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Last edited by Sunflower49; 16-11-2012 at 18:53.
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Old 16-11-2012, 19:30   #23
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Re: What you didn't know about Father Christmas.

Originally Posted by sugarmouse0707 View Post
Hmm, I think by the age of five I was a bit too jaded to believe in magic! But you're right!
How can one so young be so hadn't had nearly enough life experience to cause such cynicism..

I still believe in magic.(but I have to take my regular anti cynicicsm pills)
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Old 17-11-2012, 06:31   #24
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Re: What you didn't know about Father Christmas.

Originally Posted by sugarmouse0707 View Post
and the Tooth Fairy.
The Tooth Fairy is more believable than creationism.

How can people follow this crap? watching a film I just recently I learned that, If your baby dies and it hasn't been baptised; it will go to hell. Is their no bottom to how evil these morons are?
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Old 17-11-2012, 09:03   #25
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Re: What you didn't know about Father Christmas.

Originally Posted by Restless View Post
The Tooth Fairy is more believable than creationism.

How can people follow this crap? watching a film I just recently I learned that, If your baby dies and it hasn't been baptised; it will go to hell. Is their no bottom to how evil these morons are?
my mum was catholic, and we had rows over this, as i wouldnt get any of mine done, i refused to label them as any religion, and would rather bring them up with a knowledge of all religions and when they were old enough they could make up their own mind, now they are grown up, not one of them has decided to have it done
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Old 17-11-2012, 16:53   #26
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Re: What you didn't know about Father Christmas.

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
Well reindeer eat these mushrooms then the shamans used to drink the reindeer wee that had the chemical from the mushrooms in metabolised into more safer compound for human consumption. The shamans then hallucinated the reindeer flying - also the shamans used to take gifts to people around the winter equinox - which is Christmas time. So it all fits in embelished with other bits and bobs; like St Nicolas giving gifts to poor children etc etc.
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Old 17-11-2012, 17:31   #27
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Re: What you didn't know about Father Christmas.

Originally Posted by kestrelx View Post
Well reindeer eat these mushrooms then the shamans used to drink the reindeer wee that had the chemical from the mushrooms in metabolised into more safer compound for human consumption. The shamans then hallucinated the reindeer flying - also the shamans used to take gifts to people around the winter equinox - which is Christmas time. So it all fits in embelished with other bits and bobs; like St Nicolas giving gifts to poor children etc etc.
It didn't say that in the link! It said something about the time-space continuum...and that time and space are elastic.
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Old 17-11-2012, 17:54   #28
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Re: What you didn't know about Father Christmas.

Originally Posted by kestrelx View Post
Well reindeer eat these mushrooms then the shamans used to drink the reindeer wee that had the chemical from the mushrooms in metabolised into more safer compound for human consumption. The shamans then hallucinated the reindeer flying - also the shamans used to take gifts to people around the winter equinox - which is Christmas time. So it all fits in embelished with other bits and bobs; like St Nicolas giving gifts to poor children etc etc.
Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
It didn't say that in the link! It said something about the time-space continuum...and that time and space are elastic.
I think the eating of magic mushrooms was around long before anyone postulated the space-time continuum.

Apparently a scientist has worked out that reindeer, just like us, get bored in the long winter nights and eat the fungi for amusement - how he worked that one out I really don't know...

Reindeer, Other Animals Get High On Magic Mushrooms, Scientist Claims

PS Just a little correction, Kes - it's winter solstice, not equinox...
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Old 17-11-2012, 18:14   #29
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Re: What you didn't know about Father Christmas.

Well the Jesus walking on water "miracle" proven as fake bullpoop by fantastic magician dynamo...

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Old 17-11-2012, 18:53   #30
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Re: What you didn't know about Father Christmas.

Originally Posted by susie123 View Post
I think the eating of magic mushrooms was around long before anyone postulated the space-time continuum.

Apparently a scientist has worked out that reindeer, just like us, get bored in the long winter nights and eat the fungi for amusement - how he worked that one out I really don't know...

Reindeer, Other Animals Get High On Magic Mushrooms, Scientist Claims

PS Just a little correction, Kes - it's winter solstice, not equinox...
Yes, it probably was....but it existed before the scientists postulated it....... We just didn't know it existed.

As for the scientist expostulating about bored reindeer.......I think that was just some kind of projected justification(JMO)
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