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Old 17-11-2012, 19:24   #31
Resting In Peace
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Re: What you didn't know about Father Christmas.

My favourite depiction of Father Christmas is the comic book of that name by Raymond Briggs, from the 1970s, where he is depicted as rather grumpy and not at all pleased at having to go out and do his job, just like most people. I'd like to think of him having a drink of reindeer urine just to keep him going on his rounds.

Sadly out of print I think and my copy has been read over and over - I love that book. There are some pages from it illustrated in this article:

Every Day Is Like Wednesday: Some of Raymond Briggs' children's books, which are actually comics
Let sleeping polar bears lie...
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Old 18-11-2012, 00:06   #32
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Re: What you didn't know about Father Christmas.

Originally Posted by susie123 View Post
I think the eating of magic mushrooms was around long before anyone postulated the space-time continuum.

Apparently a scientist has worked out that reindeer, just like us, get bored in the long winter nights and eat the fungi for amusement - how he worked that one out I really don't know...

Reindeer, Other Animals Get High On Magic Mushrooms, Scientist Claims

PS Just a little correction, Kes - it's winter solstice, not equinox...
Mmmmm schrooms And in British California they grow wild ... and they are LEGAL O Canada, my home on native land
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Old 18-11-2012, 10:30   #33
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Re: What you didn't know about Father Christmas.

I love eating mushrooms.

fried in bacon fat; with my breakfast!
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Old 18-11-2012, 10:46   #34
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Re: What you didn't know about Father Christmas.

Originally Posted by Restless View Post
The Tooth Fairy is more believable than creationism.

How can people follow this crap? watching a film I just recently I learned that, If your baby dies and it hasn't been baptised; it will go to hell. Is their no bottom to how evil these morons are?
At the age of 6, when they tried to make us accept this at Junior school I decided that it was all untrue and a load of rubbish. The other thing was that we were all born stained by original sin which seemed terribly unfair as well. The babies, however, didn't even get to go to hell -which to some people sounds like it might be quite fun -they got sent to Limbo - a sort of no-man's-land where nothing ever happens. Tortured by boredom to eternity -that really sounds hellish!
I wonder if Father Christmas makes it to Limbo as he travels round in his space-time continuum handing out pressies for all...he forgot me last year by the way (just in case he's reading this)

“Beauty is an experience, nothing else. It is not a fixed pattern or an arrangement of features. It is something felt, a glow or a communicated sense of fineness.”
~ D. H. Lawrence
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Old 18-11-2012, 11:21   #35
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Re: What you didn't know about Father Christmas.

Dianne...maybe he didn't 'forget' you....maybe you had been too naughty even for a sack of cinders .
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
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Old 18-11-2012, 18:28   #36
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Re: What you didn't know about Father Christmas.

Originally Posted by mobertol View Post
At the age of 6, when they tried to make us accept this at Junior school I decided that it was all untrue and a load of rubbish. The other thing was that we were all born stained by original sin which seemed terribly unfair as well. The babies, however, didn't even get to go to hell -which to some people sounds like it might be quite fun -they got sent to Limbo - a sort of no-man's-land where nothing ever happens. Tortured by boredom to eternity -that really sounds hellish!
I wonder if Father Christmas makes it to Limbo as he travels round in his space-time continuum handing out pressies for all...he forgot me last year by the way (just in case he's reading this)
I think Santa is a little too rotund for limbo ... but it doesn't look like much of a "no-man's-land". In fact, looks like a lot of fun Not at all boring.

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Old 19-11-2012, 01:41   #37
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Re: What you didn't know about Father Christmas.

Originally Posted by mobertol View Post
At the age of 6, when they tried to make us accept this at Junior school I decided that it was all untrue and a load of rubbish. The other thing was that we were all born stained by original sin which seemed terribly unfair as well. The babies, however, didn't even get to go to hell -which to some people sounds like it might be quite fun -they got sent to Limbo - a sort of no-man's-land where nothing ever happens. Tortured by boredom to eternity -that really sounds hellish!
I wonder if Father Christmas makes it to Limbo as he travels round in his space-time continuum handing out pressies for all...he forgot me last year by the way (just in case he's reading this)
I was a bit like this, going to a very strict C of E junior school, I was listening to an assembley speech regards God, and they said something like 'We worry that because we are so small and insignificant, we worry that god won't care about us. Well, the truth is not a single bird falls without god knowing about it. If he cares so much for little birds, how much more must he care for people!'
And I thought, what a load of absolute tosh. For a start, I was very overweight and certainly didn't think of myself as 'small'. And also, why did size run relative to how much care is deserved?!'
It was then I decided school talked tosh. Lol
I was seven at the time I think.
Life is 10% what happens to you-and 90% your reaction to it.
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Old 19-11-2012, 14:42   #38
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Re: What you didn't know about Father Christmas.

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
Dianne...maybe he didn't 'forget' you....maybe you had been too naughty even for a sack of cinders .
I'll have you know I'm a paragon of virtue

“Beauty is an experience, nothing else. It is not a fixed pattern or an arrangement of features. It is something felt, a glow or a communicated sense of fineness.”
~ D. H. Lawrence
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Old 19-11-2012, 15:23   #39
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Re: What you didn't know about Father Christmas.

Well, you should get something is only the bad girls and boys who don't get nice gifts.
(if it is any consolation...I don't get anything either)
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
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Old 19-11-2012, 15:52   #40
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Re: What you didn't know about Father Christmas.

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
(if it is any consolation...I don't get anything either)
I'd rather that than lots of tat just for the sake of it. I'd prefer folks to save their money and spend it on something they want for themselves.
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Old 19-11-2012, 19:05   #41
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Re: What you didn't know about Father Christmas.

Originally Posted by susie123 View Post
I'd rather that than lots of tat just for the sake of it. I'd prefer folks to save their money and spend it on something they want for themselves.
Not a bad idea ... I think I'll buy a tree I can smoke
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Old 19-11-2012, 20:14   #42
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Re: What you didn't know about Father Christmas.

Originally Posted by susie123 View Post
I'd rather that than lots of tat just for the sake of it. I'd prefer folks to save their money and spend it on something they want for themselves.
Well, the tat....has been bought with love and thoughts of you(even if it doesn't meet with your taste)......and it beats getting nothing.
You can always donate stuff you consider 'tat' to the charity shops.
I can't say that I give gifts 'just for the sake of it'....I usually shop for people who are important in my life...and I buy what I think they might like and enjoy....I always tell them that if they do not like what I have chosen they are free to give the gift on.....donate it...whatever pleases them.
I have in the past made gifts. Home made fudge, florentines, Christmas cakes, peanut or almond brittle. Peppermint creams and that sort of thing.
It is just to show that they are thought of...with love.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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Old 20-11-2012, 04:45   #43
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Re: What you didn't know about Father Christmas.

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
Well, the tat....has been bought with love and thoughts of you(even if it doesn't meet with your taste)......and it beats getting nothing.
You can always donate stuff you consider 'tat' to the charity shops.
I can't say that I give gifts 'just for the sake of it'....I usually shop for people who are important in my life...and I buy what I think they might like and enjoy....I always tell them that if they do not like what I have chosen they are free to give the gift on.....donate it...whatever pleases them.
I have in the past made gifts. Home made fudge, florentines, Christmas cakes, peanut or almond brittle. Peppermint creams and that sort of thing.
It is just to show that they are thought of...with love.
Put me down for the fudge and the peppermint creams
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Old 20-11-2012, 07:33   #44
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Re: What you didn't know about Father Christmas.

would that be rum and raisin fudge...and dark or Milk chocolate coated Eric ?

Alas, I don't make these things anymore...everyone, it seems, is watching their waistline.
Not least of these is himself..who was my number one taster!
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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Old 20-11-2012, 08:33   #45
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Re: What you didn't know about Father Christmas.

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
Well, the tat....has been bought with love and thoughts of you(even if it doesn't meet with your taste)......and it beats getting nothing.
You can always donate stuff you consider 'tat' to the charity shops.
I can't say that I give gifts 'just for the sake of it'....I usually shop for people who are important in my life...and I buy what I think they might like and enjoy....I always tell them that if they do not like what I have chosen they are free to give the gift on.....donate it...whatever pleases them.
I have in the past made gifts. Home made fudge, florentines, Christmas cakes, peanut or almond brittle. Peppermint creams and that sort of thing.
It is just to show that they are thought of...with love.
I also had a phase of making presents like that Margaret ginger bicuits were very popular over here as they don't have them. I made them as stars and iced some of them. I also make lovely chocolate truffles but like you say these days everyone is on a diet. My boys have stopped helping me do baking now too as they are a bit too old to think it's fun these days. I do like thinking up nice presents for people - but not all people are good recipients. Luckily I have one friend who really appreciates the thought I put into my gifts. For most of the rest I don't bother these days which is sad as I do like to give presents. My sons always seem to appreciate money these days as do most youngsters. I think they'd appreciate something like an I-pad but I can't afford such expensive things.

“Beauty is an experience, nothing else. It is not a fixed pattern or an arrangement of features. It is something felt, a glow or a communicated sense of fineness.”
~ D. H. Lawrence
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