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Old 31-08-2003, 21:07   #16
Neal Parry

Post Re: Whay gets you mad!

The thing that really annoys me is how an entire area or community can go downhill because a family with past problems have been given a home.  If the correct checks were done, this wouldn't happen.

I have experience with this from previous work, seeing a nice couple with a great garden requesting to leave their council home in Burnley after 20+ years because a nuisance family had moved in.  Fence ripped down, flowers damaged, bad language, threats, etc.

This is why I enjoy my position.  With this job you can get more involved with one problem, and then move onto the next!
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Accrington Web
Old 01-09-2003, 10:08   #17
Senior Member+

janet's Avatar

Post Re: Whay gets you mad!

area i used to live in has gone down hill in the last few years, glad i got out when i did. there's no bad area's really it's the people on them. The council dont seem to care. A friend of mine has had to sell her ex council house because of all the trouble with people on the street, If members of the council had to live in these area's then maybe something would be done about it.
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Old 01-09-2003, 14:05   #18
Accy Goddess

ANNE's Avatar

Post Re: Whay gets you mad!

When I went to fetch our bin in I was disguted at all the rubbish and bin bags in the ginnel. No need for it. It's a complete health risk people should be ashamed of them selves.
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Old 01-09-2003, 22:33   #19

Post Re: Whay gets you mad!

What gets me mad is just when LOTS of very small inconvinient things happen..... things like not being able to find a certain item of clothing, Looking for your fave cereal, opening the box, and only finding enough in there to fill a mug, attempting to make a coffee or tea, and finding theres no milk, going to the loo, and finding no toilet roll, sitting down to watch some TV and the batteries in the remote are dead, and theres non left in the house . . and so the list continues ;D
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Old 01-09-2003, 23:32   #20
Full Member

Post Re: Whay gets you mad!

i hate    having cornflakes with water because i  came home drunk and forgot there was no milk its strange the things you do  when drunk  
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Old 06-09-2003, 15:38   #21
Resting in Peace

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Post Re: Whay gets you mad!

just at the miniute the only thing that really gets me is this dam computer
its nearly gone out the window twice  
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Old 07-09-2003, 07:51   #22
Senior Member+

Post Re: Whay gets you mad!

judging other people on looks, bullies,litterbugs, people who drive up your backside on motorways and me mother who has just had our Sky turned off because we would not pay her monthly for having it under her address.Also people who go on holiday and do not respect the religion and feelings of the locals.But most of all what gets me mad is te governments of this world that will not introduce the DEATH PENALTY for people who abuse children.In this day and age with the Genetic fingerprint 99.9% sure.Even the pill only guarentees that much
BigMikDick from krautland
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Old 07-09-2003, 15:25   #23
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Caz's Avatar

Post Re: Whay gets you mad!

But most of all what gets me mad is te governments of this world that will not introduce the DEATH PENALTY for people who abuse children.In this day and age with the Genetic fingerprint 99.9% sure.Even the pill only guarentees that much
Getting on to a very dodgy subject here Mik!
At what level of abuse do you suggest we start to use the death penalty?

There is always room for error, no matter how little. Human, computerised or otherwise.
How often has medical science moved on, and proved itself wrong to some degree?
Genetic fingerprint evidence is not always available,  and circumstancial evidence is so often flawed.

And in any case taking out one offender does not stop the rest, as has been repeatedly proved.
Surely society should be looking for answers why, and how to deal with the problem,  rather than clearing up afterwards.

Besides, some would say the death penalty is the easiest option for the offender.

Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could do only a little.
- Edmund Burke

I am not young enough to know everything.
- Oscar Wilde
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Old 07-09-2003, 15:34   #24
I am Banned

Post Re: Whay gets you mad!

There is NO excuse IMHO for killing someone. Taking a life is wrong.. having the law on your side or having a so called good reason is no excuse..

Taking a life is wrong. Full Stop!
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Old 07-09-2003, 15:46   #25
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Post Re: Whay gets you mad!

Not saying it's not wrong, Harry. Not talking about offenders having the law on their side either.
I'm saying the system has so often been proved wrong.
And society seems to just go on clearing up the mess.
We need to find some answers.
Does taking someone out as a punishment make us any different in the long run.
Plus if an offender stops short of the worst scenario by the minutest degree, either by being stopped in the act or otherwise, does that mean we then don't give the death penalty?  
Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could do only a little.
- Edmund Burke

I am not young enough to know everything.
- Oscar Wilde
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Old 07-09-2003, 16:12   #26
I am Banned

Post Re: Whay gets you mad!

Well IMHO the death penalty means killing someone. And thats wrong..  the people who run the country decide on these things and are making a decision that its OK to kill someone if you have a good reason. ie: they can kill you if they think you deserve it.

How is that any different than anyone else killing someone for what they think is a good reason.. Its relative isn't it?

Its simple.. black and white simple... Killing is wrong.. Even if you have got together and made up a law to say its ok if your doing it as a punishment.. Taking a life is wrong.. There is no excuses or thin lines...

IMHO = In My Humble Opinion
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Old 07-09-2003, 16:23   #27
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Post Re: Whay gets you mad!

Think I was under a misapprehension there Harry. Sorry.Read the post wrong! Brain a bit addled today. I take it that we are of the same opinion then, that to bring the death penalty back would be wrong?
Or have I stil not got my thinking head on!
;D  ;D

It's all that orange juice last night!
Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could do only a little.
- Edmund Burke

I am not young enough to know everything.
- Oscar Wilde
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Old 07-09-2003, 16:27   #28
I am Banned

Post Re: Whay gets you mad!

We both disagree with the death penalty.

It could be my fault and the way I put my point accross.. Often leads to confusion
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Old 07-09-2003, 16:49   #29
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Post Re: Whay gets you mad!

It could be my fault and the way I put my point accross.. Often leads to confusion  
Me also! hehe!  ;D  ;D

Especially the morning after!

Spent half of last night talking into the big white phone!

Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could do only a little.
- Edmund Burke

I am not young enough to know everything.
- Oscar Wilde
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Old 07-09-2003, 18:27   #30
Resting in Peace

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Post Re: Whay gets you mad!

Mik was saying bring back the death penalty and science is 99.9% right
ok then .
if they did bring it back and you was the 00.1% i think you would change your mind very fast.
they got rid of the death penalty and it should stay that way its barbaric. :-/
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