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Old 29-08-2003, 05:23   #1
Full Member

Post Whay gets you mad!

What gets you mad?

people get me mad when they judge a person by the way they look and size what gives the right for a person to be so cruel to other people its whats inside that counts, reason put this in is when me and angie were out some guys thought it would be funny to show a female up in a pub saying no one else would fit in pub with the female being in it! she was doing no harm to anyone out enjoying herself like the rest of us! >
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Accrington Web
Old 29-08-2003, 10:49   #2
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Post Re: Whay gets you mad!

what gets me angry is a lot of people do not have the manners to thank you when you hold  the door open for them some people just take it for granted young and old alike. I say bring back good manners and respect for other people
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Old 29-08-2003, 11:01   #3
I am Banned

Post Re: Whay gets you mad!

I recently held a door open for a woman who isisted I went first because I was there first.. A bit confused I just held the door open like I usualy do and jestured with a smile for her to go.. She did while telling me i was just beign an awkward so and so.

Old people are the most bad mannered.. Why do they pick Doorways and middle of shopping ieles and the like to have a gathering and a chat

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Old 29-08-2003, 15:37   #4
I am Banned

Post Re: Whay gets you mad!

Its called human nature, It also happens to black people. tall people. little people.

It aint right. we all know it aint even logical.  But we all do it.. even you. Theres no way you ahvent looked at someone and thought ......

The moron you mention is in a different class and wants stringing up...... But first impressions and judging people by there looks is human nature... not a good thing.. but there

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Old 29-08-2003, 16:00   #5
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Post Re: Whay gets you mad!

The moron you mention is in a different class and wants stringing up.
Totally agree.
Usually the people who say this sort of thing out loud haven't the intelligence to say anything else!

Being short and slightly "round" myself I have come accross this occasionally.

Recently confronted someone about something in a civil manner. Because he couldn't think of anything to say he decided to give me abuse about my weight in front of a crowd of people.
Simply said to him -  OK, I may be quite big, I can diet -  but you're quite stupid, can you develop new brain cells?

Got a laugh!   ;D ;D ;D
Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could do only a little.
- Edmund Burke

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Old 29-08-2003, 16:26   #6
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Post Re: Whay gets you mad!

People who make sweeping generalisations.

Large people are lazy & greedy
Single parents are wasters
Anyone on benefits is a scrounger
Teenagers today are all troublemakers

But as Harryx says, it's a part human nature. Not a good part, but a fact of life. We just have to put up with these narrow minded idiots, we're unlikely to change their opinions.
Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could do only a little.
- Edmund Burke

I am not young enough to know everything.
- Oscar Wilde
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Old 29-08-2003, 17:12   #7
Accy Goddess

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Post Re: Whay gets you mad!

Work with old people Harry. They can be a bit like kds. Some can be bad mannered and some times quite shocking but on the other hand some are dead nice and have interesting tales to tell.
It's like everything else in life good, bad and indifferent.
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Old 29-08-2003, 17:40   #8
I am Banned

Post Re: Whay gets you mad!

Really really old people are good.. I hope to be one some day
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Old 29-08-2003, 19:13   #9
Filthy / Gorgeous

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Bejeweled Blitz Champion!
Post Re: Whay gets you mad!

Must be getting old, as the amount of litter thrown about in this country is shameful. A few weeks ago while walking the dog, I came across a car, driven by an elderly lady stopped at a giveway. Her grandson was in the passenger seat, he looked about 12. He wound down the window and threw out a crisp packet. I picked it up, knocked on the window and gave it him back. Had to smile when his gran clipped him round the ear. That'll teach him, (especially if she has a right hook like my gran) >
Never put off until tomorrow what you can avoid altogether.

The views expressed here are my own and not necessarily those of my family, friends, employer, this site, my neighbours, hairdresser, dentist, GP, next door's dog or anyone else who knows me..
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Old 29-08-2003, 20:34   #10
Accy Goddess

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Post Re: Whay gets you mad!

Irrisponsible dog owners that let their animals foul our pavements and leave it for folks to step in. If people want animals they should look after them after all the dog cant clean its own mess up.
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Old 29-08-2003, 21:40   #11
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Post Re: Whay gets you mad!

I was born at a very early age...

And like you HarryX, always hold the door open for other people..
Most of the time with no thanks, but oh well, still do it.

I was brought up to to be well mannered & polite, which as my dad said.
costs nothing..

Once went out for a bike ride with my dad & he bought me a Milky Way.
I dropped the wrapper on the pavement & he gave me such a clout round the earole' :'(

He said "Take it home with you, and don't let me catch you dropping litter again!"

Never forgot that..( You want to see my ;D)
Witchfinder... Tatters in the Park
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Old 31-08-2003, 14:37   #12
Filthy / Gorgeous

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Post Re: Whay gets you mad!

[quote author=ANNE link=board=anything;num=1062134586;start=0#9 date=08/29/03 at 21:34:42]Irrisponsible dog owners that let their animals foul our pavements and leave it for folks to step in. If people want animals they should look after them after all the dog cant clean its own mess up.[/quote]

Well said Anne. I always clean up after my dog. There's really nothing worse than treading on a dog egg! for want of a better word. Especially when you are wearing sandals - which has happened to me in the past. Think I'd better start looking where I'm going :-[
Never put off until tomorrow what you can avoid altogether.

The views expressed here are my own and not necessarily those of my family, friends, employer, this site, my neighbours, hairdresser, dentist, GP, next door's dog or anyone else who knows me..
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Old 31-08-2003, 14:50   #13
Accy Goddess

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Post Re: Whay gets you mad!

Whats even worse Lettie is when the kids stand in it. The mess, it ends up everywere. Then it ends up on there hands and they could be catching alsorts.
There is No need in this day and age. Has you'l agree being a responsible dog owner.
Takes seconds to pop a couple of carrier bag or poop scoop in your bag or pocket and plenty of bins around the place.
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Old 31-08-2003, 19:18   #14
Junior Member+

Post Re: Whay gets you mad!

people spitting enrages me, if you have to do it do it in a tissue, and when people just discard rubbish onto the floor without giving a second thought >
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Old 31-08-2003, 19:32   #15
Senior Member

Post Re: Whay gets you mad!

People crossing the road when they can hear / see a siren.  They should wait until either they can't hear it anymore or it has passed.  If they were ever in the back of an ambulance with siren going waiting for someone to cross, they would never do it again.  It really upsets me.

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