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After an incident at work on Saturday morning what is the worst you can do at work?
As we were only in untill 12 we ordered breakfast for the 20 or so boddies there. This included a manager who wanted a bacon roll. Now one of the guys said that this manager had gone home so his bacon roll was in the office. One of my workmates offered it round so as there was no takers he decided it would go to waste. A couple of bites in and the manager reappears looking for his bacon roll. In a fit of panic the offender tried to hide it. The rest of the rome were ****ing themselves laughing at the panic it this poor sod. The manager couldnt say owt and was told by the bacon roll pincher that it wasnt a good roll anyway. Still has his job at the moment but not sure for how long.
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After an incident at work on Saturday morning what is the worst you can do at work?
Turn up
He turned up this morning.
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an owd paddy who worked shifts wi me being shifts no canteen etc,put his steak, which was wrapped in tin foil in the oven, tea time gets it out couldn't cut it n was cursing his missus fer buying cheap crap meat, we were in stitches he tried to bite it, n discovered it had been replaced with strip of leather from n owd machine belt. was not amused specially when discovering his steak had been cooked n eaten.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
well i used to do drugs(i dont anymore so please no judging) but i guess the worst thing i did work is i ate a lot of weed(too much actually) and actually tried to make it through the day lifting boxes and i spent 3 hours on the toilet having a 'whitey'
When I had the job of visiting and interviewing newly separated women, I often spent mornings listening to stories of brutality, and afternoons putting it down on paper.
One day on return to the office I decided I needed to unwind by using yoga relaxation.
The other visitors hadn't got back yet, so I laid down between desks, stretched out, on my back with my eyes closed.
I nodded off and was wakened by a shriek.
So I don't recommend 'sleeping on the job'
Think the worst job I ever had was I my first week as a happyrentise at Townley's joiners on Burnley road. They were also undertakers and the Foreman came in the workshop and told me to get my coat we were going on a funeral. We went to this house, went upstairs, (I wasn't over keen to say the least) there was this old lady laid out on the bed, so the gaffer Say's to me you take the feet I'll take the head, we were just starting down stairs when she just flopped forward and let out a groan, I didn't stop running until I got back to the workshop as white as a sheet