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Ignoring the fact that this couple have obvious communications issues, after all, changing your broadband is never straightforward is it? No matter what this ad' claims.
I'm not talking about the annoying Am' dram' wannabes that burst into song ruining the atmosphere either.
The seriousness of the situation is about 15 seconds in, a waitress brings the hero a pint of lager and slams it onto the table (now that in itself is bad enough beer being wasted).
No, the problem that is most obvious about this pub is that the lager is flat, dead, lifeless not fit for purpose, just look at it sitting there on the table and then the poor soul actually puts it to his lips and drinks from the glass rather than insisting on a replacement. How do I know it's flat? If anyone with drinking experience has ever accidentally banged a lager onto a table it froths up like a volcano and empties the glass onto the surrounding area.
Isn't it time adverts reflected 'real' life?
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
A serious question indeed brother, one worthy of serious reflection. One should, of course, always expect and demand a decent beer when one slides hard-earned coin of the realm across the bar. However, in certain circumstances, one should drink in that bar. One should never refuse a free beer ... so, if one's buddy invites one to step into a pub where the beer is known to be sub-standard, and says "I'll buy", of course one would drink in that establishment. It is indeed a clash of values and standards; but bottom line is: free beer is good.
I think I'll pull another cold Dead Elephant out of the fridge, spark up a fat one, and give this dilemma more thought.
Gentlemen! It truly heartens me to see such wise, valid & timely counsel in matters dear to the heart. Verily does our Grand Wizard highlight the shortcomings & folly of this establishment, but then, so does Eric Emeritus, make a most equally telling observation concerning the social aspects of & around this nectar of Gods & Men.
And as such, wise counsel as that bespoken by connysewers, I too shall imbibe in a cooling draught from my very own stock & consider matters further.
__________________ I don't know half of you as well as I should like, and I like half of you, half as well as you deserve. (Bilbo Baggins)
Whilst the ale does look like crap, The waitress should be instantly dismissed treating any pint in that manner, That don't take much considering IMHO.
My dear Less, "length" is not of prime importance. It's something that mere women value and fret about. After all we are talking BEER ... and let's not forget ALE (nor spirits, nor wine (if there's nothing else)) It's more important than Harley Davidsons, classic cars, even hunting and fishing. The intensity of our feelings for beer (and other beverages ... rum comes immediately to mind) rivals, but certainly does not surpass, our love of canine companionship! It is depth of commitment we must consider. Talking of "depth", the beer in my glass is looking kinda shallow ... I'll give this question some more thought, and I will get back to you ... good lord willing and the creek don't rise.
This Add was filmed on the same P&O ferry as me and you where on less remember
Yes a hell trip for you, flat lager and foreign waiters!
Thank goodness there were no problems with the bitter or the ship may have docked minus two passengers.
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Not really an excuse ... mere "mitigating circumstances."
If a woman is so shallow that she treats a mans beer badly, there is absolutely no way she will be of any use in more basic duties such as zit bursting duties in the small of ones back where your arms can't quite reach.
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
If a woman is so shallow that she treats a mans beer badly, there is absolutely no way she will be of any use in more basic duties such as zit bursting duties in the small of ones back where your arms can't quite reach.
I wouldn't trust a woman to do that unless she had practiced her skills on live pigs in Denmark.
I'm a member of a small religious sect that believes God gave man dominion over all women.
Could this be why I'm single and have to squeeze my own?
Never thought of Islam as a "small ... sect".
However, I do suspect that, like most intelligent men, you have discovered that "single" is the natural state of a man. Of course, I have nothing against significant over night relationships. How splendid a life to discuss important stuff like beer, instead of surfing the web for ideas for yet another renovation of a perfectly good kitchen and a more than adequate, serviceable bog.