19-09-2006, 20:25
Resting in peace
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Re: You think your name is crap?
Originally Posted by chav1
there was a guy who once changed his name by depol after a falling out with his bank
mr yorkshire bank are theiving bas**rds was the name he used i think and they had to re issue his checqe book with the new name lol
 I Knew a bloke, his nickname were Mad Bob he was a painter and decorator, he got sent down for breaking a blokes leg, being a man of letters he studied horses form in jail. He came out and opened two accounts with William Hills, one in the name of R. Hood., the other in Mr. B. Lucky., and lucky he was, two and a half thousand quid he won, W. Hills., duly stopped said accounts.
Mad Bob decided to go on holliday to Blackpool and he took along with him his light of love Bess, the holliday lasted three hours, them shady Blackpool bookies had skint Mad Bob.
Poor Bess had to pay for the digs. ChinChin. 