14-11-2021, 06:31
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Your first ever date
Probably not a forum sort of thing but I thought this might be a bit of fun. After I had posted on another thread about Cashie most probably being able to remember his very first date, I thought I’d start a thread about the very first date ever that other members of Accy Web had. Was it an enjoyable date or a disaster? A bright night or a fright night?
What I consider my first proper ‘grown-up’ date was with a young man who was temporarily staying near where I lived. He was good-looking, smart, polite, and about 20. I think I was 16. We got talking one day and he told me where he came from, what he did for a living, lots of things about himself. Then he asked me if I would like to go on a date with him to a (wait for it) wrestling match. Am pretty sure it was at King George’s Hall. Had never seen wrestlers performing so I said I would love to, and that is what we did.
Forget the connotation, there was no ‘wrestling’ when we got back home. I had been a bit apprehensive about what would happen when he took me home and have to say I was a tad disappointed when he just said how much he had enjoyed the evening but didn’t even attempt to kiss me goodnight. Later on I found out quite by chance why he was so well-behaved – he was getting married a couple of weeks later to his pregnant girlfriend!!!! Somehow that was one little thing he forgot to tell me.