Originally Posted by Jae Swift
I'd rather go into places myself and give my CV than agencies that are supposed to help you find work..
But they dont.
Thet dont help in the slightest, I've more a chance being blind and deaf and finding a job in a call center than finding a job through an agency.
I'm guessing you're already in work?
If you wasn't then you'd know.
Jae, it is in the agencys interest to find you work, thats how they get paid after all!
I used to work, god a few years ago now like, in a recruitment agency in Burnley (though it was a national company) and how it works is this:-
Temp jobs:- Agency charge approx 40-50% mark up on temp hourly wage. So if temp is being paid £5 per hour, agency will be being paid approx £9 per hour. This covered paying holiday pay for the temp but stilll a bloody good mark up.
Permanent jobs:- A fixed fee of the annual wage, usually with a minimum. So if annual wage was going to be 18k. the agency would charge approx 18% or 2k whichever is higher.
The recruitment consultant would then get a %age of monies from jobs filled as a their commission. What normally happens is you have one person in charge of temp jobs in a certain jobs criteria, one in charge of permanent etc. You could end up with the person that is in charge of the area you are looking at being, well, naff, so that may be why you have had bad experiences. The agency I used to work for used to interview you, re-write the cv (if needed using all the latest buzz words etc lol) and it used to take a couple of weeks to get you properly up and running for the agency to promote you. To be honest, if the person rang up every now and then asking for work, they used to get priority for being 'keen'.
It doesnt cost anything to register with the agency, and its worth doing just for the sake of an hours interview and a phone call every week. Also the agency can handle any negotiations on your behalf, so if there are certain limitations on what you can do etc, you can let the agency know so that they can sell that in with you
And yes I am working, but I got it through an agency. And a bloody good job it is n all lol. I informed the agency that I had a small child, and that basically I would work whatever hours required, but around being a mum before 9am, and between 5pm and 7.30pm. I am now working in a job, based from home, where work allows me to stop everything to do the nursery run, knowing i'll catch up at 'stupid o clock' hence sat here at this time of the morning lol. I dont have to do my foreign travel or events that comes with the job. If i decide to do one of these, I get paid extra. It works well for both myself and the company i work for, I am more loyal as they have been fantastic with what i need, and they get a dedicated employee that doesnt take the p*ss lol.
If it wasnt for an agency I dont think I would ever have achieved this position, so try giving them a go