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03-03-2009, 20:41
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Re: Job Experience/Volunteering
Originally Posted by AccyMad
I know the Sense shop in Accrington are always looking for volunteers Flashy, oh sorry - just seen that you said apart from charity shops - although it could be a start. They also have a part-time paid job going at the moment if you're interested.
i didnt mean 'other' than charity shops, i have already sent my details in by email to lots of them lol
i would work in them all if i could, i worked in one in Rawtenstall when i was 16 and i really enjoyed it
When people walk away from you, let them go... It doesn't mean they are bad people, it just means their part in your story is over
03-03-2009, 21:00
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Re: Job Experience/Volunteering
I was struggling and looking for work several years ago and every training course/subsidised job needed me to be at least 6 months unemployed.
6 months went by, I looked along the hopeless offerings and one sprang out at me, someone to work interviewing 'Job Seeker Clients'.
I went to the counter and enquired, 'Ah right you've been unemployed over 6 months, we won't employ people over that period because they will probably have forgotten how to write basic English!'
How am I doing so far? I still don't know if this is good enough.
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03-03-2009, 21:02
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Re: Job Experience/Volunteering
good god thats pathetic Less, i'd have given them a right gobfull , i hope you did
When people walk away from you, let them go... It doesn't mean they are bad people, it just means their part in your story is over
03-03-2009, 21:07
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Re: Job Experience/Volunteering
Originally Posted by flashy
i didnt mean 'other' than charity shops, i have already sent my details in by email to lots of them lol
i would work in them all if i could, i worked in one in Rawtenstall when i was 16 and i really enjoyed it
Sorry, that was me reading it wrong 
03-03-2009, 21:09
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Re: Job Experience/Volunteering
Originally Posted by flashy
good god thats pathetic Less, i'd have given them a right gobfull , i hope you did
Obviously not, my verbal vocabulary is even more restricted than my written word!

“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
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03-03-2009, 22:04
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Re: Job Experience/Volunteering
Originally Posted by AccyMad
Sorry, that was me reading it wrong 
no it wasnt you at all, it was me, i didnt write it properly, i didnt make it clear what it was i was after
When people walk away from you, let them go... It doesn't mean they are bad people, it just means their part in your story is over
04-03-2009, 18:04
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Re: Job Experience/Volunteering
I on the other hand have been working in electronics for the past 20 years, being redundant & there being no suitable jobs am looking to move over to care work instead as I often see vacancies in that. 
06-03-2009, 10:46
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Re: Job Experience/Volunteering
Originally Posted by mattylad
I on the other hand have been working in electronics for the past 20 years, being redundant & there being no suitable jobs am looking to move over to care work instead as I often see vacancies in that. 
I work in a residential home for deafblind people and we are regularly looking for bank staff, it's a good way of seeing if this kind of work is for you.
07-03-2009, 08:45
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Re: Job Experience/Volunteering
I wonder what percentage of employers actually see voluntary work as enough to prove skills.
You obviously DO gain skills and many employers accept it alongside paid work, but does it stand for much alone?
I mean, you aren't paid and charities aren't too fussed about who works for them because they're happy for anyone to be there. So there isn't really any real evidence that you would have that job if it was a paid role... you know, worthiness of employment?
Do maturer people seek work experience in normal businesses? Like office environments and stuff? I don't hear much of that.
I've done bits of voluntary work but I don't put it on my CV for the most part because it takes up too much of my two sides allowance for law placements.
07-03-2009, 09:16
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Re: Job Experience/Volunteering
Bank staff are not volunteers - they are paid at the same rate at our full time staff but do not have any contracted hours, they cover holidays,sickness etc. and means they can work only the hours that are suitable for them.
07-03-2009, 13:47
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Re: Job Experience/Volunteering
Originally Posted by blazey
I wonder what percentage of employers actually see voluntary work as enough to prove skills.
You obviously DO gain skills and many employers accept it alongside paid work, but does it stand for much alone?
I mean, you aren't paid and charities aren't too fussed about who works for them because they're happy for anyone to be there. So there isn't really any real evidence that you would have that job if it was a paid role... you know, worthiness of employment?
Do maturer people seek work experience in normal businesses? Like office environments and stuff? I don't hear much of that.
I've done bits of voluntary work but I don't put it on my CV for the most part because it takes up too much of my two sides allowance for law placements.
yes employers do look at skills gained from volunteering this is why they also look at hobbies and leisure activities. not only does it show off any skills you may have gained from the organisation but volunteers are sometimes offered training courses relevant to the post - for example before i found a full time job i was going to volunteer as a community minibus driver in return they were going to pay for my MIDAS course, first aid course and offer training in loading/securing wheelchairs - which would have cost me over £200.
by looking at these instances on c.v's employers can also make a better judgement on the sort of person you are.
for example (in layman's terms) wow this person is motivated to get off his/her backside and work to help other people with no financial return this is the kind of person I want working for me!
07-03-2009, 13:59
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Re: Job Experience/Volunteering
Originally Posted by blazey
I wonder what percentage of employers actually see voluntary work as enough to prove skills.
You obviously DO gain skills and many employers accept it alongside paid work, but does it stand for much alone?
I mean, you aren't paid and charities aren't too fussed about who works for them because they're happy for anyone to be there. So there isn't really any real evidence that you would have that job if it was a paid role... you know, worthiness of employment?
Do maturer people seek work experience in normal businesses? Like office environments and stuff? I don't hear much of that.
I've done bits of voluntary work but I don't put it on my CV for the most part because it takes up too much of my two sides allowance for law placements.
The volunteer work I do needed a training course... CRB check and ongoing training after I started so I would put it on my CV and would think that it would be very worthwhile doing so
Just because it isn't a paid job, does not mean you do any less of a job at it than someone who is paid would
07-03-2009, 14:35
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Re: Job Experience/Volunteering
I used to volunteer for home start, that was pretty good
Like the old woman who lived in a shoe, i have so many children i can't fit the tickers in my signature.....
I finally found someone daft enough to marry me, my wonderboy is 11, my monkeygirl is 3 and my bananaman is 2, my beautiful little flower was born in feb 2012
07-03-2009, 20:00
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Re: Job Experience/Volunteering
Once heard this about someone reading this in the Joke-Shop, School leaver required for shop work, preferably with at least 6 months experience.
09-03-2009, 11:01
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Re: Job Experience/Volunteering
Of course employers consider voluntary work when then are recruiting!!
And yes mature people do ask for voluntary positions in office and similar environments.
We currently have 2 highly qualified volunteers working for us so that they can update their skills.
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