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Old 01-12-2007, 10:26   #16

Re: Volunteer Rangers

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
cos the annual income of the estate is only £5000, which ya would know if ya read it all.
Thanks pal, and our annual income is a lot less than that as 90% of the money we make is put straight back into conservation projects.

Any more volunteers ?
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Old 01-12-2007, 10:29   #17
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Re: Volunteer Rangers

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
cos the annual income of the estate is only £5000, which ya would know if ya read it all.

I earn more than £5k a year but I can't afford to buy quad bikes
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Old 01-12-2007, 10:57   #18

Re: Volunteer Rangers

Originally Posted by lancsdave View Post
I earn more than £5k a year but I can't afford to buy quad bikes
Nor can we, we rely on kind donations from Masey Ferguson and Yamaha.
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Old 01-12-2007, 14:17   #19
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Re: Volunteer Rangers

Why does it matter if the estate has disposable income or not? Its a minimum of 4hrs a month, if people enjoy volunteering and the countryside then they wont mind not being paid, and its a good oppurtunity for people with no job prospects to get a bit of experience that will help them find a job.

You might not fancy helping because Estates tend to have plenty of wealth and it appears they're being a bit tight by not offering small wages, but they just want help maintaining the vast area of land they have acquired so that it stays nice for the people who enjoy using that land, which includes the public, not just the owners themselves.

If you dont like the job thats being described, just stop commenting on it so then other people have a chance to read the description and make their own minds up, instead of people just slating it just because theres a few spelling errors and its unpaid work! Some people LIKE unpaid work!
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Old 01-12-2007, 14:22   #20
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Re: Volunteer Rangers

Originally Posted by blazey View Post
Why does it matter if the estate has disposable income or not? Its a minimum of 4hrs a month, if people enjoy volunteering and the countryside then they wont mind not being paid, and its a good oppurtunity for people with no job prospects to get a bit of experience that will help them find a job.

You might not fancy helping because Estates tend to have plenty of wealth and it appears they're being a bit tight by not offering small wages, but they just want help maintaining the vast area of land they have acquired so that it stays nice for the people who enjoy using that land, which includes the public, not just the owners themselves.

If you dont like the job thats being described, just stop commenting on it so then other people have a chance to read the description and make their own minds up, instead of people just slating it just because theres a few spelling errors and its unpaid work! Some people LIKE unpaid work!
There is a simple reason why I won't offer to help out. Since this person has person has started posting any requests for information about his 'organisation' are very secretive. Hopefully it's some kind of sect that carts off over opinionated teenagers
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Old 01-12-2007, 14:26   #21

Re: Volunteer Rangers

There are no secrets with regard to the estate if you have any questions just ask me.
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Old 01-12-2007, 14:37   #22
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Re: Volunteer Rangers

can you answer my question in the other thread? I dont seem to be able to find anything on the chelmswood estate, only the family you named.

If you have access to maps marking out the boundaries of the Chelmswood estate then it'd be helpful to many people I should imagine.
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Old 01-12-2007, 14:38   #23
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Re: Volunteer Rangers

Originally Posted by Chelmswood View Post
There are no secrets with regard to the estate if you have any questions just ask me.

I actually said organisation not estate. What is your organisation, how is it funded, where is it registered, who owns it, what is it's purpose ? All questions you failed to answer on other threads. Forgive my cynical outlook but I find that if I can't find anything on google then it doesn't exist
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Old 01-12-2007, 14:42   #24
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Re: Volunteer Rangers

Originally Posted by lancsdave View Post
I actually said organisation not estate. What is your organisation, how is it funded, where is it registered, who owns it, what is it's purpose ? All questions you failed to answer on other threads. Forgive my cynical outlook but I find that if I can't find anything on google then it doesn't exist
That isn't NECESSARILY true, it just appears odd that there is no mention of Chelmswood estate linked with the King-Wilkinsons, but I'm sure it can be easily cleared up by the estate in some way.
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Old 01-12-2007, 14:42   #25

Re: Volunteer Rangers

Originally Posted by lancsdave View Post
I actually said organisation not estate. What is your organisation, how is it funded, where is it registered, who owns it, what is it's purpose ? All questions you failed to answer on other threads. Forgive my cynical outlook but I find that if I can't find anything on google then it doesn't exist
The Chelmswood estate trust which is the name of the organisation is unregistered as our income is too low to be recognised by the charity commision, the estate itself is a private estate held by the King-wilkinsin family of slaidburn. The estates aims is to protect and to preserve our rural heritage by actively preventing development work by safeguarding and becoming trustee to land throughout the county.
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Old 01-12-2007, 14:52   #26
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Re: Volunteer Rangers

Originally Posted by Chelmswood View Post
The Chelmswood estate trust which is the name of the organisation is unregistered as our income is too low to be recognised by the charity commision, the estate itself is a private estate held by the King-wilkinsin family of slaidburn. The estates aims is to protect and to preserve our rural heritage by actively preventing development work by safeguarding and becoming trustee to land throughout the county.
Who is the Chelmswood Estate Trust managed by ?

You said in an earlier thread that you are a project manager. Is that not a paid position and how did you get the job ?
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Old 01-12-2007, 14:53   #27

Re: Volunteer Rangers

My actual position is HR manager however i was in charge of the Baxenden project and no i am not paid, However i do have my expenses reimbursed. I volunteered as a Ranger and gradually worked my way up, i have always been involved in the estate as we live on the estate and always have done as far as i am aware.
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Old 01-12-2007, 14:54   #28
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Re: Volunteer Rangers

Originally Posted by Chelmswood View Post
The Chelmswood estate trust which is the name of the organisation is unregistered as our income is too low to be recognised by the charity commision, the estate itself is a private estate held by the King-wilkinsin family of slaidburn. The estates aims is to protect and to preserve our rural heritage by actively preventing development work by safeguarding and becoming trustee to land throughout the county.
I need to clarify this, is the estate an official estate acquired by the King-Wilkinson family by life-peerage? Because that was the initial impression I got but now I am confused!

I still want to do the volunteer work and everything but I'm a bit confused as to who I am volunteering to work for now that everybody has raised these questions.
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Old 01-12-2007, 14:55   #29
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Re: Volunteer Rangers

When Chelmswood 1st posted in this forum they were asking about land near the coppice and were proposing to claim 'squatters rights' on it - naturally we are suspicious about their motives.

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Old 01-12-2007, 14:56   #30

Re: Volunteer Rangers

Originally Posted by blazey View Post
I need to clarify this, is the estate an official estate acquired by the King-Wilkinson family by life-peerage? Because that was the initial impression I got but now I am confused!

I still want to do the volunteer work and everything but I'm a bit confused as to who I am volunteering to work for now that everybody has raised these questions.
The Chelmswood Estate and the Chelmswood Estate trust are two different bodies, the estate alone was inherited by the King wilkinson family however the estate trust are the body responsible for its upkeep and are completely charitably funded.

The King wilkinson family makes no profit from the chelmswood estate.
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