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Old 13-10-2004, 18:04   #31
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Acrylic-bob's Avatar

Re: Our Market Hall up for grabs.

Interesting figures, you might also add tax, insurance and other administrative overheads to the total. Whichever way you look at it Tealeaf, it is a really BAD idea and one that will destroy the current make up of the Market Hall traders. When it comes to the point where they are in business just to pay the rent, what will be the point of carrying on?

They will do what many traders have done before them and take their business elsewhere.
This ridiculous scheme is going to be the ruin of our town centre
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Old 13-10-2004, 20:25   #32
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Re: Our Market Hall up for grabs.

Just look at Burnley Market, went Private 5yrs ago, now nearly empty...........

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Old 13-10-2004, 21:13   #33
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Re: Our Market Hall up for grabs.

Precisely, the rents there are ridiculous, which is bad enough, but there are also restrictions on the kind of businesses that they will permit.
Enough is ENOUGH Get Britain out of Europe
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Old 14-10-2004, 05:17   #34
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Re: Our Market Hall up for grabs.

If all our assumptions are correct, and T's numbers make sense. Just what do HBC get out of it?

I think the answer is the last 4 words of the last sentence! And they would have another burden lifted from their overburdened budget!

Never mind the people....they don't count!
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Old 14-10-2004, 16:44   #35
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Re: Our Market Hall up for grabs.

Here's from tonight's Telegraph...

Ambitious plans for market hall
HYNDBURN'S council leader today set out his vision for the future of the town's market hall.

Councillor Peter Britcliffe revealed plans that could see the upper floors of the Victorian hall opened to the public. And flood lighting could one day be used to show off the architecture of the building.

The council are hoping to attract an investment partner to shoulder the financial burden of upgrading the town centre building.

Now Coun Britliffe is inviting investors to come forward with plans, to be considered by refurbishments to the market hall without outside investment.

The market hall makes the council the council.

He said: "It's a wonderful opportunity with the market hall. We have got this absolutely fantastic market building.

"We could do wonderful things with flood lighting and stone cleaning.

"There are also the balcony areas, and a chance of creating art work or a public restaurant. There is so much possibility there that it could be a real draw for Accrington."

But Coun Britcliffe today revealed the council would be unable to carry out any major a profit each year, but the cash-strapped authority, which could be facing another cash crisis this year, does not have the funds to carry out the much-needed work on the building.

Coun Britcliffe met with traders this week to discuss the plans.

He said: "We would love to put a million pounds in but I don't think the council tax payer would appreciate the 33 per cent hike in tax that would go with it.

"We could make this market hall a great attraction for this borough. We are saying come forward with your ideas -- what could you do for this building to make sure it is a success in the 21st century?"

But market traders have revealed they are sceptical, and will consider campaigning against the move.

Well, I said a million last night and now it looks like that's the investment that Britcliffes talking about. For the benefit of any market traders on here, I stand by the rest of the figures, re:rent increases. Stay sceptical lads, and make sure this scheme does not go ahead in this PFI - style format. There are other, more effective ways of undertaking the neccessary redevelopment of the Market Hall.

Last edited by Tealeaf; 14-10-2004 at 16:47.
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Old 07-02-2006, 15:41   #36
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Re: Our Market Hall up for grabs.

On walking through the Market Hall today, I noticed a lot of the stalls had posters up protesting against the sell off.

According to press releases from the Council the stall holders are all for the Market Hall being sold off.

Someones not telling the truth.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 07-02-2006, 16:13   #37
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Re: Our Market Hall up for grabs.

At least one stall has a petition going.

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Old 07-02-2006, 16:24   #38
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Re: Our Market Hall up for grabs.

Hmmmmmmmmmmm I see this has raised it ugly head again.
Reminds me of when I worked on the buses and the Council of the day said "Don't worry your jobs will be safe!!!!" What they didn't tell us until too late to fight was that we would have a pay cut and an increase in working hours!!

Looks like we're gonna have to form pressure groups asap again
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Old 07-02-2006, 21:30   #39
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Re: Our Market Hall up for grabs.

Apparently, the stall holders, to a man, object to the selling off of the Market Hall. They held a meeting and even the most staunch Conservative supporters amongst them said that they would never vote for a Conservative local Councillor again! They feel like they've been sold out and they are very unhappy.

The views expressed within this post are mine and mine alone.

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Old 08-02-2006, 00:00   #40
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Re: Our Market Hall up for grabs.

Will the council never learn? If they sell the Market Hall that is another bit of whats left of Accy down the drain. What is it with HBC and its selling craze its as though they want to sell everything. What will be next the Town Hall and the council its self up for sale. Mind you HBC could try and sell its self on Ebay and get no bids as they seem to be worthless.

All comments above are nothing to do with here and therefore not the resposibility of the Accrington Web site owners admins or mods.


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Old 02-03-2006, 16:50   #41
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Re: Our Market Hall up for grabs.

According to this week's Observer, HBC have done a complete U-turn and aren't selling off the Market Hall.

Hurrah for common sense.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 07-03-2006, 18:57   #42
God Member

Re: Our Market Hall up for grabs.

Just look at Burnley Market, went Private 5yrs ago, now nearly empty...........

Something doesn't make sense, because our market(open air, in the square) was recently taken over by a private managment company. since then it's gone even further down hill.
Why do these companies buy in, then just let the market loose all it's trade and stalls. ?
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Old 07-03-2006, 19:02   #43
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Re: Our Market Hall up for grabs.

By the way that market hall is beautiful and is the best looking market hall I've ever seen, it should be full of life, should have a cafe like the arndale and that clock should be in there. It should already be uplit, its one of your best buildings, that should come under tourism and leisure. Can't you get sponsorship for lighting a cafe and to fit the clock? don't the companies sponsor anything there, Whats about that catalogue company?. most of our projects are funded by the public donating, businesses donating or town council, thas the lowest local level of council with the least budget.
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