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02-05-2004, 16:35
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Re: Sacred Heart Church
I remember Fr. Stack. Terrifying man. The only person I have ever met who could silence a playground full of screaming kids just by walking into it. As an Altar Boy I had the unenviable task of serving at his Masses. It's no wonder I am a nervous wreck now. Still, that's Jesuits for you. The drunken Priest that Lettie referred to could have been either Fr. Morrissey or Fr. Houlahan both were quite fond of the bottle. My mother had a crush on Fr. Houlahan, but then, so did quite a few other women. You could never accuse my mother of being original.
It was sad to see the old building go and it is a pity that another use could not be found for it. still I suppose that it is better to pull it down rather than have it turned into a mosque.
Oddly enough, I never remember it being a cold church, even in the depths of winter.
Does anyone remember those marathon church processions that were held in the summer. There are photographs of me published in The Observer dressed in my cassock in the front line of the procession. My grandmother, a devout catholic, was so proud of me.
does anyone know what happened to all the parephenalia, plate, banners etc. Or were they all destroyed.
I managed to snaffle a couple of small pieces of stained glass as a keepsake.
03-05-2004, 13:25
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Re: Sacred Heart Church
Hi Bob....there are a few postings earlier on in this thread on the whereabouts of the alter, etc. Yes, it was a cold church...I remember back in the mid-60's they spent alot of money on installing electric heating...not that it made much difference.
03-05-2004, 13:31
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Sacred Heart Church/Paddock House
Hi, this is the only photo I can find that is relatively up to date. Anyone remember it? Think its taken up at Paddock House.
03-05-2004, 13:41
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Re: Sacred Heart Church
Well, Atarah....I can't recognise myself on there...
03-05-2004, 13:56
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Re: Sacred Heart Church
Hi Tealeaf, could you perhaps date the photo for us then?
03-05-2004, 14:03
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Re: Sacred Heart Church
Judging by the hair, shoe and dress styles it's mid-50's to mid-60's......but I don't recognise the priests on there..possibly from the church in Ossy?
03-05-2004, 14:08
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Re: Sacred Heart Church
Oh, arrrrgh! those bluddy eaton collars. I hated them they were as stiff as plastic and you had to fasten them with studs and the holes for the studs were minute. I quite liked the gloves though, you could chew the finger ends all through mass.
03-05-2004, 15:41
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Re: Sacred Heart Church
Really bad photo of me in my cassock, I'm in the middle by the way.
03-05-2004, 18:05
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Re: Sacred Heart Church
Chuckle! Chuckle! Your eyes are screwed up, your hair looks plastered down with Bril cream, you dont look a happy bunny, but, thanks for sharing! Who are the other two on the photo?
03-05-2004, 21:00
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Re: Sacred Heart Church
"Still, that's Jesuits for you."
Acrylic-bob, I don't think Dean Stack (I bet he doesn't know you've demoted him) was a Jesuit. From what I've read the Jesuits left in 1959.
Under democracy one party always devotes its chief energies to trying to prove that the other party is unfit to rule - and both commonly succeed, and are right.
Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive.
03-05-2004, 21:24
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Re: Sacred Heart Church
Hi yerself,
I stand ready to be corrected, memory often plays tricks. But I distinctly remember that on the doors of the confessionals there were name plates for each confessor each of which bore the suffix 'S.J.' That would be around the time that I was six or seven and so would be in 1963-4 approx. I suppose I could check with the diocesan office.
Hi Atarah,
No I don't think I was too happy, I was hot and felt like a real pratt and had a long walk ahead of me. My two companions are the children of an Italian family my parents were friendly with, Antonio and Rosa Tedesco. Their father Guiseppe was a member of Willow Mount WMC.
03-05-2004, 21:36
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Re: Sacred Heart Church
At the risk of boring everyone witless I have managed to dig out an earlier photo. Same procession but in 1962. Taken at the bottom of Willows Lane just outside what is now Platts Social Club. The tall boy behind me is Michael Cawley. The portly woman sheilding her face is Miss Bull the headmistress of St. Oswald's Primary School at the time. Later she had to leave after she shoved Micheal's head through a window.
03-05-2004, 21:42
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Re: Sacred Heart Church
Ooops pic to big, try this
03-05-2004, 21:45
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Re: Sacred Heart Church
Ooh! You look luvverly!!
07-05-2004, 15:00
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Re: Sacred Heart Church
Hi Yerself,
The story so far:-
I have been in touch with the Diocesan Office in Salford who supplied the following:
"I couldn't find a reference to him but wasn't sure whether 'Dean' was a title or surname. (I spotted a Canon Joseph Stack who died 22 Feb 1982). Not being in the list would imply he was non-diocesan (i.e. an order priest). "
The list he refers to is the Diocesan Almanack. The next port of call is The Diocesan Archivist. Stay tuned..
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