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Old 05-10-2013, 22:39   #5161
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Turtle's Avatar

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by davemac View Post
Today in Pictures, you have to be in it, to wet it, a walk on the wet side.

1. The clouds are heavy, and just missing the top of Pendle Hill.
2. Cloudscape over Pendle.
3. The countryside is slowly turning brown.
4. A punnet of mushys.
5. Last fungi shot for today.
6. Walking around the wet bits.
7. The bridge that leads to the next bridge.
8. There it is, Cock Bridge........time to turn the boat around.
9. Leaves right down to the waters edge.
10. That is it for today, time to head back, it's uphill all the way from here.
The clouds in No.2 would grace any painting. A lovely walk.
I really like the 'Today in Pictures' thread - today there were several journeys I was able to enjoy from the comfort of my couch. Thank you all!
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Old 05-10-2013, 22:54   #5162
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Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by Turtle View Post
I really like No.9. Great mushie shot too!
No.7 was my fav. was watching that little fury burger for about 10-15 mins hoping for a pic. Still wasn`t sure I got anything till I got home.
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Old 06-10-2013, 09:10   #5163
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Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
I don't like candles either....I had a very traumatic experience with candles...or no, perhaps I should say the after effects of a candle.
It is all documented here.
Thank you Margaret. I got a chuckle from your candle story. Glad to hear you're still married 3 years later
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Old 06-10-2013, 09:38   #5164
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Re: Today in pictures

Yes, we are......I did think about ditching him for a better model, but I thought I might be a bit long in the tooth to whip a newer model into some kind of shape before I shuffle off this mortal coil.
Glad it made you still makes me say GRRRR!
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Old 06-10-2013, 10:58   #5165
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Re: Today in pictures

Just had a bit of a catch up on the thread - some lovely shots again from everyone. All the technical stuff goes over my head I'm afraid - I just like to point and press! It's been raining here for the last two days so no pics for me though I still have loads to sort from my holidays yet - when I get round to it.
I love candles despite what happened to my neighbours - but I always have them in safe holders. It was a difficult day all round as my husband gave in his notice here at work that afternoon - he's been head-hunted to another farm, luckily not too far away. About a mile as the crow flies, so I'll have a busy month ahead getting everything sorted for a house move in the first 10 days of November, as his job goes with tied housing. Should be plenty of new photo opportunities in the new place hopefully once we have settled in! In the meantime I'll try to keep up here but fear I'll have a lot less time on my hands - wish I wasn't such a hoarder - loads of stuff to go through!

“Beauty is an experience, nothing else. It is not a fixed pattern or an arrangement of features. It is something felt, a glow or a communicated sense of fineness.”
~ D. H. Lawrence
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Old 06-10-2013, 11:47   #5166
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Re: Today in pictures

All the very best for your new venture Dianne, I am sure when you have some time to spare you will allow us to see the lovely country side around your new home. In pictures of course.
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Gremlin R.T.
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Old 06-10-2013, 12:40   #5167
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Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by mobertol View Post
Just had a bit of a catch up on the thread - some lovely shots again from everyone. All the technical stuff goes over my head I'm afraid - I just like to point and press! It's been raining here for the last two days so no pics for me though I still have loads to sort from my holidays yet - when I get round to it.
I love candles despite what happened to my neighbours - but I always have them in safe holders. It was a difficult day all round as my husband gave in his notice here at work that afternoon - he's been head-hunted to another farm, luckily not too far away. About a mile as the crow flies, so I'll have a busy month ahead getting everything sorted for a house move in the first 10 days of November, as his job goes with tied housing. Should be plenty of new photo opportunities in the new place hopefully once we have settled in! In the meantime I'll try to keep up here but fear I'll have a lot less time on my hands - wish I wasn't such a hoarder - loads of stuff to go through!
Change is always unsettling. As a fellow almost-reformed hoarder (married to a minimalist), I sympathize. But moves can have a side benefit - the possibility of finding treasures you'd forgotten about! Best wishes for this new start.
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Old 06-10-2013, 14:24   #5168
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Re: Today in pictures

Entwistle Res today for us.

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Old 06-10-2013, 21:46   #5169
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Re: Today in pictures

Today in Pictures, Pendle to the Craggs.

1. Start point.
2. The hill in front has about 10 people climbing it.
3. I don't know what that pile of stones are doing there ?
4. The Craggs comes into view.
5. Looking back down the track, you can see Dean Clough Reservoirs in the distance, with Gt Harwood to the left.
6. A bit of droplets and fungi.
7. Almost at the Craggs.
8. The Craggs.
9. Another backward look, with Sabden to the left.
10. Thats it, back down the track we go.
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Old 06-10-2013, 22:31   #5170
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Re: Today in pictures

Cant remember what this place is called, reservoir down pot house lane -
1. A swim to start off.
2. I know these dogs have a good sense of smell, but it was quite unbelievable how he found that ball.
3. A look across the pond.
4. Some geese and a duck.
5. Across the pond from a bit lower down.
6. Just throw the ball will you.
7. That looks fun.
8. A very friendly horse.
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Old 06-10-2013, 23:00   #5171
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Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by gpick24 View Post
Cant remember what this place is called, reservoir down pot house lane -
1. A swim to start off.
2. I know these dogs have a good sense of smell, but it was quite unbelievable how he found that ball.
3. A look across the pond.
4. Some geese and a duck.
5. Across the pond from a bit lower down.
6. Just throw the ball will you.
7. That looks fun.
8. A very friendly horse.
Jackhouse reservoir.
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Old 07-10-2013, 21:52   #5172
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Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by davemac View Post
Today in Pictures, Pendle to the Craggs.

1. Start point.
2. The hill in front has about 10 people climbing it.
3. I don't know what that pile of stones are doing there ?
4. The Craggs comes into view.
5. Looking back down the track, you can see Dean Clough Reservoirs in the distance, with Gt Harwood to the left.
6. A bit of droplets and fungi.
7. Almost at the Craggs.
8. The Craggs.
9. Another backward look, with Sabden to the left.
10. Thats it, back down the track we go.
Wonderful pics -feeling homesick!
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“Beauty is an experience, nothing else. It is not a fixed pattern or an arrangement of features. It is something felt, a glow or a communicated sense of fineness.”
~ D. H. Lawrence
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Old 07-10-2013, 21:53   #5173
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Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by gpick24 View Post
Cant remember what this place is called, reservoir down pot house lane -
1. A swim to start off.
2. I know these dogs have a good sense of smell, but it was quite unbelievable how he found that ball.
3. A look across the pond.
4. Some geese and a duck.
5. Across the pond from a bit lower down.
6. Just throw the ball will you.
7. That looks fun.
8. A very friendly horse.
Those doggies will be seals in a second life...
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“Beauty is an experience, nothing else. It is not a fixed pattern or an arrangement of features. It is something felt, a glow or a communicated sense of fineness.”
~ D. H. Lawrence
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Old 07-10-2013, 22:06   #5174
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Re: Today in pictures

A nice sky tonight.
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Old 07-10-2013, 22:21   #5175
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Re: Today in pictures

Today in Pictures, I got lost in the moment here, but I was watching the clock, so only skimmed the walk, but my interest has been peaked.

1. I am drawn to wet bits, I think it is an evolution thing, and our journey from the sea to land.
2. You will notice there is no footpath here, I am covered in sticky willy seed heads, I thought I had found a feathery fungi, bottom right of the picture, until it moved, it's my dogs tail, Gormless or what !
3. Thats my eventual destination.St James Church.
4. The River Calder as it meanders toward Martholme Viaduct.
5. You have no idea how difficult it is taking a photo, on stilts, in the middle of the river.
6. The pylons as they march across the countryside.
7. St. James Church, Altham, an Anglican Parish Church.
8. Built in 1140, when King Stephen was on the throne, and rebuilt in 1512.
9. The tower was added in 1859, the entire construction is made out of sandstone with a stone roof. It is a grade 2 listed building.
10. Stone heads are carved into the stonework of the windows, they are a collection of people wearing crowns, skullcaps, turbans, also dodgy haircuts and handlebar moustaches. Some of the carvings have been lost over time as sandstone erodes with the weather.

With that my time was up, but my interest wasn't, I hope you have found this as interesting as I did.
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