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Old 13-10-2013, 20:40   #5221
Senior Member+

davemac's Avatar

Re: Today in pictures

Today in Pictures, a muggy overcast day, not quite raining, just SPITTING that stuff that wets you.

1. Its sunny over on Pendle Hill, you can just make out Gpick24.
2. Looking back down the path, you can see the turbines of Ossy.
3. The bench with a plaque on, dedicated to Adrian Shurmer.
4. Another bench.
5. If you put your ear to the ground you can hear the trains of yesteryear.
6. Having taken a side path you can see the tree line where the trains passed along.
7. Back on the line, this is the viaduct that goes over Martholme Lane.
8. The time of year has turned leaves of green to yellow and then brown.
9. Spider in a web on a dried burdock plant.
10. You wouldn't want that growing on the end of your nose. I apologise to those that have.
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Old 13-10-2013, 20:44   #5222
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maxthecollie's Avatar

Re: Today in pictures

your getting better then Dave .Out and about .Snotty nose gone?
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Old 13-10-2013, 20:52   #5223
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Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by maxthecollie View Post
your getting better then Dave .Out and about .Snotty nose gone?
Not better yet, I haven't let it keep me in though, the dog has to walk, so with a nasal decongestant up my nose, Olbas oil on my chest, and a fisherman's friend in my mouth, I am the picture of a man who hasn't slept, but has nasal decongestant up his nose etc, it doesn't make me feel any better, but the medicinal smell I give off makes people avoid me like I have the plague, plus the horsey cough helps if a fog rolls in off the sea.
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Old 13-10-2013, 21:07   #5224
Beacon of light

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Re: Today in pictures

Oh Dave...sorry to hear that you have had a snotty nose.
You need your chest rubbed with Vick...I'll send him round in the morning(he'd come now, but he's frightened of the dark).
Great pics by the way.
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Old 13-10-2013, 21:16   #5225
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Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by davemac View Post
Not better yet, I haven't let it keep me in though, the dog has to walk, so with a nasal decongestant up my nose, Olbas oil on my chest, and a fisherman's friend in my mouth, I am the picture of a man who hasn't slept, but has nasal decongestant up his nose etc, it doesn't make me feel any better, but the medicinal smell I give off makes people avoid me like I have the plague, plus the horsey cough helps if a fog rolls in off the sea.
It`s tempting, but i`m going to leave the fishermans friend joke well alone.
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Old 14-10-2013, 21:34   #5226
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Re: Today in pictures

Today in Pictures, a day for cloudscapes.

1. What can I say, its a big red one.
2. Millennium Baby Garden on a wet day.
3. The last time I stood here the sun was shining, not today.
4. Moving away from the garden and across the fields.
5. Slightly off piste, but a good shot.
6. All that stick throwing up at the conkers, they are all over the floor now, and no one here to collect them.
7. A final burst of colour from a fuchsia.
8. A view from the entrance of St Marys Churchyard.
9. Old fashioned fence posts.
10. That statue is the grave of the last two priests to serve at the church.

And with that contribution I take my leave for a few days, a lot to do, runs to Preston, sort out the backlog of photos for Flickr, and a few "dads taxi" jobs. I have left the key for the executive toilet on the bookcase, and some chocolates and cakes in the Mods cupboard. I will be checking in daily, but not contributing, so best behaviour.
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Old 14-10-2013, 22:24   #5227
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Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by davemac View Post
Today in Pictures, a day for cloudscapes.

1. What can I say, its a big red one.
2. Millennium Baby Garden on a wet day.
3. The last time I stood here the sun was shining, not today.
4. Moving away from the garden and across the fields.
5. Slightly off piste, but a good shot.
6. All that stick throwing up at the conkers, they are all over the floor now, and no one here to collect them.
7. A final burst of colour from a fuchsia.
8. A view from the entrance of St Marys Churchyard.
9. Old fashioned fence posts.
10. That statue is the grave of the last two priests to serve at the church.

And with that contribution I take my leave for a few days, a lot to do, runs to Preston, sort out the backlog of photos for Flickr, and a few "dads taxi" jobs. I have left the key for the executive toilet on the bookcase, and some chocolates and cakes in the Mods cupboard. I will be checking in daily, but not contributing, so best behaviour.
Hubby thinks the mushy in No.1 is Amanita Muscaria. Could he be correct?
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Old 14-10-2013, 22:44   #5228
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Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by Turtle View Post
Hubby thinks the mushy in No.1 is Amanita Muscaria. Could he be correct?
I had to look it up, and hubby is correct, give him ten points.
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Old 16-10-2013, 17:27   #5229
a multieloquent Mule

DaveinGermany's Avatar
Xeno Tactic Champion!
Re: Today in pictures

Another Wednesday & an amble through the Autumnal countryside.

Woodlands where we wandered - some fern & holly - a leafy lane showing Autumn colours - some distant cousins (showing off) - Glider winch wagon - said glider to be winched with A.T.C.T. - Launched.
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I don't know half of you as well as I should like, and I like half of you, half as well as you deserve. (Bilbo Baggins)
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Old 16-10-2013, 22:08   #5230
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Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by DaveinGermany View Post
Right, that went pear shaped so here goes again! (Hopefully)
Well -there's still hope for the future generation!

Proud Grandad, DiG, who would ever have thought it -a reet bonny lass!

“Beauty is an experience, nothing else. It is not a fixed pattern or an arrangement of features. It is something felt, a glow or a communicated sense of fineness.”
~ D. H. Lawrence
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Old 16-10-2013, 22:12   #5231
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Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by gpick24 View Post
Our first time up Pendle Hill.
1. Could do with a stannah for this bit.
2. What`ve you found.
3. Daisy admiring the view.
4 & 5. At the top.
6. I don`t know what it`s for either.
7. At least someone`s getting some sunshine.
8. This bit`s slippery.
9. All them trees have to be chopped down.
10. Low clouds now cover the top.
No 5 is brill!

“Beauty is an experience, nothing else. It is not a fixed pattern or an arrangement of features. It is something felt, a glow or a communicated sense of fineness.”
~ D. H. Lawrence
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Old 16-10-2013, 22:14   #5232
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Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by Turtle View Post
It's been a disappointing fall here, colour-wise. Now it's raining and drab, with most of the leaves down. Luckily I took a few snaps from the car last week... not great photography-wise, but they may bring you all some colour on a lazy Sunday afternoon (evening for you).
Som nice colours there -autumn seems further on wrt to Italy. I like the idea of the reflections in the car bonnet -original
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“Beauty is an experience, nothing else. It is not a fixed pattern or an arrangement of features. It is something felt, a glow or a communicated sense of fineness.”
~ D. H. Lawrence
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Old 16-10-2013, 22:19   #5233
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Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by davemac View Post
Today in Pictures, a day for cloudscapes.

1. What can I say, its a big red one.
2. Millennium Baby Garden on a wet day.
3. The last time I stood here the sun was shining, not today.
4. Moving away from the garden and across the fields.
5. Slightly off piste, but a good shot.
6. All that stick throwing up at the conkers, they are all over the floor now, and no one here to collect them.
7. A final burst of colour from a fuchsia.
8. A view from the entrance of St Marys Churchyard.
9. Old fashioned fence posts.
10. That statue is the grave of the last two priests to serve at the church.

And with that contribution I take my leave for a few days, a lot to do, runs to Preston, sort out the backlog of photos for Flickr, and a few "dads taxi" jobs. I have left the key for the executive toilet on the bookcase, and some chocolates and cakes in the Mods cupboard. I will be checking in daily, but not contributing, so best behaviour.
Won't let me send you Karma to help you get over the bug you have Dave I genuinely went "Oooooh"" on a couple of those photos - love the conkers and that text-book poisonous mushroom, just needs a few pixies! Lovely shots hope you're on the mend xxx

“Beauty is an experience, nothing else. It is not a fixed pattern or an arrangement of features. It is something felt, a glow or a communicated sense of fineness.”
~ D. H. Lawrence
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Old 16-10-2013, 22:20   #5234
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Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by DaveinGermany View Post
Another Wednesday & an amble through the Autumnal countryside.

Woodlands where we wandered - some fern & holly - a leafy lane showing Autumn colours - some distant cousins (showing off) - Glider winch wagon - said glider to be winched with A.T.C.T. - Launched.
Great photo with the horse-riders has a lovely feel to it...

“Beauty is an experience, nothing else. It is not a fixed pattern or an arrangement of features. It is something felt, a glow or a communicated sense of fineness.”
~ D. H. Lawrence
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Old 16-10-2013, 22:33   #5235
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Re: Today in pictures

"On the move" -some shots of the farm I'll be moving to next month -looks a lovely area -bit hectic at the moment so struggling to keep up with all your photos -please have patience with me!! These are a number of photos around the farm which has it's own chapel. The old 17thC cow barn has vaulted ceilings and stone pillars - no longer in use. There is a lovely river nearby, the Morbasco, with a pretty wooded area and there are views to the Alps and the Apennines on a clear day -looking forward to the move. PS my house is the reddish one with the lower roof to the left where the lovely poplar trees are -the white van is the plumbers who are in putting in the new bathrooms!
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“Beauty is an experience, nothing else. It is not a fixed pattern or an arrangement of features. It is something felt, a glow or a communicated sense of fineness.”
~ D. H. Lawrence
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