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Old 01-03-2014, 22:11   #6706
Beacon of light

Margaret Pilkington's Avatar
Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by gpick24 View Post
Some pics from todays walkies
Those are great pics, but I especially like the last three. They all have something in them that makes me wish I had been there to snap the shot.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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Accrington Web
Old 01-03-2014, 22:49   #6707
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Re: Today in pictures

Today in Pictures, it was a nice day, and I ended up staying out a lot longer than expected, Pendle Hill on a nice day seems to distort time.

1. This building was once on a farm track.
2. The Craggs.
3. I suffered to get this moist moment, I got both of my feet trapped under a tree root as I walk towards it, the next second is a bit of a blur, but I ended up face down in the moss (it tastes like chicken) with my arms stretched out in front of me, a bit like superman in flight but without the altitude. The two dogs with me thought I was playing so decided to wet my ears, so a first for me, moist from tip to toe, plus as a bonus, my ear holes. I also had this strange urge to sing Mammy
4. I wouldn't normally put the horizon in the middle, but this is one of those snaps.
5. Some rusty bits, no idea what they are.
6. Chase me.
7. I was given a sign, my path is clear.
8. Now that tree has had a hard life.
9. That's tree mendous.
10. The old water bailiffs house, now a private dwelling, the view from the house is priceless.
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Old 01-03-2014, 23:47   #6708
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Turtle's Avatar

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by davemac View Post
Today in Pictures, it was a nice day, and I ended up staying out a lot longer than expected, Pendle Hill on a nice day seems to distort time.

1. This building was once on a farm track.
2. The Craggs.
3. I suffered to get this moist moment, I got both of my feet trapped under a tree root as I walk towards it, the next second is a bit of a blur, but I ended up face down in the moss (it tastes like chicken) with my arms stretched out in front of me, a bit like superman in flight but without the altitude. The two dogs with me thought I was playing so decided to wet my ears, so a first for me, moist from tip to toe, plus as a bonus, my ear holes. I also had this strange urge to sing Mammy
4. I wouldn't normally put the horizon in the middle, but this is one of those snaps.
5. Some rusty bits, no idea what they are.
6. Chase me.
7. I was given a sign, my path is clear.
8. Now that tree has had a hard life.
9. That's tree mendous.
10. The old water bailiffs house, now a private dwelling, the view from the house is priceless.
Number 3 was worth all the suffering. I always wondered what moss tastes like - now I wonder no more! Great photos, Dave.
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Old 02-03-2014, 13:50   #6709
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Re: Today in pictures

It's time I started using my camera away from auto settings .I took a few pics of a small waterfall at different settings.See what you think. The rest were just to fill in my quota .


1) f5 1000th/sec
2) f5 500th/sec
3) f5 250th/sec
4) f5 200th/sec
5) f6.3 125th/sec
6) f9 30th/sec
7) f16 20th/sec
8) Max shaking himself dry
9) Droplets
10) A reflection shot
walker, davemac and gpick24 like this.
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Old 02-03-2014, 15:20   #6710
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Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by maxthecollie View Post
It's time I started using my camera away from auto settings .I took a few pics of a small waterfall at different settings.See what you think. The rest were just to fill in my quota .

Attachment 38364Attachment 38365Attachment 38366Attachment 38367Attachment 38368Attachment 38369Attachment 38370Attachment 38371Attachment 38372Attachment 38373

1) f5 1000th/sec
2) f5 500th/sec
3) f5 250th/sec
4) f5 200th/sec
5) f6.3 125th/sec
6) f9 30th/sec
7) f16 20th/sec
8) Max shaking himself dry
9) Droplets
10) A reflection shot

Its a step forward if the auto mode is not used, I use aperture priority and let the camera sort out the shutter speed on 100 ISO. But we all have our own way of shooting and the one that feels comfortable is the right way.
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Old 02-03-2014, 17:13   #6711
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Re: Today in pictures

Not much opportunity for pics today due to the rain, but managed to get a few.
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Old 02-03-2014, 17:27   #6712
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Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by gpick24 View Post
Not much opportunity for pics today due to the rain, but managed to get a few.
One of our favourite walks
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Old 02-03-2014, 18:04   #6713
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Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by maxthecollie View Post
One of our favourite walks
I think I`ll wait for a nicer day before I go there again.
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Old 02-03-2014, 18:06   #6714
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Re: Today in pictures

It just started raining when we got back to the car.We missed the rain
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Old 03-03-2014, 01:41   #6715
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Re: Today in pictures

A few randoms

Taking pics of some of the places you see is DANGEROUS . I do not condone or encourage breaking the law or unsafe behavior.

My photobucket account
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Old 03-03-2014, 14:46   #6716
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Re: Today in pictures

A walk around Hurstwood Res this morning in the sunshine
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Old 03-03-2014, 17:56   #6717
a multieloquent Mule

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Re: Today in pictures

Nr.1 looks like a good hound hurtle area, nr. 2 I quite like & of course the cheeky mutt between the trees.
I don't know half of you as well as I should like, and I like half of you, half as well as you deserve. (Bilbo Baggins)
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Old 03-03-2014, 18:38   #6718
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Re: Today in pictures

Its' great for the hounds up there , but if you go out on to the moors,it is lambing season
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Old 03-03-2014, 21:44   #6719
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Re: Today in pictures

Today in Pictures, parking on Grane Road I wondered where that footpath went, I sort of knew, but not what I would find along the way.

1. That's the direction.
2. The place is littered with the stumps of old dwellings.
3. Remnants of the industrial revolution in the shadow of the generating revolution.
4. We are walking along an old cart track that would have been the access to the smallholdings and looms that operated in the area.
5. In places the old cart track has vanished.
6. Some styles just test the resolve.
7. Now the wet bits, first jump in.
8. This stream feeds into the top end of Calf Hey Reservoir.
9. I am getting my head wet with this shot.
10. I must visit this section of wet bits again with my tripod.
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Old 03-03-2014, 21:52   #6720
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Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by davemac View Post
Today in Pictures, parking on Grane Road I wondered where that footpath went, I sort of knew, but not what I would find along the way.

1. That's the direction.
2. The place is littered with the stumps of old dwellings.
3. Remnants of the industrial revolution in the shadow of the generating revolution.
4. We are walking along an old cart track that would have been the access to the smallholdings and looms that operated in the area.
5. In places the old cart track has vanished.
6. Some styles just test the resolve.
7. Now the wet bits, first jump in.
8. This stream feeds into the top end of Calf Hey Reservoir.
9. I am getting my head wet with this shot.
10. I must visit this section of wet bits again with my tripod.
Great Shots Dave.Last time we walked around there with our last dog we were confronted with an angry farmer promising to shoot our dog if we didn't put him on a lead.
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