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Old 18-06-2014, 21:43   #8176
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Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by mobertol View Post
A selection from today's lunchtime outing with parents - had a patriotic coke for an aperitif at a local bar and then a lovely lunch back at the Locanda Al Carrobbio where we went last week.
Nice holiday atmosphere, what is your dad doing in that plant pot in 3 (I know he isn't, but looks like he is)
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Old 18-06-2014, 21:49   #8177
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Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by maxthecollie View Post
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My contribution today.We walked round Wayoh Reservoir and somehow the Strawberry Duck was calling for us half way round.
That railway viaduct looks interesting, you beat me to it with the conkers.
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Old 18-06-2014, 22:08   #8178
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Re: Today in pictures

Today in Pictures, a walk across the field and through the wood.

1. Conkers.
2. Through the field.
3. The buttercups have sunk under the next wave of other plants, grasses are now the dominant plant.
4. Through the wood with dappled shade. There are numerous birds singing in the trees, and the flying insects are getting busy.
5. A difficult species to identify, however it is an umbeliferas plant.
6. The woods are filling out with green stuff.
7. The common spotted orchid. This year they have spread through the woods. (millennium baby wood)
8. Knapweed.
9.Grass as far as the eye can see, and that isn't very far due to the hayfever.
10. Yesterday was the first time I saw a harlequin ladybird, now another........RUN THEY ARE COMING.........but slowly.
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Old 19-06-2014, 22:01   #8179
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Re: Today in pictures

Today in Pictures, with the sun beating down the flora and fauna was a joy today, I set off to find a specific flower, this is my second year I have not found one, I know they flower I have just not found one as you will see.

1. The Great Burnet is now flowering.
2. There are still pockets of meadow flowers that the grasses have not suppressed.
3. Ox Eye Daisy with a height that is higher than most of the other meadow species.
4. A Six Spot Burnet Moth on a thistle.
5. Seed from a goatsbeard making a dash for freedom.
6. Dog Rose basking in the sun.
7. More Ox Eye Daisy.
8. This is the plant I can never find in flower, Tropopogon, the goatsbeard, there is a closed flower on the left and the seed head on the right.
9. Six Spot Burnet Moth on a Common Spotted Orchid.
10. Young frond of the Bracken fern. The only insect I have found that inhabit this plant are Ants.

And with that my tootle around the Huncoat Colliery came to an end.
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Old 20-06-2014, 00:04   #8180
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Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by davemac View Post
Today in Pictures, with the sun beating down the flora and fauna was a joy today, I set off to find a specific flower, this is my second year I have not found one, I know they flower I have just not found one as you will see.

1. The Great Burnet is now flowering.
2. There are still pockets of meadow flowers that the grasses have not suppressed.
3. Ox Eye Daisy with a height that is higher than most of the other meadow species.
4. A Six Spot Burnet Moth on a thistle.
5. Seed from a goatsbeard making a dash for freedom.
6. Dog Rose basking in the sun.
7. More Ox Eye Daisy.
8. This is the plant I can never find in flower, Tropopogon, the goatsbeard, there is a closed flower on the left and the seed head on the right.
9. Six Spot Burnet Moth on a Common Spotted Orchid.
10. Young frond of the Bracken fern. The only insect I have found that inhabit this plant are Ants.

And with that my tootle around the Huncoat Colliery came to an end.
Summer at it's best! It was a day like that here too. Wonderful shots. I guess the quest continues for your elusive flower though
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Old 20-06-2014, 08:47   #8181
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Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by Turtle View Post
Summer at it's best! It was a day like that here too. Wonderful shots. I guess the quest continues for your elusive flower though
My quest could be impossible, as it flowers in the mornings, and I have tasks to undertake then, and my outings are in the afternoons, but who knows, I may just get one that was late getting up.
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Old 20-06-2014, 13:28   #8182
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Re: Today in pictures

Just back from lunch with my mum & dad at the Trattoria La Lucciola (The Firefly) in Cremona near the River Po - reknowned for it's fish dishes it was a real treat - see photos! Lazy photography -took all these without moving from my seat!
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“Beauty is an experience, nothing else. It is not a fixed pattern or an arrangement of features. It is something felt, a glow or a communicated sense of fineness.”
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Old 20-06-2014, 13:59   #8183
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Re: Today in pictures

Diane - with a view and food like that, I don't think I'd leave my seat either. I do prefer my shrimps without eyes looking at me though tee hee!
You parents look great
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Old 20-06-2014, 14:09   #8184
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Re: Today in pictures

I am not a great fan of fish(except the kind you get at the chippy) but the pictures are lovely and convey the feel of the place...and I have to agree with Carolyn....your parents look fantastic, it must be the warmth and the sun that keeps them going,,,,and looking so well.
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Old 20-06-2014, 14:34   #8185
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Re: Today in pictures

Yesterday was perfect - no clouds, warm but not too hot. Hubby and I went for a little toot along one of our favourite roads: The Forks of the Credit road near Belfountain. Being in the middle of the week, and early morning, there was little or no traffic. On weekend it can be clogged with tourists from the city. So glad we missed them!
1. They're not kidding.
2. Off we go!
3. One of many nice turns, but they've installed speed bumps for the summer!
4. No clouds today.
5. A river! I need photos for the Comp. Can we stop? No, oh well.
6. Trees whizz by (hubby is camera shy - that's his Greek Fisherman's cap to keep the sun off his bonce)
7. Switchback sign.
8. Someone took it a little too fast!
9. This morning - clouds are back, but nice wispy ones.
10. Red Squirrel I saw on my walk - wish I had my proper camera with me.
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Old 20-06-2014, 14:35   #8186
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Re: Today in pictures

Sorry, goofed and uploaded the same pic twice. Never mind, I think you get the idea
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Old 20-06-2014, 17:50   #8187
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Re: Today in pictures

My, but them prawns look good Di.

Carolyn, your Squirillion looks a tad startled!
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Old 20-06-2014, 18:27   #8188
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Re: Today in pictures

These are mine for today
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Old 20-06-2014, 20:40   #8189
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Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by Turtle View Post
Yesterday was perfect - no clouds, warm but not too hot. Hubby and I went for a little toot along one of our favourite roads: The Forks of the Credit road near Belfountain. Being in the middle of the week, and early morning, there was little or no traffic. On weekend it can be clogged with tourists from the city. So glad we missed them!
1. They're not kidding.
2. Off we go!
3. One of many nice turns, but they've installed speed bumps for the summer!
4. No clouds today.
5. A river! I need photos for the Comp. Can we stop? No, oh well.
6. Trees whizz by (hubby is camera shy - that's his Greek Fisherman's cap to keep the sun off his bonce)
7. Switchback sign.
8. Someone took it a little too fast!
9. This morning - clouds are back, but nice wispy ones.
10. Red Squirrel I saw on my walk - wish I had my proper camera with me.
Trees as far as the eye can see, there must be some interesting walks there, I don't know if you realised it.......but you were driving on the wrong side of the road.
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Old 20-06-2014, 21:37   #8190
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Re: Today in pictures

Today in Pictures, an expedition in 30 minutes.

1. A rose belting out its colour, will anybody notice.
2. A Hoverfly that's not a fly then.
3. The full monty, buds, flowers and hips, all at the same time.
4. A man outstanding in his field, well riding really.
5. White Clover.
6. Have you met our Daisy.
7. Is the gate half open or half closed.
8. Very old fence posts.
9. Pink Clover.
10. Doesn't Autumn come around too quickly.
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