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Old 31-07-2014, 11:12   #8836
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Today in pictures

Alright for me and you max, but if the mrs has come along (very rare) she'd be wanting something a bit more civilised.
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Old 31-07-2014, 13:48   #8837
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Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by Accyexplorer View Post
I'm sure most of you are aware of the wet weather we're experiencing, anyway,here are a few wet ones (mainly using the macro setting)
No. 4 I really like ... and seven, def. psychedelic; real sixties
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Old 31-07-2014, 13:57   #8838
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Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
I am the underdog!
If I have you given the impression otherwise, then it needs to be corrected here and now.

I think Churchill would have called this a "terminological inexactitude"
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Old 31-07-2014, 14:39   #8839
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Re: Today in pictures

Eric what you are really saying is that you don't believe me??
I am cut to the quick! .
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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Old 31-07-2014, 15:09   #8840
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Re: Today in pictures

Just a pair more from Walsden,.

The village church which burnt down in 1948, I know I watched at 2 AM, the steeple survived and that's why it is darker than the new bit which took years to raise the funds to rebuild.

Coming down the lane from where I lived, left for Todmorden and right for Littleborough.
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Gremlin R.T.
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Old 31-07-2014, 19:25   #8841
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Re: Today in pictures

This evening's walk up the lane - lots of greens and interesting evening light.
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“Beauty is an experience, nothing else. It is not a fixed pattern or an arrangement of features. It is something felt, a glow or a communicated sense of fineness.”
~ D. H. Lawrence
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Old 31-07-2014, 20:05   #8842
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Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by Gremlin View Post
Just a pair more from Walsden,.

The village church which burnt down in 1948, I know I watched at 2 AM, the steeple survived and that's why it is darker than the new bit which took years to raise the funds to rebuild.

Coming down the lane from where I lived, left for Todmorden and right for Littleborough.
It looks like a very pretty village
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Old 31-07-2014, 20:05   #8843
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Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by mobertol View Post
This evening's walk up the lane - lots of greens and interesting evening light.
Number six is a stunner!
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Old 31-07-2014, 22:21   #8844
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Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by mobertol View Post
This evening's walk up the lane - lots of greens and interesting evening light.
Have to agree with Turtle, number 6 has all the elements that are required to move the eye around the scene.
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Old 31-07-2014, 22:38   #8845
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Re: Today in pictures

Today in Pictures, Spring Wood, I don't know how many more times I will be able to visit this site as planning permission has been granted to make this a pay and display car park charging £1 a pop.

1. Stumps are fuel for other things, and drive the bio-diversity.
2. Usually they go about the business of fuelling the forest without much notice.
3. Cuckoo Pint shouting its colour tucked down in the long grass.
4. Ivy, trying to look like big trees.
5. Here I found a fork in the left so you can finish the joke.
6. Here are some big trees.
7. And some more big trees.
8. Here is a bench made of you can sit and enjoy the woods.
9. A break in the canopy gives enough light for the taller weeds to made a dash for height, and dominance of the surroundings.
10. Right, time to head back down hill to the car park, wondering will the machines have taken over by my next visit.
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Old 31-07-2014, 23:02   #8846
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Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by davemac View Post
Today in Pictures, Spring Wood, I don't know how many more times I will be able to visit this site as planning permission has been granted to make this a pay and display car park charging £1 a pop.

1. Stumps are fuel for other things, and drive the bio-diversity.
2. Usually they go about the business of fuelling the forest without much notice.
3. Cuckoo Pint shouting its colour tucked down in the long grass.
4. Ivy, trying to look like big trees.
5. Here I found a fork in the left so you can finish the joke.
6. Here are some big trees.
7. And some more big trees.
8. Here is a bench made of you can sit and enjoy the woods.
9. A break in the canopy gives enough light for the taller weeds to made a dash for height, and dominance of the surroundings.
10. Right, time to head back down hill to the car park, wondering will the machines have taken over by my next visit.
All looking very green over there too.
What is it with this charging for parking in public's already an expense to get there if you have to go by car. How do they think amenities will be used if they make them more and more expensive for people to use...
It's like the removal of "Common land" - that which as owned by all for the use of all...
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“Beauty is an experience, nothing else. It is not a fixed pattern or an arrangement of features. It is something felt, a glow or a communicated sense of fineness.”
~ D. H. Lawrence
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Old 31-07-2014, 23:08   #8847
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Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by davemac View Post
Today in Pictures, Spring Wood, I don't know how many more times I will be able to visit this site as planning permission has been granted to make this a pay and display car park charging £1 a pop.
Unbelievable! Sometimes ... more often as I get older ... I do seriously believe that humans were god's big mistake.

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Old 01-08-2014, 06:38   #8848
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Today in pictures

I must be in the minority then, I think a pound is quite reasonable for using a car park (£10 in some last week in Blackpool).
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Old 01-08-2014, 07:31   #8849
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Re: Today in pictures

It may be common land for the use of the people but the people who use it don't maintain it. Someone has to look after the toilets, fill the potholes in build that nice new bridge,keep the paths tidy and pick up the rubbish the visitors leave behind. That's where the small charge goes.
I agree, it would be nice if it was free but a quid is not bad.
I hope it doesn't stop you taking photos there Dave, I enjoy looking at places I haven't walked round although I have parked there a few times with June and fed the birds and then sat with a nice ice cream.
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Old 01-08-2014, 07:38   #8850
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Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by gpick24 View Post
I must be in the minority then, I think a pound is quite reasonable for using a car park (£10 in some last week in Blackpool).
This may not be the place for my whinging but, Those verminous money grabbers at the council apply a stealth tax upon us 'normal folk' to our leisure time by charging us for parking on some (often poorly maintained) car park (often it's just a bit of rough ground) and probably use that money to pay for ex council employees pensions to the tune of thousands per year.
Personally, I take an exceptional dislike to paying out my hard earned cash in stealth taxes on my leisure time and (sometimes) refuse to comply with the 'rules'. I'm a bad boy and make no exuses for that fact, I simply hate being taken for a mug by those council leeches.

Councils are charging so much for parking that these ticket machines are a target for criminals and such so their now trying to make a lot of them card only machines......or is that just a scheme to keep the poorest folk (like me) away?
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Taking pics of some of the places you see is DANGEROUS . I do not condone or encourage breaking the law or unsafe behavior.

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