Accy PhotosLets see some of your good Accrington photos. Please refrain from uploading copyrighted pictures! Also, if anyone has any photo requests, maybe some of our users could get them for you.
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We are a discussion forum dedicated to the towns of Accrington, Oswaldtwistle and the surrounding areas, sometimes referred to as Hyndburn! We are a friendly bunch please feel free to browse or read on for more info. You are currently viewing our site as a guest which gives you limited access to view most discussions and access our other features. By joining our free community you will have access to post topics, photos, play in the community arcade and use our blog section. Registration is fast, simple and absolutely free, so please, join our community today!
This week I've been playing with B&W shots, since a friend of mine on Facebook issued me with the five day challenge (post one B&W shot each day for 5 days). I groaned at first but reluctantly agreed to do it. They started out as regular colour pix, but I used Photoshop to remove the colour and improve the contrast etc.
1. There’s a spider on the wall. Miss Pris on the hunt.
2. Crystals (a pot I made).
3. German style sausages at our deli (Bockwurst, Westphalians and Weisswurst for DiG).
4. The only outdoor shot (it’s COLD over here!) Early morning at the Guild cottage where I work.
This week I've been playing with B&W shots, since a friend of mine on Facebook issued me with the five day challenge (post one B&W shot each day for 5 days). I groaned at first but reluctantly agreed to do it. They started out as regular colour pix, but I used Photoshop to remove the colour and improve the contrast etc.
1. There’s a spider on the wall. Miss Pris on the hunt.
2. Crystals (a pot I made).
3. German style sausages at our deli (Bockwurst, Westphalians and Weisswurst for DiG).
4. The only outdoor shot (it’s COLD over here!) Early morning at the Guild cottage where I work.
Its good to have a focal point, and can stretch the imagination to see a B&W shot in a world of colour, nice idea.
Today in Pictures is just a quick tootle, and more documental than anything else.
1. This field during the summer was a large trench while they put a large water pipe in, you can just make out the rebuilt wall that had to come down.
2. It came very close, so I kicked away snow and leaves to reveal a bit of soil, it was straight down.
3. Who left that gate open there is a hell of a draught.
4. Can you tell where I am yet.
5. Just leaves at the moment, the flowers are still tucked away until it gets a bit warmer.
6. And with that last shot the BIG shop awaits
Lovely shot of the robin, and there's my favourite graveyard again, in a wintery mood.
I love all these snow scenes- we haven't seen a single flake yet. It can be a nuisance but winter doesn't seem the same without a few snowy days.
I'd drive over if I had time, just to walk in it and see a snow covered Pendle again.
As it is, just keep posting your snowy ones please, it's the next best thing!
I love all these snow scenes- we haven't seen a single flake yet. It can be a nuisance but winter doesn't seem the same without a few snowy days.
I'd drive over if I had time, just to walk in it and see a snow covered Pendle again.
As it is, just keep posting your snowy ones please, it's the next best thing!
Today in Pictures, still wet, white, and wonderful on my tootling.
1. A walk around Hameldon Woods reveals a lot of downed trees.
2. There has to be a wet bit.
3. Beech are the only tree still with a few leaves, apart from the evergreens of course.
4. Silver Birch show off their bark, it gets lost when the leaves are out.
5. The wood, a wall and a wet bit, I don't think I am in Narnia though.
6. Baubleicious and if you look carefully you can see a little fat chap.
7. Top edge of the quarry, had time been available I would be up there.
8. Amongst the pine trees.
9. An abandoned farmhouse and attached cottages overlooking Winfields'.
10. A long forgotten about sluice gate that once regulated water to Britannia Mill.
Is it just me, or can anyone else see the face in nr. 4?
I can see a face in number 4 too.
I love number one.....that is a great shot.
__________________ The world will not be destroyed by evil people... It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing. (a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)