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Old 27-05-2016, 18:25   #12286
Senior Member+

Gremlin's Avatar

Re: Today in pictures

As promised Margaret. First five inside Liverpool and second five Chester Cathedral.
Down sized a lot so they are not the best but still decent. I think.

If this has appeared twice I apologise. I posted it this morning but cant find it now.
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Gremlin R.T.
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Accrington Web
Old 27-05-2016, 19:52   #12287
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gpick24's Avatar

Re: Today in pictures

A hawk from a dismal RAF Leeming yesterday and a scraggy Blue Tit from the back garden.
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Old 27-05-2016, 20:28   #12288
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Turtle's Avatar

Re: Today in pictures

This week the weather is a sunny hot and humid 30 degrees - quite a change from the snow flakes flying around two weeks ago! We took full advantage and drove to a conservation area for a picnic. We had it all to ourselves - just the way I like it. There was a nice breeze to keep the bugs away.

Then while I was in the basement at the Pottery Guild, a couple of toads peered through the window - they'd fallen down the window well and couldn't get out. Of course I had to rescue them and they went on their merry way

Finally, I had to sneak one in of Miss Pris sniffing out a container of home made BBQd burgers (I gave her a bit and she didn't like it after all!)
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Old 28-05-2016, 19:55   #12289
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Gremlin's Avatar

Re: Today in pictures

A couple for D i G taken through the upstairs window of the Maritime museum.
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Gremlin R.T.
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Old 28-05-2016, 21:04   #12290
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Re: Today in pictures

On these hot mornings we like to take our breakfast to a nice breezy spot, and around here the best place for that is the Glen Williams graveyard on a hill overlooking the valley. It's not very old by English standards, being founded in 1833. The inmates are very quiet, leaving us to enjoy our Eccles cake and Tim Horton's beverages in peace.

Today, coming home I had a surprise: a snapping turtle had come up from the ponds, on the march looking for a nesting ground, and being closely inspected by a local cat. Fearing for both their safety (those turtles pack a mean bite!) I shovelled said turtle into a bucket and put it where I thought it might prefer to lay its eggs. The cat stalked off in disgust. After about an hour, that silly beast had resumed its climb up the roadway - the turtle, not the cat
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Old 28-05-2016, 21:39   #12291
Beacon of light

Margaret Pilkington's Avatar
Re: Today in pictures

Today it was the first day of the1940's weekend at Ramsbottom.
We were there farily early.....before it got going.....but by lunch time the place was bumping.
I took over 200 it has been hard trying to choose just ten for today.
1) Not the Andrews sisters.
2) Kiss him Goodbye.
3) A vintage Rover with the Viking mascot. Thought the boys on here might just like this one.
4) A 1939 Royal enfield motorbike...the owner said it is a rare model and he did tell me what it was......but I was mesmerised by his moustache and have forgotten what he sadi.
5)You aren't listening to me are you? I am not sure that is what they are saying, but that is my spin.
6) Gladys and Gertie.....Ladies who 'do'
7) We'll meet again.......Vera type songs on the station platform.
8) the Frenchman left his bike.
9) a very young looking airman and a boy scout.
10) another for the lads.......can't beat a steam train...the smell of hot metal, coal burning.......very masculine.
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The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
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Last edited by Margaret Pilkington; 28-05-2016 at 21:45.
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Old 28-05-2016, 22:12   #12292
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Gremlin's Avatar

Re: Today in pictures

I'm going tomorrow Margaret.
Parking at Rawtenstall and station hopping.
I've been a few times but lost the file with the photos. I'll be there snapping away tomorrow.
I'm down to my last two complimentary tickets.
We used to get lots when June was training the puppy guide dogs.
I had ten left when she passed away.
Gremlin R.T.
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Old 28-05-2016, 22:16   #12293
Beacon of light

Margaret Pilkington's Avatar
Re: Today in pictures

Russell, I hope it is a lovely day for you.
I thoroughly enjoyed myself......and wanted to stay longer, but old grumble guts was getting a bit restless......and he said he had a square bum from sitting down.
I left him to sit while I ran about like a dog at a fair.
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The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Old 28-05-2016, 22:39   #12294
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Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
Russell, I hope it is a lovely day for you.
I thoroughly enjoyed myself......and wanted to stay longer, but old grumble guts was getting a bit restless......and he said he had a square bum from sitting down.
I left him to sit while I ran about like a dog at a fair.
I usually enjoy the day there MARGARET but don't dress up.
I had a laugh last year when I asked three ladies if I could take their photos because they were very well dressed in 40's style.
They turned round with their backs to me bent forward and lifted their skirts to reveal long bloomers and seamed stockings.
Very tastefully done of course.
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Gremlin R.T.
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Old 29-05-2016, 05:51   #12295
Beacon of light

Margaret Pilkington's Avatar
Re: Today in pictures

I think that would have made a brilliant picture.
I will be going through mine today and resizing them so that they load easily.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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Old 29-05-2016, 05:59   #12296
Beacon of light

Margaret Pilkington's Avatar
Re: Today in pictures

I put a selection of pictures on my Flickr page and within a short space of time it had reached 775 views......this might not be a lot for some Flickr posters, but it beats anything I have had for my pictures.
It just shows how popular this kind of event is.
The shops and cafes benefit from the extra trade it brings to the place too.
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The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Old 29-05-2016, 09:13   #12297
Beacon of light

Margaret Pilkington's Avatar
Re: Today in pictures

Some more from yesterday.
1940's weekend in Ramsbottom.
1) that'll scare the wind out of the baby!
2) A briefing(or maybe they are discussing racing odds) Monochrome for effect.
3) Never miss a chance to lie down in the sun.
4) overpaid, oversexed and Over Here...well isn't that what they said about the GI's(some of these look like school uniform would be more appropriate.
5) Vintage cars. It is really sad that i am able to say i remember these bein a coomon sight on the roads.
6) taking five.
7) Have you got your gas mask dear?
8) Swanking in whites
9) I salute you.
10) Winner,winner, chicken dinner...alas not southern fried...English roast!
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shillelagh, Eric, JCB and 6 others like this.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)

Last edited by Margaret Pilkington; 29-05-2016 at 09:20.
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Old 29-05-2016, 09:21   #12298
Beacon of light

Margaret Pilkington's Avatar
Re: Today in pictures

Wadey is off to Ramsbottom today so maybe there will be some good shots from him.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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Old 29-05-2016, 10:47   #12299
Beacon of light

Margaret Pilkington's Avatar
Re: Today in pictures

To see more of my pictures...look here.
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The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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Old 29-05-2016, 11:18   #12300
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maxthecollie's Avatar

Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
To see more of my pictures...look here.
Fantastic Pics there Margaret
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