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Old 26-07-2012, 19:28   #1321
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Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by susie123 View Post
Common Mallow grows in open, dry (well drained), nutrient-rich soil, Loosestrife likes damp places, Dave actually photographed it growing in water. Mallow is altogether bushier and sturdier than loosestrife, whose flowers are much smaller than either mallow or willow herb.
This is the Willowherb growing on the banks of my lodge at the moment. The flowers are very tiny .... think it may be the Great Willowherb as described in my image above ?

Rosebay Willowherb 001.JPG
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Old 26-07-2012, 19:46   #1322
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Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by katex View Post
This is the Willowherb growing on the banks of my lodge at the moment. The flowers are very tiny .... think it may be the Great Willowherb as described in my image above ?

Attachment 23054
Actually yes there are some willow herbs with small flowers, some of them are a bit weedy.

Funny, my dad lived on Lodgeside for a short while about 30 years ago, only visited him there a couple of times, never realised there actually was a lodge down there!!
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Old 27-07-2012, 05:04   #1323
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Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by davemac View Post
I for one, start with this thread, and if it wasn't here I would no longer be on Accy Web.

I don't think removing the good stuff and leaving the venomous stuff is the answer, so there you have it, I bounce the ball back to you.
Oooh, you're such a drama Queen !
I don't know half of you as well as I should like, and I like half of you, half as well as you deserve. (Bilbo Baggins)
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Old 27-07-2012, 09:33   #1324
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Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by DaveinGermany View Post
Oooh, you're such a drama Queen !
Its my ball and I will take it home if I want.

We will fight them on the keypad, we will fight them on the mouse, we will never surrender.
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Old 27-07-2012, 11:48   #1325
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Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by davemac View Post
Its my ball and I will take it home if I want.

We will fight them on the keypad, we will fight them on the mouse, we will never surrender.
you've never met em in the railway on a saturday dinnertime then dave ...
<img src= border=0 alt= />

The views expressed in this post is mine and mine alone
anyone want to argue
well tough!!!
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Old 27-07-2012, 11:51   #1326
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Re: Today in pictures

Not wanting to let the matter drop, and no response from Mick, I would argue that saying on one day that the number of pictures posted has to be reduced, and the very next saying the thread would be deleted if we didn't act instantly, is to my mind a heavy handed act, and an enforcement of a rule that does not exist for the forum.

People have taken ownership of this thread, and have been inspired to purchase new cameras to contribute to this thread. Is this commitment to be ignored!

It has been brought to my attention that the picture competitions no longer are run on this forum, therefore the capacity released by this act is available to the "Today in Pictures" thread, It isn't enforced on other threads that post pictures, so why the sledgehammer on this one.
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Old 27-07-2012, 12:00   #1327
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Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by davemac View Post
Not wanting to let the matter drop, and no response from Mick, I would argue that saying on one day that the number of pictures posted has to be reduced, and the very next saying the thread would be deleted if we didn't act instantly, is to my mind a heavy handed act, and an enforcement of a rule that does not exist for the forum.

People have taken ownership of this thread, and have been inspired to purchase new cameras to contribute to this thread. Is this commitment to be ignored!

It has been brought to my attention that the picture competitions no longer are run on this forum, therefore the capacity released by this act is available to the "Today in Pictures" thread, It isn't enforced on other threads that post pictures, so why the sledgehammer on this one.
Not being technically minded I just wonder how much space every youtube music/video link takes up?

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Old 27-07-2012, 12:09   #1328
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Re: Today in pictures

Market day in Castelverde -got a few funny looks from my fellow villagers as I snapped a few shots! I bought some fresh bread, fruit and some ready fried "Merluzzo" which is battered salt cod (very nice!) from a specialist stall - its very good but not as nice as English cod'n'chips

The pink building in the square is our Town Hall (Municipio). Quite a few people about, it's a popular little market, though when it's hot most people go earlier. I got home at 10-45am and am now shuttered in against the mad hours - will open up again and start to breath (hopefully) after 7-30pm! It was so hot last night that with windows open and fans on I didn't get to sleep till after one am....was in bed at eleven after a cool shower...:
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“Beauty is an experience, nothing else. It is not a fixed pattern or an arrangement of features. It is something felt, a glow or a communicated sense of fineness.”
~ D. H. Lawrence
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Old 27-07-2012, 12:11   #1329
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Re: Today in pictures

Dave, I am sure that it is a cost has to bought from the server.
Some people who come on the site pay a subscription, but many others do not...there is only so much money to go around.

I know Mick fairly well, and he is not into a heavy handed way of dealing with fact he is a most helpful moderator(not that I am saying the others aren't- but most of my dealings with mods have been with Mick).
The picture competitions (which were sometimes very poorly paticipated in) were abandoned because of a problem with the software(I think -I'm sure Mick will correct me if I have got it wrong).

I am not taking sides here, but just trying to be diplomatic in explaining why things are the way they are.

Post ten pics and link to Flickr so that people can see the rest of your pictures there...that way you follow the rules, but allow those who like to see what you have been doing, and where you have been, to peep over your shoulder.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)

Last edited by Margaret Pilkington; 27-07-2012 at 12:14.
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Old 27-07-2012, 12:12   #1330
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Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by davemac View Post
People have taken ownership of this thread, and have been inspired to purchase new cameras to contribute to this thread. Is this commitment to be ignored!
Yes... all I've got to do now is get on and use this new camera...

Well said Dave and thanks for fighting our corner.
Let sleeping polar bears lie...
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Old 27-07-2012, 15:15   #1331
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Re: Today in pictures

On this particular issue, I think it has been dealt with rather heavily, to ask for the photos to be reduced in size on the 24/7/12. then say the thread will be deleted on 26/07/12 if we don't comply, is not diplomatic by any stretch of the imagination

I am not against the limit of 10 photos per day, after reducing them in size, although I am not sure if making up the rules as you go along offers clarity of vision, which this appears top be.

Would it not have been better to instruct users who are posting either too many photos ( I am guilty of this), or are posting without reduction, the correct way to post.
I find a helping hand is better than a slap in the face.

I hold this thread up as a positive thread for the website, with no nasty post having been posted. This thread has had 1330 posts with 15,519 views, and all of it is family friendly.
Yes I have got on my high horse, but only because I will defend this positive thread, and a threat to close it will not be tolerated.

I would however ask for people to perhaps look at the possibility of a small contribution to the site, I do, and will make another one this weekend.

right rant over, I'm off to a darkened room, as my dander is close to bursting
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Old 27-07-2012, 15:22   #1332
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Re: Today in pictures

do you want me to come with a cool flannel and some Lavender drops Dave???

I don't think this has come up before because we have never had a thread like this before....and to be fair, Mick doesn't make the rules, he only makes sure that whatever the rules are, they are complied with. You could always PM him and ask for clarification.
I think it is a 'costs issue'.
I am already a contributor and have been for quite a while. If you enjoy something then you should pay a little for its upkeep.(and I mean the 'you' in a collective sense rather than a personal one)
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
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Old 27-07-2012, 15:27   #1333
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Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by mobertol View Post
Market day in Castelverde -got a few funny looks from my fellow villagers as I snapped a few shots! I bought some fresh bread, fruit and some ready fried "Merluzzo" which is battered salt cod (very nice!) from a specialist stall - its very good but not as nice as English cod'n'chips
Looks like a better market than Accy and in a place with only just over 5000 inhabitants (according to Wikipedia). And not a fancy market hall or faux Victorian stall in sight!

Wasn't expecting to see a large African lady as in pic 6!
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Old 27-07-2012, 15:35   #1334
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Re: Today in pictures

As the request to restrain posts coincided with the server maintenance earlier this week I am assuming/guessing that the two are connected. Haste may account for a certain possible lack of diplomacy in the way things were conducted. I think as Margaret says no unpleasantness was intended but there's no accounting for people's reactions.

I hope the dust is now beginning to settle and we can move on and continue to enjoy the thread - it certainly has been a breath of fresh air for a lot of people.
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Old 27-07-2012, 15:36   #1335
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Re: Today in pictures

Originally Posted by davemac View Post
Yes I have got on my high horse
Is that a Shetland pony Dave?
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