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09-04-2009, 07:00
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£10 per hour Mobile Broadband Rates
Thats how much I ended up paying on Tuesday
I bought a Mobile Broadband stick from T-Mobile on Tuesday for use on the stall. Got a £20 top-up to start.
The stick was next to useless, constant redialling, snail pace connection, so I took it back under their 7 day refund clause. No problem refunding the cost of the stick but they won't refund the top up I paid, even though most of it was unused. As I used the stick for about 2 hours maximum I reckon I have paid £10 per hour for it's use.
Beware if you are buying one, make sure it works with the minimum amount of top up you can get 
09-04-2009, 07:13
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Re: £10 per hour Mobile Broadband Rates
We have 2 contract t mobile ones Lancsdave, and they're not too bad, you get the occasional blip, as you do with the t mobile phones, we also have a pay as you go '3', and that one isnt so bad either, none are or ever will be as quick as broadband cable, but do a job. Can you not connect to a local wireless? some near where I live dont have a password, and you can use thier connection.
If time travel were possible, wouldn't somebody have been back or forward and told us by now?
09-04-2009, 07:16
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Re: £10 per hour Mobile Broadband Rates
[quote=derekgas;702444], none are or ever will be as quick as broadband cable, but do a job. quote]
I didn't expect it to derek, but a page refresh quicker than 5 minutes would have been nice  The stall next to me has 3 and his is very quick so it's not like there is no reception all round.
09-04-2009, 08:44
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Re: £10 per hour Mobile Broadband Rates
reception is everything. It amazes me the number of people who buy a mobile on contract because its was 'cheaper' or had the 'best phone' when in reality with no signal its a very expensive paperweight.
Piggy Backing someones WIFI is illegal and a few people have been done for it now.
Technically they can't even agree to let you use it as it breaks the T&Cs of their contract with their BB supplier.
09-04-2009, 09:08
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Re: £10 per hour Mobile Broadband Rates
I have the pay as you go 3 usb fingy....for when i need to send pics to papers after a football match.. its so poor that I always check where the nearest mcdonalds is to the ground before i set off... would rather use that
09-04-2009, 09:20
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Re: £10 per hour Mobile Broadband Rates
Originally Posted by K-P
I have the pay as you go 3 usb fingy....for when i need to send pics to papers after a football match.. its so poor that I always check where the nearest mcdonalds is to the ground before i set off... would rather use that
You send the papers a Mcdonalds?  

Some people think I'm a bit of an animal, but I'm quite tender really
09-04-2009, 09:51
Resting in Peace
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Re: £10 per hour Mobile Broadband Rates
Originally Posted by derekgas
, none are or ever will be as quick as broadband cable, but do a job. quote]
I didn't expect it to derek, but a page refresh quicker than 5 minutes would have been nice  The stall next to me has 3 and his is very quick so it's not like there is no reception all round.
Are you sure it wasn't Dial up dave 
09-04-2009, 16:31
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Re: £10 per hour Mobile Broadband Rates
i bought spug a 3 mobile broadband stick for his xmas pressie .. you'll have to ask him what he thinks of it ...
The views expressed in this post is mine and mine alone anyone want to argue well tough!!!
09-04-2009, 17:41
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Re: £10 per hour Mobile Broadband Rates
My Vodafone 3G is faster than my broadband connection. 
formerly cyfr
09-04-2009, 17:45
Re: £10 per hour Mobile Broadband Rates
Originally Posted by andrewb
My Vodafone 3G is faster than my broadband connection. 
You have said a few times your broadband is pants at Hull 
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09-04-2009, 17:53
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Re: £10 per hour Mobile Broadband Rates
Posted via Mobile Device
Pants? Flippin heck i thought they at very least had wires. 
09-04-2009, 17:57
Re: £10 per hour Mobile Broadband Rates
He is at Uni, its all about pants  
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09-04-2009, 20:43
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Re: £10 per hour Mobile Broadband Rates
or removing them 
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