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31-07-2004, 11:25
Apprentice Geriatric
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2MB Internet connection for FREE!
Late in the last millennium I dipped a tentative toe into the Internet waters searching for ways to make a few quid. After all being retired I had all the time in the world and during the next five years or so I learned more than enough to spot a scam and there were plenty of them. Even more now!
Recently I came across JUICE - a UK company that is going to take the Internet by storm by offering a 2MB connection to anyone in the world for FREE (my favourite Internet word). Come October all those who sign up to JUICE will be able to download (for free of course) some software that will give a 2MB Internet connection even on a modem as low as 9.6K – not that anyone will use such an archaic device. Signees are under no obligation whatsoever to use the software nor will they be asked for any money as current signees are in for life and for FREE. Those people who sign up after October will be asked to fork out £2.99 (about $5.25) per month.
My Internet experience tells me that this is no scam and JUICE will deliver some time in October.
Even though I have a 560K Broadband connection with Freeserve (Wanadoo) I have signed up and am spreading the word like all other signees. After all I have absolutely nothing to lose and it has cost me nothing nor will it. Even if this is all a pipe dream I will not lose out on the deal and nor will anyone else who gets involved before October because in the final analysis we can just not use the software and we will be no worse off than before.
JUICE isn’t just a fast Internet connection system but it will also block, porn, spam and viruses.
So if anyone is interested in at least having a look at the JUICE web site then be my guest and go to: http://www.jambutty17.freeserve.co.uk/juice.html you have nothing to lose and a lot to gain.
31-07-2004, 11:32
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Re: 2MB Internet connection for FREE!
Oh dear! Thanks for posting an affiliate link, and trying to make money from the good people of accringtonweb. I to have a fair amount of experience of the internet and believe that nothing comes for free. This to me rings alarm bells bigger than big ben! I would love to know what this technology is that enables a 9.6k modem to transfer data at upto 2mbs through a maximum 115200bps serial port!
Although we have nothing in the rules right now that dissallows posting of affiliate links, I shall be amending soon and it will not be allowed. If you would like to share something with accyweb in the future, a clear straight link to the product would be nice, then we know you are not benefiting and are not biased!
Please PM me if you would like to discuss advertising fees on AccringtonWeb.
Last edited by Roy; 31-07-2004 at 11:33.
31-07-2004, 11:33
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Re: 2MB Internet connection for FREE!
even on a modem as low as 9.6K – not that anyone will use such an archaic device
Oi my first modem was a 9600.. state of the art modem. only really used by busnisses it said...
Also i will be on 9600 next week and was a couple of weeks ago as thats the speed of my mobile phone when I use it to connect my laptop to the internet on the Train and when out and about.
OK I know what ya meant  But just wanted to point out 9600 is still in use
First in accy on broadband me... 
02-08-2004, 19:03
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Re: 2MB Internet connection for FREE!
Thanks jambutty that should save me alot of money as im on aol broadband!!
06-08-2004, 16:04
Apprentice Geriatric
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Re: 2MB Internet connection for FREE!
Ooops! Sorry Roy! I did look to see if affiliate links were allowed and couldn’t find anything to say that they were not because at the time of posting there was no other way to get to the site except via a referral link. This has now changed so you can get to the site at:
I’m just as sceptical as the next person about free stuff but in this case I have nothing to lose by getting involved.
"I would love to know what this technology is that enables a 9.6k modem to transfer data at up to 2mbs through a maximum 115200bps serial port!"
So would I Roy, so would I but does it have to be a serial port? What about USB or a firewire (whatever that is)? I mean when I upload 4MB of pictures from my digital camera to my computer via the USB port it happens in a few of seconds and my Freeserve broadband modem (560K) is connected via a USB port. As I understand it a fire wire is even quicker.
I have no idea how Juice is going to achieve their claimed Internet connection speed but maybe this is how it could be done. I’m not sure if I can explain this so that someone else understands but here goes.
A powered audio signal will travel along a wire at or near the speed of light. The audio signal can contain many different frequencies (i.e. a concert orchestra) and the quantity will not affect the speed of travel. That is if you transmit 16 different sounds down the same line at the same time they will all be received virtually instantly. If the 16 different sounds were separated by 200 cycles or should that be Hertz now, you can class them as 16 channels and they would have a bandwidth of 4.2KHz, which is well within the range of a simple wire.
If channels 1 and 2 were for the first bit of a byte and 3 and 4 for the second bit and so on, you could transmit 1 byte at the same time. That is 8 different sounds. If channel 1 transmitted a 1,000Hz sound for a ZERO and channel 2 transmitted a 1,200Hz sound for the ONE and channel 3 transmitted a 1,400Hz sound for a ZERO and channel 4 transmitted a 1,600Hz sound for the ONE and so on all the sounds would arrive at the same time. Thus if there were a sound in channel 1 there would be no sound in channel 2, that bit would be a ZERO. If there were a sound in channel 2 there would be no sound in channel 1, that bit would be a ONE. A suitable filtering system would separate all the various sounds to rebuild the byte. So in fact only 8 sounds would be transmitted simultaneously. If each sound lasted for 1 micro second you would get one byte per microsecond - 1MB per second. Of course the volume of an analogue sound would deteriorate over distance but then we have long distance telephone calls that are as clear as a bell these days so maintaining the volume should not be a problem.
Something similar, although much slower, was done on Royal Naval Multi-channel Single Sideband transmitters in the ‘50’s and ‘60’s for the world wide teleprinter network. The teleprinter code (the Murray code) was based on a binary code, or marks and spaces, or voltage or no voltage. That is all the keyboard characters would be made up of 4 marks and 3 spaces in individual configurations with a stop and start signal and of course they were transmitted in series (serial port). When I left the navy in ’67 they were experimenting with a parallel scheme, that is like I have described above, although the technology of the day wasn’t able to ‘read’ sounds as short as 1 microsecond. The best that they could do was about 100 milliseconds.
I’m willing to bet that someone somewhere is developing what I have described above and could even be in use somewhere. But it won’t be released to us mortals until every single penny has been squeezed out of the current ways of connecting to the Internet.
06-08-2004, 16:48
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Re: 2MB Internet connection for FREE!
The Juice website says it is software. So that means they are saying that they can get 2mbs through a 9600bps modem. Otherwise why would they mention it even works with the 9.6k modem?
06-08-2004, 17:59
Apprentice Geriatric
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Re: 2MB Internet connection for FREE!
I don’t have any answers Roy but in a marketing tutorial that is only available to affiliates via the newsletters there is a link – this one http://www.juicesupport.com/parttwojmt.html#19 and under the IMPORTANT GENERAL NOTICES section and near the bottom of it is this:
"FREE Calls to JUICE Broadband Service for Customers.
How can call charges be free when you use Juice internet. Who is paying for this and how does it work?
Quite simply, the JUICE software download comes with a connection pack that is used to dial-up once every session to a country specific FREE phone number and connect to the JUICE broadband service. Dial–up will only be required once per Internet session.
Software will only be distributed in October and cannot be downloaded from the current JUICE web site."
So maybe there is hardware involved as well. I mean a connection pack can mean anything.
I guess that we shall find out in October and either kick ourselves or say Yeh! No harm in going along with them for now to see how things pan out. After all it isn’t costing me anything and affiliates are not committed to anything at all even though they have registered for the software etc. (if there is an etc.?)
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