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Old 04-05-2011, 19:10   #16

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Re: 464 rochdale bus

Originally Posted by shillelagh View Post
that was back in 1986 .... surely you werent expecting the staff to be fired on the day it went private are you .. so who would run the company then ...
Please don't call me Shirley

The problem with many public services is that they don't get rid of incompetent staff. If someone is not good enough to be doing a job they should be moved to a level they are competent.

Housing is probably a good example. If the Councils had run their Council House departments properly there would have been no need to sell of the houses. They would all have been well maintained, tenants would have had problems dealt with rapidly. What did we have though? Houses in a poor state of maintenance required lots of money spending on them because the Council badly managed the housing stock. Maybe rents were to low to be able to maintain the houses but if that was the case it shows poor management.

I am sure the bus company is still controlled by the council even if only loosely. The fact that all the staff just moved across in 1986 would suggest it would be badly managed from the start and is probably still suffering all these years later.

I wonder if the staff are still on the same terms and conditions including pensions as the Council staff are?
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Old 04-05-2011, 19:25   #17
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Re: 464 rochdale bus

Originally Posted by Neil View Post
Please don't call me Shirley

The problem with many public services is that they don't get rid of incompetent staff. If someone is not good enough to be doing a job they should be moved to a level they are competent.

Housing is probably a good example. If the Councils had run their Council House departments properly there would have been no need to sell of the houses. They would all have been well maintained, tenants would have had problems dealt with rapidly. What did we have though? Houses in a poor state of maintenance required lots of money spending on them because the Council badly managed the housing stock. Maybe rents were to low to be able to maintain the houses but if that was the case it shows poor management.

I am sure the bus company is still controlled by the council even if only loosely. The fact that all the staff just moved across in 1986 would suggest it would be badly managed from the start and is probably still suffering all these years later.

I wonder if the staff are still on the same terms and conditions including pensions as the Council staff are?
if they worked for the bus company before it went private - yes they do ..... but otherwise no they dont .....
<img src= border=0 alt= />

The views expressed in this post is mine and mine alone
anyone want to argue
well tough!!!
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Old 05-05-2011, 17:20   #18
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Re: 464 rochdale bus

1986 was a long time ago. Since then they will have had plenty of time to recruit overpaid management at salaries (what they imagine) is competitive with the private sector. Think NHS for example.

What you have here is a form of blackmail all down the line. The bus company won't run the service without the same level of subsidy. Then the council pass the blame to the ConDem cuts. In other words, cough up the dough to continue with our extravagent lifestyle, or we'll make you unpopular, all down the line.

I think it is outrageous that an area of town on one of the major roads in the borough should be entirely without public transport after 2050. They wouldn't think of that in London I can assure you.
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Old 05-05-2011, 18:37   #19

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Re: 464 rochdale bus

The idea of changing the timings during the day would make sense
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Old 05-05-2011, 22:23   #20
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Re: 464 rochdale bus

there's a piece about it in this weeks Observer
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Old 07-05-2011, 14:11   #21
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Re: 464 rochdale bus

Originally Posted by shillelagh
why blame rossendale transport ....
Why indeed. I think we should blame it on 13 years of Labour misrule. You just ask jaysay or Neil.
Under democracy one party always devotes its chief energies to trying to prove that the other party is unfit to rule - and both commonly succeed, and are right.

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Old 07-05-2011, 21:30   #22
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Re: 464 rochdale bus

Rossendale Transport have a monopoly on the route and are having a laugh here. If some independent came in they would be well and truly shafted, extortionate fares, drivers who have all the customer service attributes of a bag of cat litter, and now limiting the times of services. Combined with their inability to reply to emails, brilliant ! NOT!!
They are pants and we need to tell them !
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Old 09-05-2011, 12:41   #23
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Re: 464 rochdale bus

Originally Posted by Neil View Post
Housing is probably a good example. If the Councils had run their Council House departments properly there would have been no need to sell of the houses. They would all have been well maintained, tenants would have had problems dealt with rapidly. What did we have though? Houses in a poor state of maintenance required lots of money spending on them because the Council badly managed the housing stock. Maybe rents were to low to be able to maintain the houses but if that was the case it shows poor management.
oooo Neil you are so wrong but this is the wrong thread to discuss it so next time I see you I will make sure you understand the whole issue of stock transfers and why they HAD to happen!!!

What I will say is just because staff moved over from the council does not make them bad staff at all.... things run under the council can be run completely different when transferred due to the reduction of red tape so some of these same people can then implement things that would improve service that under council ownership could not happen.... and no I am not suggesting that this is the same for this bus company, as people have said the transfer was 25 years ago!!

I know this may come as a shock but believe it or not all views I may air on here are my own work!!!!!
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Old 09-05-2011, 13:14   #24

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Re: 464 rochdale bus

Originally Posted by harwood red View Post
oooo Neil you are so wrong but this is the wrong thread to discuss it so next time I see you I will make sure you understand the whole issue of stock transfers and why they HAD to happen!!!
I best ring you something because I might be dead before we bump into each other again

Originally Posted by harwood red View Post
What I will say is just because staff moved over from the council does not make them bad staff at all.
I am sure it does not, but things run 'The Council way' are not always the best way for being profitable and providing the best service. I am expecting we will see some really good example's soon
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Old 03-06-2011, 09:11   #25

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Re: 464 rochdale bus

These buses will last a little longer, Rossendale Council are subsidising them for 2 months

Bus service wins a reprieve - for now | Rossendale Free Press -
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