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10-02-2008, 22:12
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Advice Please ???
Hi all just wanted to bend your ears lol but most of all if im well out of order on this pls pls tell me !!! here we go ...............
Me and my Hubby have decided to get our house re valued, then depending on wot its worth will put it up for sale, however after sharing this with a few of my other mates and they just say well its up 2 you wot you do ect...... but one particular freind is'nt best plzed i dnt think ?? you see she has decided to send her son to the same school as my middle and my youngest son, how ever as she doesnt drive, she will struggle to pick him up as its a fair way, so i kinda said well i cud pick him up as im going there any way to get my 2 boys, this was talked about lat yr !! any way as ive spoke and mentioned about if we do move, depending on the area then the above plans will change esp if i move to lower darwen it would prob take over half an hour of two-ing and fro-wing !!! esp with the traffic up there !! then the nxt idea is she came up with was her hubby take them all to school and i drop them off at home time ??? but the distance is way too far. why cant she see this ???? if feel so tight on her but wot else can i do ??? 
10-02-2008, 22:18
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Re: Advice Please ???
I don't think you are out of order, things change and if you move she can't expect you to go miles out of your way to solve her problem!!
I know this may come as a shock but believe it or not all views I may air on here are my own work!!!!!
10-02-2008, 22:22
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Re: Advice Please ???
thanx harwood red xx its realy started too do my nut in #! its like i havnt even rung the estate agent yet as im kinda putting it off !!! i might just mention too her too ava look at another school near bye just in case i cnt do it ??
10-02-2008, 22:22
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Re: Advice Please ???
I dont think its your problem and I certainly wouldn't consider not moving because of it, if she had anything about her she would tell you not to worry about it and she'll arrange something else.
' The views expressed here are my own and are not necessarily those of the site'
10-02-2008, 22:31
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Re: Advice Please ???
Are you moving to Lower Darwen by choice 
10-02-2008, 22:45
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Re: Advice Please ???
not too sure yet
i want it to be with in driving distance of the school
11-02-2008, 09:41
Beacon of light
Re: Advice Please ???
Why should you make yourself responsible for what is, after all, her child?
No, don't give it a second thought.......you should do what you want to do.....she will have to sort out the transport for her child herself.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
11-02-2008, 10:14
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Re: Advice Please ???
Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington
Why should you make yourself responsible for what is, after all, her child?
No, don't give it a second thought.......you should do what you want to do.....she will have to sort out the transport for her child herself.
Spot on!
Also what would she do if her child were ill and had to be collected straight away? Would you have to go and get him? Or if your children were ill and didn't go in are you expected to abandon them to take her son to school?
She is being unreasonable, she is responsible for him and to expect you to commit long-term to an arrangement like that is unfair (remember children go to school for at least 12 years!)
11-02-2008, 10:48
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Re: Advice Please ???
Emma, being one of the ones who has said do what is right for you john and the kids(even though i'll miss one of my best mates) just ignore the silly cow, you dont owe her anything.
what Emma hasnt told you lot is that this 'friend' of hers tries to live Emma's life, she has her hair cut just like Emma, she bought her house cos Emma bought hers, she even got a dog because Emma got one, Emma has 3 children so this 'friend' wanted 3 children too....she just wants to be her and its kinda freaky
EMMA JUST DO WHAT YOU WANNA DO and ignore the stupid cow 
11-02-2008, 12:18
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Re: Advice Please ???
Originally Posted by flashytart
Emma, being one of the ones who has said do what is right for you john and the kids(even though i'll miss one of my best mates) just ignore the silly cow, you dont owe her anything.
what Emma hasnt told you lot is that this 'friend' of hers tries to live Emma's life, she has her hair cut just like Emma, she bought her house cos Emma bought hers, she even got a dog because Emma got one, Emma has 3 children so this 'friend' wanted 3 children too....she just wants to be her and its kinda freaky
EMMA JUST DO WHAT YOU WANNA DO and ignore the stupid cow 
That sounds like stalking to me -- move out of daily travelling distance ---and dont tell her your new address
11-02-2008, 12:44
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Re: Advice Please ???
lol your soooooooooo right margaret
11-02-2008, 14:49
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Re: Advice Please ???
If that's all true then if I were you I'd be even more determined to move. You have to live your own life and not someone else's.
11-02-2008, 15:01
Coffin Dodger.
Re: Advice Please ???
yer most important priority is YOU n yer FAMILY, its that simple,dont let this selfish brainless cow put you on a guilt trip, the guilt is hers. 
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
11-02-2008, 16:04
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Re: Advice Please ???
i agree with every one here
its up to her how she picks up her child
youve been doing her a favour for the past few months
yummy mummy !!!!!!
11-02-2008, 16:58
Filthy / Gorgeous
Re: Advice Please ???
It sounds to me like this woman is not a friend. A ture friend would be more than happy for you to do what is right for you and your family, even if you were moving to the other side of the world..
Ignore her and do what is best for you and yours.. 
 Never put off until tomorrow what you can avoid altogether.
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