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Old 27-08-2010, 21:11   #31
Beacon of light

Margaret Pilkington's Avatar
Re: Advice please

Spuggie...that is damn good advice!
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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Accrington Web
Old 27-08-2010, 21:18   #32
I am Banned

Re: Advice please

Originally Posted by Rob249 View Post
itl put my mind at rest if i see her and on a scale of 1 to 10 what damage would showing her brother and mum the texts, il feel happier doing it
There's an old Lancashire saying.
Least said soonest mended.

Confronting people like her and her relatives may be just what they want, she may not have a brother or a nephew for that matter.

Let it drop and get on with your life and put it down to experience. Are you so daft or what. Do as tha telled & drop it.


Last edited by Retlaw; 27-08-2010 at 21:22.
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Old 27-08-2010, 21:18   #33
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Re: Advice please

As a former victim, I have researched the lying phenomenon as part of my 'cure'

I recommend reading this
Chronic Lying

It has been hypothesized that chronic or pathological lying is not a mental disorder of it's own. In fact, it is not recognized in the DSM-IV (The Diagnostic Manual used to describe mental illnesses). Instead, it is viewed as a symptom of another mental disorder that is present, such as delusional thinking, psychopathy, or narcissism.

You have had a lucky escape if you could only realise it.

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Old 27-08-2010, 21:23   #34
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Less's Avatar
Re: Advice please

Ignore all the good advice you have been given, I'll drive you to meet her/him so long as I can have the exclusive rights to the video of someone kicking ten bells out of you, whether it's her/him or her/his brother.
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
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Old 27-08-2010, 22:09   #35
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Re: Advice please

Stop being a daft sod, forget about it, book on the coach tomorrow, go to Oxford, back the lads.
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Old 28-08-2010, 09:32   #36
Resting in Peace
jaysay's Avatar

Re: Advice please

Having read through this thread I can imagine, after all we see on the TV about this kind of thing that anybody could be so gullible really, When she failed to trap the second time, the alarm bells should have been saying this is a scam of some sort, take everybody's advice Rob LEAVE WELL ALONE
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Old 28-08-2010, 23:18   #37
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glasgow guy's Avatar

Re: Advice please

either robs a wind up merchant or he is more than wet behind the ears than mr wet from wet street, wet land..
take yer balls out yer handbag mate or learn to grow a set and move on..
I am laughing at this thread at how someone could be such a patsy (such a great word!) as someone else mentioned..
some women are like snakes with..ahem breasts but the majority are lovely to be with - if this woman? is a female she will be sitting with her mates talking about this saddo who she is winding up and showing the texts and laughing their baseball caps off at you..and the last thing you want to be is a real saddo by going to see her but then you must already be a saddo for finding out her address..really..
I am presuming your single? and given your chat up skills aint too silky (by the way - do people not chat other folk up by talking in person to them anymore??) the quickest and easiest fix for you is to have a few beers and then dig deep in your pocket and get a nice lady of the night to help you forget about your text person..
or prepare yourself to get leathered by some guy or have the coppers lift you being some internet, text thats what she could easily say..
the choices are how did that song go again..

..desperado..why dont you come to your senses...
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Old 29-08-2010, 08:20   #38

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Re: Advice please

Originally Posted by Rob249 View Post
This might sound a little crazy and believe me it is.I started talking to a girl on the internet over a year ago, when we first started talking all i wanted was to be friends but after a couple of weeks she wanted more.She told me she had a son who was 2 and that she had come out of a long term relationship with her ex.

After about a month of talking we arranged to meet up and she was going to come and see me and stop at my house for a weekend, but then she said her son was ill and had to go into hospital, i felt upset and said dont worry its ok theres no rush yr sons more important and we can meet up soon.

Anyway this happened five times when she was going to come up that the baby was poorly and she couldnt make it.She would send me texts like I love you so much and my little boy is missing his step daddy, and how much she and her son missed me.

To try and cut a long story short, she eventually told me that she doesnt have a son and that it is her nephew, thing is Ive kept the texts on my phone even tho we still havent met but what hurts me is that she has been saying all this to me when its her brothers child and i have found out her address through a lot of hard work searching.

I just really dont know what to do.If you had a brother or sister that did that to you what would you do and what do you think i should do.Ive found out for definite that it is her brothers child.Its just doing my head in.

You are crazy to even think about meeting this woman.

I am going to close this thread now before any other member starts to think its a good idea to do something as stupid and ends up getting physically hurt.
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