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Old 15-10-2008, 17:22   #1
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Basic Cooking

following on from the Basic Baking thread, lets start a Basic Cooking thread

for dinner tonight Reece and i are having stuffed peppers, they are sooooooo easy to make and they taste lush too

all you need is....

4 small peppers (or two large)
fresh mince(as much or as little as you like depending on the size of the peppers)
2 cloves of garlic
4 rashers of bacon
a little cheese

carefully chop the tops off the peppers (as near to the top as you can get) but keep the tops

scoop out the seeds and throw them away

add chopped garlic to the mince and stuff it in the peppers (seasoning optional, but you dont need salt, the bacon does that for you)

put a little cheese on top of the mince and replace the top of the pepper

take a rasher of bacon per pepper and put it over the top of the pepper sealing it

place the peppers on a tray in the oven on gas mark 4 for an hour

make sure the mince is cooked through before serving


two small peppers per person are more than enough on their own, they are really filling
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Old 15-10-2008, 17:27   #2
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Re: Basic Cooking

I do that with savory rice as well for my veggi sister
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Old 15-10-2008, 17:32   #3
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Re: Basic Cooking

Mmmm.. sounds yummy Flashy .. does it make any difference to the taste as to the colour of the pepper ?
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Old 15-10-2008, 17:35   #4
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Re: Basic Cooking

well we are having 2 small ones each tonight i paid £1 for 6, we have a green and a red one each, it doesnt make any difference to me about the taste and the colour but its all about your taste, whatever colour you like
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Old 15-10-2008, 17:49   #5
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Re: Basic Cooking

Originally Posted by flashytart View Post
well we are having 2 small ones each tonight i paid £1 for 6, we have a green and a red one each, it doesnt make any difference to me about the taste and the colour but its all about your taste, whatever colour you like
Ok thanks, will try that one. Wasn't sure whether one cooked slightly different to the other .. meaning holding its shape.

My mum used to make this for us when we were little, I loved it, however, my ex was not impressed on his first invitation for tea when he asked "What's this crap ?" !! Don't think she ever took to him much after that culinary statement .. LOL :-

Seven Layer Dinner

Layer of sliced potatoes.
Layer of sliced onions.
Layer of thinly sliced carrots.
1/4 cup of rice.
Small tin of peas
1/2 lb sausage. (on top)
small tin tomato soup.

Cook covered for 1 hour.
and uncovered for 1 hour (Gas mark 4) Sorry don't know conversion to Electric.
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Old 15-10-2008, 18:30   #6

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Re: Basic Cooking

Originally Posted by katex View Post
Gas mark 4 Sorry don't know conversion to Electric.
180 degrees Centigrade
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Old 15-10-2008, 19:36   #7
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Re: Basic Cooking

Brother's coming for tea tomorrow ....... im making him broth and dumplings.

Easy enough to make and make a big pan of it - tastes even better the following day!!!!
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The views expressed in this post is mine and mine alone
anyone want to argue
well tough!!!
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