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31-08-2006, 14:00
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Re: Being screwed by employer....
Originally Posted by KIPAX
Where did getting sacked come into it? Different story if he gets sacked..
I read he was having a bit of a feel sorry day and thought he was being picked on and wanted to know what to do..... Now you have him sacked ? Poor bloke was better off before he posted 
He/she was issued with a written warning, the first start in the dismissal process.
Also, despite what Atilla the Kippax might say, if you do have a union rep do consult them.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.
31-08-2006, 14:15
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Re: Being screwed by employer....
Originally Posted by garinda
Also, despite what Atilla the Kippax might say, if you do have a union rep do consult them.
Garinda.. How it works is.. people ask for advice and we are all happy to give it.. What makes you think one person is supposed to announce he is right and everyone else is to be ignored... Offer your advice like the rest of us.
As for the personal insults/childish names.. cheers...
31-08-2006, 15:03
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Re: Being screwed by employer....
Originally Posted by entwisi
Classy, The Accident Group sacked everyone via text message a coulpe of years ago, i think.
"It wasn't me, you can't prove a thing"
The views expressed here are my own & are not necessarily those of the site.
31-08-2006, 15:28
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Re: Being screwed by employer....
Originally Posted by KIPAX
Garinda.. How it works is.. people ask for advice and we are all happy to give it.. What makes you think one person is supposed to announce he is right and everyone else is to be ignored... Offer your advice like the rest of us.
As for the personal insults/childish names.. cheers...
Just as I gave my advice. My advice is neither right or wrong, just as everyone elses is.
It wasn't me that slagged off the unions and then said Maggie would sort it out.
Consider this your first written warning. 
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.
31-08-2006, 15:31
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Re: Being screwed by employer....
and where in any of that have I unsulted or made up names about another accyweb member... yes you ahve your opinions and I ahve mine and as can be the case they differ...
however you decide to make up silly names and insult me for having my views.. whereas I have done nothing of the sort to you or anyone else on this thread..
31-08-2006, 15:38
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Re: Being screwed by employer....
Originally Posted by KIPAX
and where in any of that have I unsulted or made up names about another accyweb member... yes you ahve your opinions and I ahve mine and as can be the case they differ...
however you decide to make up silly names and insult me for having my views.. whereas I have done nothing of the sort to you or anyone else on this thread..
The Atilla the Kipax tag was a joke, because of your stated political right wing leanings with your dismissal of any help this member could perhaps get from his union, and your comment that Maggie would sort it out.
I forget you need a smiley to show where humour is intended.  (Smiley.)
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.
31-08-2006, 15:48
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Re: Being screwed by employer....
oh right.. you where having a joke and i am the only one on accyweb who didnt get it cus there was no smiley.. *I* need a smiley to see its a joke you say.. inferring only me needs one..
well dont worry.. all your sheep will be along in a minute to say how they saw it as a joke as well.. then you will all start swapping karma with each other as virtual slap on the backs..
seen it all before ffs
just be nice if for once you stood up like a man gary ...
31-08-2006, 17:26
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Re: Being screwed by employer....
be careful kipax the last thing yo wont is garinda giving you the sack
google t bagging if your not sure why 
31-08-2006, 18:04
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Re: Being screwed by employer....
Just a thought and to bring the thread back on topic.
It may not be a case of victimization, bullying or constructive dismissal. It may well be something as simple as fear? What I mean by this is that perhaps the gaffer/Forman etc is a bit reluctant to challenge certain employees due to their attitude towards him. I have had experience of something similar to this.
Due to certain employee’s attitudes towards the gaffer. i.e. Giving lip, answering back and even, dare I say, telling one to f off. Even though it was said flippantly it must be very embarrassing for any gaffer to have been shown disrespect like that. As a result the gaffer may now tend to befriend, treat like gods the offenders in the hope that he won’t get any more agro from them (stay clear off, turn a blind eye etc).
So as you can imagine some people can break company rules i.e. time keeping, reading news papers, leaving doors open etc etc yet others are held to account for their miss deeds. Thus leaving you with the feeling that perhaps this is constructive dismissal, bullying, victimization etc etc, when at the end of the day its none of those is simply a case of, the gaffer daren’t challenge the others. It’s sad really because it does make you feel bad especially when you see others getting away with murder and your not.
Or is it paranoia? 
31-08-2006, 18:19
Yank in King Art's Court!
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Re: Being screwed by employer....
Some great advice given. I appreciate the different opinions shared. It always helps to see different views. I also agree the "  " can do wonders to soften perceived comments!
I worked in human resources/employee relations with the Federal Gov. for many years. Got to fly around the country trying to "fix" problems. Did my share of firing but more importantly did alot of training supervisors and employees that keeping moral high was the best win-win solution.
Tried to explain that if supervisors didn't act like dictators and employees worked hard (remember these were federal employees, it was very rarely that any of them worked hard as in the real world), and followed the rules, work would go well for all concerned.
Sorry, it's the LancYorkYankees' afternoon coffee babble!
Okay, (not sure of England's rules) but: 1. Are the "other" employees different then you i.e. women, minorities, younger/older etc. Then discrimination MAY come into play; 2. If you have union  (ewww) contract it MUST be adhered to; 3. Additionally, any other written rules and regulations must be followed; 4. BEST advice given above, document, document document.
Over here, human resources is viewed as the supervisors advocate. It was rare when any of my collegues would give a rip about an employee's concerns. Man that really used to bug me. Hence, be a bit careful.
Good Luck, Work Hard, and KEEP SMILING!!!!
31-08-2006, 22:46
white rabbits
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Re: Being screwed by employer....
I hope things come to a happy conclusion North Star,,,,,Good Luck
Not a full brick
31-08-2006, 22:51
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Re: Being screwed by employer....
Originally Posted by KIPAX
oh right.. you where having a joke and i am the only one on accyweb who didnt get it cus there was no smiley.. *I* need a smiley to see its a joke you say.. inferring only me needs one..
well dont worry.. all your sheep will be along in a minute to say how they saw it as a joke as well.. then you will all start swapping karma with each other as virtual slap on the backs..
seen it all before ffs
just be nice if for once you stood up like a man gary ...
I'm sure the Accy Web Mafia you have paranoidly referred to before all look forward to your monthly hissy fits.  (SMILEY.)
I'll take it as a compliment that for a change you haven't targeted a female.
Last comment from me in what I consider a serious thread, especially for the person concerned.
Like I said earlier good luck. Bullying or victimisation is never funny, and should always be stood up to.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.
31-08-2006, 23:09
Yank in King Art's Court!
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Re: Being screwed by employer....
Katherine Crowley and Kathi Elster: How to Deal With a Difficult Boss - AOL Coaches
Found this article on todays AOL. Thought you might find some good info. Beats blowing up their car eh?  It's hard to understand why there are so many "bad" bosses. I guess many of them are just on their own ego trips!
01-09-2006, 12:36
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Re: Being screwed by employer....
thanks for all the advice,peeps,and just to set the record straight,here's another example of what happens:I've had two injuries at work that required hospital treatment(nothing major,couple of stitches each time) and having filled in the accident report book for each occasion,thought nothing more of it until a fellow workmate also had an accident and discovered that my report sheets weren't filed with the rest and found a note to my supervisor stating that he was keeping mine in his safe away from the others.Also the time taken off for the hospital treatment was later used as 'unauthorised abscences' to give me a written warning for absenteeism (6 days since Xmas,4 of which were the days i went to hospital and then had to return the next day!).Also,I hadnt been given any verbal warnings prior to the written.I understand about the 'what happens to other employees' bit,i just wanted to ppaint the overall atmosphere and dealings at my works.By the way,recently they sacked two people who have since returned because the proper procedures weren't followed....hope this clarifies things a little.
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