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Old 11-11-2005, 13:41   #1
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Beware - Halifax scam

Have just received an email from the Halifax or so it would seem, the email asked me to update my online banking details, not having any accounts with the Halifax I phoned their help line, it is not one of ours, please forward the email to our investigations team.
So Accy webbers if you have an account with the Halifax and you get the same email.......delete it. Have attached a scan of the email for information.
Attached Images
File Type: jpg halifax.jpg (60.1 KB, 57 views)

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Old 11-11-2005, 13:43   #2
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Re: Beware - Halifax scam

not with the halifax-but neither were you'cheers park 381
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 11-11-2005, 13:49   #3
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Re: Beware - Halifax scam

Only had a credit card with the Halifax and aint had a spam yet. Then again there is time.

All comments above are nothing to do with here and therefore not the resposibility of the Accrington Web site owners admins or mods.


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Old 11-11-2005, 15:11   #4
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Re: Beware - Halifax scam

I think the underlying advice here is don't believe any email that claims to be from your bank/ebay/paypal etc asking for you to confirm logon details. I don't know of ANY reputable company that would ask you in that way.
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Old 11-11-2005, 17:50   #5
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Re: Beware - Halifax scam

Paypal has a lot of spoof emails. Never click on a link in an email for paypal. If ever in doubt always go to the main site and sign in from there. Any updates and it will let you know.
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Old 11-11-2005, 20:39   #6
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Re: Beware - Halifax scam

had funny email from ?Ebay but when i contacted them from main site they asked me to forward it to them and they then sent me a reply thanking me for doing so as it was a new one to them at that time....

NEVER put details to emails always go to the MAIN/HOME page of any organision to change your details. I never work of links in emails just off main/home pages.

Keep your brass and your ID safe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!
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Old 05-12-2005, 21:49   #7
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Re: Beware - Halifax scam

I had an email from Halifax to, slightly different to the attachment, it confused me somewhat as I had just set up an online standing order from my bank(natwest) to my childrens accounts that are with the Halifax. just a coincidence it came the same day?

Thanks for the warning though park. I will pass on the mail as you said

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Old 05-12-2005, 22:04   #8
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Re: Beware - Halifax scam

its always a sad fact that although some people are switched on to these scams others arent...the scammers send 100's of these emails out and only have to be lucky once some poor unfortunates going to suffer .good on you for enlightening us ..and reminding us to be vigilant..
it also pays to be extra carefull around atms the buggers are rigging them so they can scim your card details!!!
the last time i pulled a crowd like you ,i took my top off at a hen party!!
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Old 05-12-2005, 22:32   #9
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Re: Beware - Halifax scam

Following the Halifax one, just had today an email from Barclays, sent that one off to their internet scam people

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Old 05-12-2005, 22:35   #10
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Re: Beware - Halifax scam

Originally Posted by Romps
Thanks for the warning though park. I will pass on the mail as you said
Romps X
Cheers Romps.better be safe than sorry

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Old 05-12-2005, 23:05   #11
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Re: Beware - Halifax scam

Yep, and if you ever get one of these scam letters from a bank always forward it to the bank itself to let them know.

I got a few clever ones from paypal and although I didn't for one second fall for them you can understand how some people would. It basically said that it had credited my paypal account by accident by £12.31 and could I pay it back. Because it was such a small amount I'm sure they would have caught quite a few people with it. Be vigilant!

The views expressed within this post are mine and mine alone.

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Old 06-12-2005, 00:09   #12


Re: Beware - Halifax scam

I’ve had a few over the past week are so including the ones from the Halifax, Lloyds (without the TSB) and Barclays that make it clear that a response is obligatory. What I don’t understand is why they persist in trying these scams when the Banks issue advice to all account holders about not replying to e-mails asking for account details. I know there will always those that will be caught out by these thieving ********, particularly the vulnerable. But why aren’t these thugs closed down the authorities as soon as they start up.

Excellent post Park………

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Old 06-12-2005, 00:23   #13
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Re: Beware - Halifax scam

[quote=Gayle]Yep, and if you ever get one of these scam letters from a bank always forward it to the bank itself to let them know.

ok people gayle has coined it watch word for the month be "V I G I L A N T "
umm on second thoughts make it the rest of our live's .oh and better keep a watch on our friends as well..
the last time i pulled a crowd like you ,i took my top off at a hen party!!
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Old 06-12-2005, 00:43   #14
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Re: Beware - Halifax scam

its nearly xmas and a lot of people dont keep a vigilant eye on their bank statements,,, they just assume its right
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Old 06-12-2005, 07:59   #15
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Re: Beware - Halifax scam

One of the problems is that these emails look so genuine, but if you look closely at them, there is always a mistake either in spelling or grammar

example taken from the Barclay's one

We have asked few additional information which is going to be the part of secure login process. These additional information will be asked during your future login security so, please provide all these info completely and correctly otherwise due to security reasons we may have to close your account temporarily.]

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