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18-02-2009, 06:59
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beware of bank fruad in accy
my wife and i had to cancel our cards on friday becase we were called up by a company who said they could get us all our bank charges back in full. I thought this was an ok company to give our bank details to because i looked up the company name and they appered to be a genuine company and part of our bank rbs. But it turns out they are fraudsters just after bank details so they can empty your account. luckily i went down to the bank later that day and checked with them just what the company actully do becuase the company do eggsist but the real one chases people for owed money and the fake one that called us (well they are fake!!).
both companys run under a similar name
credit finace system=the fake one!!
credit finace service=the real one!!
so beware but not only if you are an rbs customer they try this with a lot of banks i think
hope its only me who has had this misforetune
 oh yeah im married now wooo!! 
ill go update my status lol
18-02-2009, 09:34
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Re: beware of bank fruad in accy
sorry but its actuly credit manegament system and credit manegement service respectivly
my brain detaches sometimes lol
18-02-2009, 09:44
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Re: beware of bank fruad in accy
im reluctant on giving bank details to anyone on fone, i only give it to abbey when i ring them,i used services like paypal and amazon.com but i have been done for years and never had any problems.
18-02-2009, 10:48
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Re: beware of bank fruad in accy
Originally Posted by cjrockman
my wife and i had to cancel our cards on friday becase we were called up by a company who said they could get us all our bank charges back in full. I thought this was an ok company to give our bank details to because i looked up the company name and they appered to be a genuine company and part of our bank rbs. But it turns out they are fraudsters just after bank details so they can empty your account. luckily i went down to the bank later that day and checked with them just what the company actully do becuase the company do eggsist but the real one chases people for owed money and the fake one that called us (well they are fake!!).
both companys run under a similar name
credit finace system=the fake one!!
credit finace service=the real one!!
so beware but not only if you are an rbs customer they try this with a lot of banks i think
hope its only me who has had this misforetune
 oh yeah im married now wooo!! 
ill go update my status lol
Great tip for those who would give their details out!
Congrats on your marriage 
18-02-2009, 11:30
Coffin Dodger.
Re: beware of bank fruad in accy
as far as i'm aware NO company ever rings YOU up n asks fer yer bank details, hope ya didn't get fleeced, but get real mate. 
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
18-02-2009, 11:37
Resting in Peace
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Re: beware of bank fruad in accy
We've talked about these scams before, up to last week I was still getting Emails from banks Abbey Nat, Halifax, Coop, asking me to update my details, given that I don't bank with any of them, it was a bit stupid really. Eventually I got fed up and started sending them back with interest, seems they understand **** *** in Nigeria, they've stopped sending them now 
18-02-2009, 14:29
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Re: beware of bank fruad in accy
If you get an email about your bank account.
Highlght it then right click, go to properties
and it will show where the email originated
and where its been and the time zone as well
I got one from Lloyds TSB supposedly, printed it out
and went to the bank, even they thought it was genuine,
till they checked with head office.
So beware
03-03-2009, 23:44
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Re: beware of bank fruad in accy
I got the same call, the guy said he was called "jim carter" I had the poor guy on the phone repeating his name and number for about 15 minutes... he asked which bank I was with, I told him the Bank of Africa, Burkina Faso Ougadougou" (Which for those who get the emails is the very bank that has the vast fortunes of many people who died terrible deaths with all their families and want to give it to you!) he asked if that was the royal bank of scotland... after a little while of talking gibberish he decided that the phone line must be faulty and said he would ring back... just before he put the phone down courteously I said... "Bye... I love you" sadly... it didn't stop him ringing back...
no details were given out though... i'm quite sure it's common sense not to give details out to anyone who can't physically prove they are who they say they are...
My tutor at Uni told me a story about nearly getting done by some auto trader scammers.
The story went, he had a car in the trader, and it had been in for a while and not sold... One day he got a call, a woman with a glaswegian accent (which he noted, that everytime he's talked to the real autotrader they have that accent) the woman said that for £80 they could keep his car in the trader for an indefinate period, this was a special offer they were doing over the next week. They'd just need to confirm his details... Luckilly he was really busy and very stressed and didn't have the time or energy to sort it out then. He said he'd ring back the next day.
When he contacted the genuine auto trader they informed him that it was a scam that they knew about and it was being looked into...
I think the basic rules to cold callers who want details are:
Fck them off straight away... Don't give them details... 
04-03-2009, 11:07
Resting in Peace
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Re: beware of bank fraud in accy
Had a call yesterday about 4-30pm from some one purporting to be from the Halifax, it really does help if these people could actually speak English in the first place, mind you think he could understand English as the line went dead when I told him to **** off 
04-03-2009, 19:23
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Re: beware of bank fruad in accy
I get emails from 'a' bank saying i have to update my details....the weird thing is i either dont have an account with them or they have my wrong email address i have registered with my bank!!, talk about stuuuupid!
"Dont make someone a priority if your only an option!!"
04-03-2009, 19:31
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Re: beware of bank fruad in accy
Originally Posted by panther
I get emails from 'a' bank saying i have to update my details....the weird thing is i either dont have an account with them or they have my wrong email address i have registered with my bank!!, talk about stuuuupid!
They're not stupid, they know that law of averages says that eventually you'll get someone who has got an account with them and falls for it. They only need a few to fall for it.
I got a clever one today saying that my PayPal account had been compromised. That computer IP XX.XXX.XXX.XX (I can't remember what the actual number was) had tried to log into my Paypal account and that I needed to log on to verify my own details.
It was clever because it very clearly said, 'don't reply to this email'. But clicking on the link would no doubt have taken me to a fake Paypal site where I would have keyed in my account details and then they would log into my Paypal account and emptied it.
Never, ever, EVER, trust anyone who contacts you and asks for your bank details.
The views expressed within this post are mine and mine alone.
04-03-2009, 21:28
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Re: beware of bank fruad in accy
If i ever get an email from my bank, paypal etc I always log into it using its www. address and never click any links provided. When I have received emails from my bank they never ask to click a link provided but tell you to log into your account (i get paperfree statements so do receive the notification monthly)
04-03-2009, 21:29
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Re: beware of bank fruad in accy
banks NEVER EVER send emails, one of the bank managers of Barclays told me that
When people walk away from you, let them go... It doesn't mean they are bad people, it just means their part in your story is over
04-03-2009, 21:31
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Re: beware of bank fruad in accy
Originally Posted by flashy
banks NEVER EVER send emails
My bank sends me emails. These are to notify me of any pending documents (statements, letter ets) but always tells me to log into my account, they do not provide links to your account or the log in page
04-03-2009, 21:33
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Re: beware of bank fruad in accy
yeah ok
When people walk away from you, let them go... It doesn't mean they are bad people, it just means their part in your story is over
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