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24-03-2016, 06:15
a multieloquent Mule
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Re: Bird feeding
Originally Posted by Less
Is that really the best you can do?
Right, I didn't want to say this (I'd of thought a clever chap such as yourself would've realised there's a ready source/sauce available without having to have a specially constructed pot made). Visit the local Coven/Jam Mafia & ask them if you can borrow their cauldron & you'll share your bottled/jarred results with them (70/30 should do) & I believe they'll even chuck in the utensils & possibly a stirrer/bottler or 2 to boot! 
I don't know half of you as well as I should like, and I like half of you, half as well as you deserve. (Bilbo Baggins)
24-03-2016, 09:26
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Re: Bird feeding
Unfortunately when I consulted my copy of Which Witch (the free magazine that explains how to get the most out of your spells, potions & curses) I discovered that the local coven has indeed been taken over by the most fierce and frightening group of necromancers known to mankind, the Women's Institute, (rumours have it that Mr. Hilter called off operation Sea-lion when he discovered what he would really be up against if he invaded) so, I'll pass on that one!
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
Quotes & quoting
Last edited by Less; 24-03-2016 at 09:34.
15-05-2016, 20:11
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Re: Bird feeding
I have a resident robin but As a bird garden feeder liketo see more unsual visitors.than just pigeons..jays,thrushes,black ring ,blackbirds,brownbirds, black ring birds necks,colourful tits and sparrows..Dont mind a sqiurrel and usual wood pigeon if there just a couple,same for the odd magpie..I find in detering pigeons that size of feed helps..small seeds the pigeons cant get at .
Find Wilkinsons next to open market has reasonably priced varities of different seeds that attract different types.About £2 a kilo..Seem to work too..Unfortunately things like fruit,large nuts nuts and definatery bread attracts the bad lads..rats who are the worst show spolier.......
Last edited by JC4LAB; 15-05-2016 at 20:15.
22-05-2016, 10:00
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Re: Bird feeding
This morning I have been watching young Blue Tits leaving a nest box I put up in a Mountain Ash tree in our front garden, the parent birds enticed them to leave and to fly up into the leafy branches where they became almost invisible amongst the foliage; We also have a three compartment "Sparrow terrace that has at least one brood of House Sparrow occupants.
Your's a happy Taddy
22-05-2016, 12:33
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Re: Bird feeding
We were on holiday last week in a cottage in Aberfoyle Scotland. There was a large bird table in the garden. On the last day we had some frozen food left and decided to put it out for the birds. The Crows absolutely loved fish cakes and chips. They were taking a full fish cake of the table and coming back for the chips
22-05-2016, 13:16
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Re: Bird feeding
Originally Posted by maxthecollie
We were on holiday last week in a cottage in Aberfoyle Scotland. There was a large bird table in the garden. On the last day we had some frozen food left and decided to put it out for the birds. The Crows absolutely loved fish cakes and chips. They were taking a full fish cake of the table and coming back for the chips
And here's me thinking that the Jocks only ate deep fried "Mars Bar's".
12-06-2016, 12:04
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Re: Bird feeding
Originally Posted by taddy
This morning I have been watching young Blue Tits leaving a nest box I put up in a Mountain Ash tree in our front garden, the parent birds enticed them to leave and to fly up into the leafy branches where they became almost invisible amongst the foliage; We also have a three compartment "Sparrow terrace that has at least one brood of House Sparrow occupants.
Your's a happy Taddy
I am feeling a little lonely at the moment, all the above mentioned young Blue Tits have now gone to make their way in the big,bad, wide world; I don't think that Blue Tits rear more than one clutch of eggs a year, so I will have to wait until next spring for a hoped for repeat performance. Ah well, never mind, Your's, Taddy.   
12-06-2016, 15:18
Beacon of light
Re: Bird feeding
gives you something to look forward to.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
12-06-2016, 16:42
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Re: Bird feeding
Originally Posted by daisybeth
Good morning Barrie, many thanks for your words of advice. I'd be glad to hear of the cat deterring plant. A slightly relieved daisybeth!
Sorry for the delay. only recently got them - they are a Coleus, Canina Green. Put them in a week ago and haven't had a visit from the local pest since. I get mine from the Nursery End garden centre behind Enfield cricket Club.
13-06-2016, 15:43
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Re: Bird feeding
Originally Posted by maxthecollie
We were on holiday last week in a cottage in Aberfoyle Scotland. There was a large bird table in the garden. On the last day we had some frozen food left and decided to put it out for the birds. The Crows absolutely loved fish cakes and chips. They were taking a full fish cake of the table and coming back for the chips
Did you see any Eagles on your holiday?
Crows, Magpies, Seagulls and Feral Pigeons will eat almost anything.
13-06-2016, 19:01
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Re: Bird feeding
theres lots of babies on platts lodge at the minute .. had a walk round in the rain today ... some of the babies looked like they were only a couple of days old .. others no mums around .. and others their mums were standing guard while they were pecking away ..
The views expressed in this post is mine and mine alone anyone want to argue well tough!!!
13-06-2016, 20:17
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Re: Bird feeding
Originally Posted by kestrelx
Did you see any Eagles on your holiday?
Crows, Magpies, Seagulls and Feral Pigeons will eat almost anything.
Not a one although there was an Osprey's nest about 2 miles from where we were staying
19-06-2016, 19:53
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Re: Bird feeding
Any ideas to out wit a pesky squirrel ? I had two feeders with sun flower hearts in and loved watching the green finch, gold finch and blue tits every day then this flaming squirrel came and chewed around the holes and ate all the seeds on both feeders. I bought some new ones and the same thing happened again. The feeders were those green plastic ones so last week I bought a metal one and blow me it has chewed that too.
20-06-2016, 12:56
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Re: Bird feeding
Originally Posted by Rowlf
Any ideas to out wit a pesky squirrel ? I had two feeders with sun flower hearts in and loved watching the green finch, gold finch and blue tits every day then this flaming squirrel came and chewed around the holes and ate all the seeds on both feeders. I bought some new ones and the same thing happened again. The feeders were those green plastic ones so last week I bought a metal one and blow me it has chewed that too.
Just Google squirrel proof bird feeders, there are many types that encloses a feeder within a squirrel proof metal cage. Hope this helps, Your's, Taddy.
20-06-2016, 18:26
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Re: Bird feeding
Thanjs Taddy I will have a look.
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