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11-07-2009, 17:03
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Re: Boob Job
Originally Posted by BERNADETTE
No it isn't as risky as a lung transplant or many major ops but by the same token a boob or nose job is not going to save your life. I would say the number of people having lung transplant or any major surgery do so in the hope that it will save their life and there is a world of difference IMHO
i suppose it depends on if somone is so fed up with tehir body they are preppared to jump off a cliff or not to as wether or not plastic surgery saves lives or not
what is trivial to you may not be so trivial to someone else
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ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right
11-07-2009, 17:16
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Re: Boob Job
Originally Posted by accyman
i suppose it depends on if somone is so fed up with tehir body they are preppared to jump off a cliff or not to as wether or not plastic surgery saves lives or not
what is trivial to you may not be so trivial to someone else
Yes I can see that but think it should be looked at more deeply. Sort of work from the inside as to why they are so unhappy with theirself. Medias perception of what we must look like has a lot to answer for, I'm sure if people worked on their self esteem quite a lot of cosmetic surgery could be avoided.
11-07-2009, 17:23
Beacon of light
Re: Boob Job
If someone is fed up enough to jump off a cliff....then once they have jumped off that cliff, they will get all the surgery they need to put their life back together and it should(if they survive) lend some perspective to their perceived inadequacies.
The folk who want to embark upon plastic surgery should have to work for a month or so in a unit that treats young cancer sufferers/servicemen who have lost limbs.....those whose disease has disfigured them.......and then maybe they would realise that having surgery is not really the answer to their problems......and that what they see as problems are not problems at all.
Every single one of us(except perhap Benipete) has something about their physical shape that they do not like very much......but we have to learn to live with the realities of life.
And Flashy, surgery would not guarantee that your boobs would stay perky forever.
You should be judged on something more than the sum of your bodily attributes.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
11-07-2009, 17:24
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Re: Boob Job
i could be judged on my blondeness too i suppose
thats about all i have going for me, well my stupidness and my gob 
When people walk away from you, let them go... It doesn't mean they are bad people, it just means their part in your story is over
11-07-2009, 17:25
Beacon of light
Re: Boob Job
Flashy, I do not believe that for a nano-second!
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
12-07-2009, 07:14
Re: Boob Job
Originally Posted by flashy
i could be judged on my blondeness too i suppose
thats about all i have going for me, well my stupidness and my gob 
You have two of the things most blokes would be interested in then   
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12-07-2009, 09:13
Resting in Peace
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Re: Boob Job
I think it is coming to something when teenage girls are having cosmetic surgery, aided and abetted by their equally vain parents, why not except what your born with and just thank the lord that your fit and healthy. The time for surgery is when your life is threatened by illness not when you don't like the shape of your nose or your backsides to big
16-07-2009, 17:03
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Re: Boob Job
From early days I thought that a handfull was enough - nothing has happened in the intervening years to change my opinion. Sorry girls, but that is my thought on the matter, no sense in changing what was intended
16-07-2009, 18:26
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Re: Boob Job
Originally Posted by Barrie Yates
From early days I thought that a handfull was enough - nothing has happened in the intervening years to change my opinion. Sorry girls, but that is my thought on the matter, no sense in changing what was intended
Come on Barrie ... you men are attracted to a decent cleavage initially, even though you don't hang around that department much when it gets down to it ... can't wait to get to the main target ...  
16-07-2009, 18:28
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Re: Boob Job
Never had any complaints about my ample cleavage 
16-07-2009, 18:55
Re: Boob Job
Ample is subjective though
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16-07-2009, 19:01
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Re: Boob Job
Mine were admired (for their lack of droop) by a nurse at the mammography clinic - you can't have better commendation that that
Sadly since then they have gone south a bit - but nobody sees them but me anyway, so 'no problem' 
16-07-2009, 21:14
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Re: Boob Job
Originally Posted by katex
Come on Barrie ... you men are attracted to a decent cleavage initially, even though you don't hang around that department much when it gets down to it ... can't wait to get to the main target ...  
Found =witj experiencethat littleones did no drop - pencil test at 50. perhaps defied the rules, but was great fot me.
If it wa smore than a handfullit was wasted, but never had the opportunity to try more than than a handfull. \starte early and tah was my life cfhoice :-))
16-07-2009, 21:18
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Re: Boob Job
Sorry. too late fome, finges have gonr dyslexic - tomorrow i hope
16-07-2009, 21:19
God Member
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Re: Boob Job
Originally Posted by Barrie Yates
Found =witj experiencethat littleones did no drop - pencil test at 50. perhaps defied the rules, but was great fot me.
If it wa smore than a handfullit was wasted, but never had the opportunity to try more than than a handfull. \starte early and tah was my life cfhoice :-))
have you had a drink?
When people walk away from you, let them go... It doesn't mean they are bad people, it just means their part in your story is over
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