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Old 24-07-2005, 04:24   #1
Junior Member+
marky's Avatar

Exclamation Bulldog

A lot of you will be thinking of changing to bulldog. A bit of advice. I received a leaflet from Bulldog the other day. If you go for the standard set-up, all free calls are to other bulldog users only. It also said that if you already have a line in it only costsa quid. Bear in mind if you are on BT or ntl the line belongs to them and buldog will have to install a new line which they will charge you £60 for. Also your modem comes through the letterbox, not registered post like BT where I had to sign for it and only comes with one microfilter. Me? I'm staying with BT. When things sound too good to be true they usually are. Take care.
:engsmil: I don't like green eggs and ham!
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Accrington Web
Old 24-07-2005, 16:56   #2
Resident Waffler

WillowTheWhisp's Avatar

Re: Bulldog

We went over to Bulldog last Monday and had no problems at all.

The modem arrived safely and had to be signed for on delivery. (Well it's a router actually because we are networking several PCs) It did not come through the letterbox. Yes, it did come with just one "microfilter" but so did AOL broadband when I had that. I bought my other DSL filters locally. Of course anyone already on broadband will not have to purchase new filters and anyone not on broadband will be very lucky to get more than one filter whoever they go with.

We were previously with BT and Bulldog did not have to install a new line. One minute the line belonged to BT, next minute the line went dead and then it came back up live again but from that point on belonged to Bulldog. There was certainly no installation of new telephone lines and no fee of £60.

We have gone for the full package where we pay for the internet and phone line all in one bill and we get free calls to ANY land line not just other Bulldog users, at ANY time of day.

There are different "packages" to suit whatever phone/internet usage is best for you. And of course the price varies depending on the package you choose.

I'd be very interested to see ths leaflet of yours marky because it doesn't sound anything like the Bulldog we are using

Check this for details of the package we chose and where you may have misunderstood some of the facts marky. The offer is still open until the end of the month.

Last edited by WillowTheWhisp; 24-07-2005 at 17:01.
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Old 26-07-2005, 00:21   #3
Junior Member+
marky's Avatar

Re: Bulldog

Sorry willow but thats what the pamphlet said. Thanks for putting me right on certain facts but I am new to all this and tought I could help.
:engsmil: I don't like green eggs and ham!
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Old 26-07-2005, 08:10   #4
Resident Waffler

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Re: Bulldog

Have you still got the leaflet? I'd like to see it because it's odd that they should produce something with such confusing information.

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Old 26-07-2005, 14:22   #5
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apest1's Avatar

Re: Bulldog

Ask..... JPEST1... (not me I`m apest1). His came in the post (and on to the floor) Hes not happy about that,,,,
P.s JPEST1 is my Big brother... (so my mum told me !!! long,long time ago )
small ,
green and
... meen ...
.. apest1 ..

Last edited by apest1; 26-07-2005 at 14:25.
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