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25-11-2006, 10:46
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Candle Wax
Anybody know the best way of removing candle wax from clothes? My husband has managed to get it on a jacket and a jumper.
25-11-2006, 10:48
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Re: Candle Wax
right this may or may not work,ive never tried it but you could try putting it in the dryer,heating the wax up then it might melt off 
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25-11-2006, 10:50
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Re: Candle Wax
Wont it just peel off?or are we talking copius amounts?
i used to iron wax when it got all over my furniture(dont ask hehe)-works a treat but not sure about fabric.sorry cannot be more help 
25-11-2006, 10:52
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Re: Candle Wax
stick it in the washer or soak the area with warm/hot water to soften & wipe away, had same prob yesterday with birthday candles lol
25-11-2006, 11:03
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Re: Candle Wax
Originally Posted by misskitty
Wont it just peel off?or are we talking copius amounts?
i used to iron wax when it got all over my furniture(dont ask hehe)-works a treat but not sure about fabric.sorry cannot be more help 
you could even try turning the garment inside out and ironing it like miss kitty said 
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25-11-2006, 13:27
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Re: Candle Wax
I heard that ironing it over brown paper usually does the trick
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25-11-2006, 13:55
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Re: Candle Wax
Iron over something absorbent like Harwood Red says, blotting paper, coarse brown wrapping paper. Do it over and over again until it all come out.
If there are pick-offable lumps pick those off first.
25-11-2006, 18:21
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Re: Candle Wax
Putting the dull side of some brown paper over the wax and then ironing it works a treat

01-12-2006, 21:30
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Re: Candle Wax
Slightly melt the wax, put a wick init and light. Problem solved, you get rid of the wax and your hubby at the same time 
01-12-2006, 21:39
Beacon of light
Re: Candle Wax
If you haven't got this problem licked by now...you might want to try this method.........rub over the wax with an Ice cube....pick off as much as you can........then using a warm iron, place brown papar or good quality kitchen paper over the offending wax and it should take most of the wax out......then wash as normal.
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02-12-2006, 00:57
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Re: Candle Wax
put it in the freezer til it sets really hard and then the bits should just break/snap away , heating it up melts the wax into the fibers
02-12-2006, 12:25
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Re: Candle Wax
Originally Posted by jimmi5bellies
Slightly melt the wax, put a wick init and light. Problem solved, you get rid of the wax and your hubby at the same time 
What a brilliant idea jimmi, wonder if insurance would pay out on hubbies death.
For all the suggestions of peeling the wax of didn't want to go down that road, has i'd just got my nails done last weekend. But thanks.
Seriously though thanks for all your replies, problem sorted. Hadn't actually seen the jacket when i posted the query because husband was still in Holland. When i did see the jacket it was one that i never liked anyway, so just put it in the washer on a 60 wash with a couldn't care less atitude and hey presto no more wax. Didn't think it would be that easy.
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