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Old 25-08-2010, 10:03   #1
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Car Power Steering Fault

Not sure if this should be here or Q&A's (mod please move if im in the wrong place thanks)

I have an intermittent fault with the power steering on my Citroen C4. A few weeks ago I was driving it and the steering suddenly went very stiff and i struggling turning corners etc. This carried on for about 10 minutes then it went back to normal as if nothing was ever wrong with it. I took it to the garage (i got an additional warranty when i got the car) and they topped up the fluid and all seemed well. Couple of "hiccups" where the steering went stiff for a couple of seconds but then fine, put that down to maybe air bubble or something. On saturday it did the same again for about 15 minutes then back to normal as if nothing was wrong again.

The Garage in accrington is due to close at the end of the week so I can only book it into the preston garage for 2 weeks time

If it is not covered under the warranty they are going to charge me almost £50 as a diagnostic fee plus £12 a day for the courtousy car (not too happy)

What I was wondering really is, can anyone advise me on where to look to see if i can see anything noticable wrong with it. (remember please, I am female so simplify haha) It may save me money in the long run if I find it isnt covered by warranty, not taking it to preston when I could find somewhere local and cheaper to get it done if its not covered.

Thanks in advance
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Old 25-08-2010, 10:30   #2
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Re: Car Power Steering Fault

Is the belt slipping (to the pump)
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Old 25-08-2010, 11:14   #3
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Re: Car Power Steering Fault

Originally Posted by wadey View Post
Is the belt slipping (to the pump)
I have no idea how would I know that? is there something I can look at etc to see if thats it?
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Old 25-08-2010, 12:12   #4
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Re: Car Power Steering Fault

If it was short of oil and has been topped up it could just be air locked, start the engine and turn the steering lock to lock a few times and hold it in the full lock position for a few seconds. But, if it has been topped up there is possibly a leak, they very seldom need topping up as they don't use or burn oil like your engine can

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Old 25-08-2010, 12:15   #5
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Re: Car Power Steering Fault

Originally Posted by K.S.H View Post
If it was short of oil and has been topped up it could just be air locked, start the engine and turn the steering lock to lock a few times and hold it in the full lock position for a few seconds. But, if it has been topped up there is possibly a leak, they very seldom need topping up as they don't use or burn oil like your engine can
I'll give that a go. And thats what I thought about it losing oil but cant get underneath to see if I can see anything (plus I have no idea what I am looking at either )
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Old 25-08-2010, 14:26   #6
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Re: Car Power Steering Fault

A piece of cardboard under the engine for a few hours immediately after a run will tell you if you have any oil or fluis leaks, but watch out for condensation if you have a/c fitted and it has been running
Get someone to check the tension of the belt/belts. You may need to refer to a Haynes Manual or similar to find out what the deflection of the belt(s) should be at a specific point.
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Old 25-08-2010, 15:34   #7
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Re: Car Power Steering Fault

Ive tried to have a look on the ground where my cars been parked but couldnt see anything. It was fine going from my house to ossy, then on way back it went again at top of ormerod st. but luckily just around the corner from home. Gonna end up in someones front garden lol.

Think im going to get my scruffs on tomorrow and go crawling underneath the car and see if I can see anything. Tried what you said K.S.H but hasnt worked Think the first thing to do is try and check the fluid level though, just not sure where to look
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Old 25-08-2010, 17:34   #8
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Re: Car Power Steering Fault

It's a serious safety issue. If it 'goes' when you need to steer & you can't then you could cause a serious accident. Get the professionals to sort it out asap.
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Old 25-08-2010, 17:47   #9
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Re: Car Power Steering Fault

I would not be driving this car is not safe.......and you have to consider not just yourself but your children, and others, who might be unfortunate enough to be in your path when the car steering 'goes'. Isn't your life worth more than the cost of repairs?
Get it looked at by a proper mechanic...we don't want to be reading about you in the telegraph.
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Old 25-08-2010, 18:12   #10
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Re: Car Power Steering Fault

You can still steer when it goes, its just like driving a "pre power steering" car. Im not driving it at the mo anyway, trying to get it booked into the garage sooner. Have had a look at it and can see where the fluid goes but cant see and noticable leeks (well looking under the bonet anyway) so will be harassing them tomorrow or trying to get it into the next nearest branch.
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Old 25-08-2010, 21:23   #11
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Re: Car Power Steering Fault

There is usually a small reservoir for hydraulic steering oil in the engine compartment (Check the handbook for description/position) check the underside or components under the reservoir for seepage (oil staining/residue) as it may just be needing a new seal.
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Old 26-08-2010, 13:59   #12
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Re: Car Power Steering Fault

Its a puzzle with it being intermittant, there might be a problem with the Steering Rack!

Best Regards - Taggy
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Old 26-08-2010, 15:15   #13
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Re: Car Power Steering Fault

Possibly Taggy, or the pump its got me confused

It's in the garage now so hopfully I will find out soon enough whats wrong with it. Travelled all the way to preston and it was fine and only started playing up less than a mile away from the garage but the other day it played up a couple of minutes into driving it so doesnt even go off driving time or anything.
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Old 27-08-2010, 11:29   #14
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Re: Car Power Steering Fault

Glad you are getting the professionals to sort it out for you Emzy......was worried about you!
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Old 27-08-2010, 11:46   #15
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Re: Car Power Steering Fault

Are they not electric on C4 ???if they are it aint a cheap fix
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