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29-04-2008, 17:56
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cradle cap
Has anyone got any advice on getting rid of cradle cap? my 4 month old Katie has it quite bad i know not to pick it, i have tried olive oil, baby oil and the dentinox cradle cap shampoo but none of it has worked.
Any advice please.
Thank you.
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29-04-2008, 18:14
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Re: cradle cap
have you mentioned it to your health visiter?
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I finally found someone daft enough to marry me, my wonderboy is 11, my monkeygirl is 3 and my bananaman is 2, my beautiful little flower was born in feb 2012
29-04-2008, 18:22
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Re: cradle cap
baby oil does get rid of it Mummiboo, just put a bit on your fingers and massage it into her scalp, do this quite a few times, say over a 7 day period
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29-04-2008, 19:29
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Re: cradle cap
we found with Siobhan that using Johnsons lavander bubble bath didn't cause any rash where baby shampoo did.
29-04-2008, 20:13
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Re: cradle cap
Cradle cap is caused by the overproduction of sebum (oil) in the hair follicles, which creates flaky patches of white or yellow scales over the scalp. It can be thick, waxy and smelly.
• To avoid infection mix a little Tea Tree Oil into some baby massage oil and massage generously into the affected areas - see Essential Oils. Leave overnight. The next day very gently comb and shampoo the scales away.
• Alternatively apply 'Baby Special Skin Balm' - a wonderful balm of shea butter, olive oil and calendula which is gently soothing on any dry areas of skin, such as cradle cap and then again gently comb and shampoo the scales away - see Skincare for Babies & Toddlers for natural shampoos and skin balm.
• Use a very fine-toothed comb to gently lift the scales away, combing against the direction of hair growth. Be careful not to aggravate the scalp.
• Probiotics deliver good bacteria to the gut and this is beneficial for most skin disorders. It can also help to reduce the risk of a fungal infection developing - see Probiotics for Babies & Children.
• Do not pick at the scales as you may cause an infection.
• If an infection does occur spray the area with 'Colloidal Silver'. It is a safe, natural and effective alternative to antibiotics, with no side effects - see Colloidal Minerals. For more information on Colloidal Silver read 'The Colloidal Silver Report' - see Books.
100% Nature
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29-04-2008, 20:18
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Re: cradle cap
Originally Posted by flashytart
i'm sure my friend mentioned something called borax when Reece was a baby
I thought borax was a cleaning product?? (no a harsh one but not what you would nomarlly use on yourself)
29-04-2008, 20:21
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Re: cradle cap
Originally Posted by emzy
I thought borax was a cleaning product?? (no a harsh one but not what you would nomarlly use on yourself)
just google borax and cradle cap em, you tell me what it comes up with
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29-04-2008, 20:26
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Re: cradle cap
Originally Posted by flashytart
just google borax and cradle cap em, you tell me what it comes up with
I wasnt having a go just saying what i thought it was used for. I couldnt seem to come accross as site stating that you should use it for cradle cap so please post a link
29-04-2008, 20:27
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Re: cradle cap
Emma i'm sure Mummiboo would consult a pharmacist before buying some anyway  v
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29-04-2008, 20:31
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Re: cradle cap
Yeah I know, have just found this site though which outlines the risks of using borax
How Does Borax Clean?
29-04-2008, 20:32
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Re: cradle cap
come on , we are only talking something like dry skin here . you are not suggesting to put borax onto a babys head here are you ???
29-04-2008, 20:33
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Re: cradle cap
Originally Posted by flashytart
just google borax and cradle cap em, you tell me what it comes up with
That's what I used to use Flashy .. but was about 25 years ago though  .. did work, although experienced very little .. will go eventually Mummiboo, so is it worth it ? Doesn't look pleasant though, does it.
29-04-2008, 20:34
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Re: cradle cap
i would recommend oilatum....fantastic stuff... you can put it in the bath or directly onto the skin
Like the old woman who lived in a shoe, i have so many children i can't fit the tickers in my signature.....
I finally found someone daft enough to marry me, my wonderboy is 11, my monkeygirl is 3 and my bananaman is 2, my beautiful little flower was born in feb 2012
29-04-2008, 20:35
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Re: cradle cap
Originally Posted by katex
That's what I used to use Flashy .. but was about 25 years ago though  .. did work, although experienced very little .. will go eventually Mummiboo, so is it worth it ? Doesn't look pleasant though, does it.
thankyou Kate
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29-04-2008, 20:36
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Re: cradle cap
Baby oil work for me on Robert but I used to massage it in then wash off every day.
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