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Old 19-09-2005, 09:13   #1
Resident Waffler

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Design Faults?

This morning I was cleaning the Rosemary Connelly when it reminded me of an old car we used to have. It may seem an unlikely comparison but they both have something about their design which I'm sure could have been done better.

Rain used to run off the back of the roof of the car and down the rear window where it would then lodge in a channel at the bottom of the window. It was even difficult to mop it out of the channel - but how many people would do that? You drive to work in the rain, you park up, it's still raining, you go to work. The rain stays in the channel at the bottom of the rear window. Every car I have ever seen of that model was going rusty around the bottom of the rear window. The rest of the bodywork could be immaculate but the back window rusted to glory. You couldn't even regard it as built-in obsolescence because OK the owner is possibly going to buy a new car but certainly not a new one of those.

So what about my grill? No, it isn't going rusty round the rear window but it also has what I consider a design fault. At the front there is this nifty little drip tray to catch all the nasty fat that comes out of the grilled food. Great idea. But when you open the thing up and try to clean the gunk off the top side of the grill, whatever you scrape off there, with that wassamacallums you get with the grill, it just falls through the gap between the top and the bottom and onto the kitchen worktop! Yuck, yuck, yuck. Why can't they design one with removable hotplate grill thingies that you can just detatch and wash?

Anybody else got something they fel they could have designed better?

(Not sure if this is the correct forum for this one so maybe if one of the mods thinks it would be better somewhere else perhaps they could shift it? tyvm )

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Accrington Web
Old 19-09-2005, 15:23   #2
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Re: Design Faults?

Not sure about the car part but as for the grill I agree 100% so I cheat with grease proff paper and stick a piece in to deal with the gunk.

All comments above are nothing to do with here and therefore not the resposibility of the Accrington Web site owners admins or mods.


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Old 26-09-2005, 12:59   #3
Resting in peace
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Re: Design Faults?

Why do washing machines, dishwashers, cookers, etc, have fancy little inset bits, little channels and things, that trap dirt? - yes, I know it's a design point, but it's hard to clean. I keep a toothbrush in the kitchen to deal with all these awkward little places. They aren't necessary, they don't always look good, and they trap muck. Could it be that they were designed by men for women to use ......?
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Old 28-09-2005, 09:23   #4
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Re: Design Faults?

I thought Rosemary Connelly did those lose weight/fitness videos?

What the hell has she got to do with a car or a cooker?
"The Hour of Scampering is usually around teatime, according to the Vorlon/Human Translation Dictionary."

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Old 28-09-2005, 11:11   #5
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Re: Design Faults?


For having their reproduction system on the outside of the body.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 28-09-2005, 11:21   #6
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: Design Faults?

Anyone that spends 7 days a month hating anything and everything (especially their partner), and still expects to be loved has a definate design fault!

Also if the only way they can join in the age old game of lets see how high up the wall we can pee is to stand on their heads..........Well I think the drawing board should be used for a bit of re-modelling!

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Old 30-09-2005, 21:26   #7
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Re: Design Faults?

Originally Posted by Less
Anyone that spends 7 days a month hating anything and everything (especially their partner), and still expects to be loved has a definate design fault!

Also if the only way they can join in the age old game of lets see how high up the wall we can pee is to stand on their heads..........Well I think the drawing board should be used for a bit of re-modelling!

How would you go about the re-modelling then Less

Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.
Albert Einstein.

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