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Old 04-11-2005, 01:27   #16
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sarah's Avatar

Re: Early Menopause?

I really feel for you Nette, I can only begin to imagine what it must be like - seems to me to be like PMT but lasting longer than that, and I'm a bit of a nightmare for it on my period week.

Oh the joys of being female and getting older eh?
'It's a carrot dangler'
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Accrington Web
Old 07-11-2005, 02:06   #17
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Re: Early Menopause?

Hi Nette, I have tried everything, "soya, evening primrose, herbal pills etc... but nothing seems to stop my terrible "hot flashes" the mood swings seem to have calmed down, and I not as anxious anymore. But these bloody hot flashes really get to me, I hope you find something better than I have,
Good luck
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Old 07-11-2005, 23:26   #18
Accy Goddess

ANNE's Avatar

Re: Early Menopause?

I have all the problems listed along with the loss of S*x drive. I'm not to bothered after all I think I deserve a rest after 30 odd years.
My Dear Hubby gets pretty fed up.
Poor thing I keep telling him it dosn't last forever.
Makes things worse because he's going through the Male Menopause.
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Old 08-11-2005, 00:35   #19
Pauline01UK's Avatar

Re: Early Menopause?

[quote=ANNE]I have all the problems listed along with the loss of S*x drive.

I have been going through the menopause since my heart bypass nearly two years ago, at first my Doc gave me a higher dose of HRT but I had already been on HRT for 10 years since a hysterectomy... I gave up taking them cause of the media hype so now I take nothing for it, I just put up with it, unlike you nette I have no-one here to get annoyed with lol (only my cats and myself hehe) The one thing no-one seems to be able to answer is how long it lasts for.....
Take care cause I care ..

Those who cant have me hate me, Those who got me can't handle me, Those who abuse me lose me - And then, there's people like you who cant refuse me.
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