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Old 23-09-2010, 14:55   #1
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Energy saving gadgets/tips

Energy saving gadgets

I stumbled on this one while browsing and await delivery of two of them (two= free delivery)
Radiator Booster

This is the cheapest price I found after a websearch.
Another site said that the original Mark1 model was featured on Dragons Den, so some of you may be aware of it already.

It adds a convection feature to water filled radiators - sounds good.
I have one large rad in my lounge and the wall backs onto the kitchen.
On the other side of that wall is a fridge freezer. Logically, by removing heat penetration through that wall, I will save on the fridge/freezer running costs too, as well as making the opposite end of the lounge warmer faster.

Any energy saving tips will be welcome on this thread - winter is on its way

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Old 23-09-2010, 16:41   #2
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Smile Re: Energy saving gadgets/tips

As usual Maggie, you are wide of the Mark.
To keep your food cool your fridge/freezer has to generate heat, this is dissipated into your kitchen, so you are probably wasting cash on a device that does you no good at all, but what the hey at least you are keeping someone in work by spending your money rather than forcing them onto benefits.
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Old 23-09-2010, 17:01   #3
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Re: Energy saving gadgets/tips

I decided to read that response just in case you had anything constructive to say - I am disappointed. (Too much to hope that you can ever be anything but destructive in you attitude to posts) Back on ignore - and another has joined you - you are infectious

The 'cardboard'(hardboard) walls in this flat spread heat between rooms easily.
If I keep my unheated kitchen cool the fridge freezer will have less work to do- ie - it will not need to consume as much electricity keeping the contents cool.

The radiator is at one end of a long oblong lounge.
The gadget will convect heat to the other end more quickly.

I did get GCE O level physics which involved learning about convection currents.

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Old 23-09-2010, 17:16   #4
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Re: Energy saving gadgets/tips

Other useful energy saving things have also been invented:

1) The Lightswitch - turn it off when not using the light or in the room.

2) The Door - close it to keep draughts out of the room & maintain the heat in it.

3) Curtains - close them to aid preventing the cooling effect of windows on the room.

4) Foil - Put silver foil behind your radiators - it reflects the heat back into the room instead of into the wall.

5) Ignorance - Don't open the door to visitors - ignore them - lol

Turn the telly off with the switch instead of the standby button. Ditto anything else like the microwave etc

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Old 23-09-2010, 17:56   #5
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Re: Energy saving gadgets/tips

MargaretR, it takes a certain amount of energy to heat a room.Whatever system you use it will take the same amount of energy(gas?) to bring your room to the required temperature. IF the booster makes your radiator 50% more efficient the water going back to your boiler will be colder therefore your boiler switch on more(although the room COULD heat up a little quicker). The radiator is already a convector, so a fan(which blocks off the top of the radiator and therefore stops the NATURAL convection) can't help a lot. And how can it stop heat going into the wall? That's already happened before the hot air reaches the top where the fan is! Also if it costs 30p/year(thats 3 hundredths of 1 penny/day) to run, its not using enough electricity to light a glow-worm so you're not getting a blast of hot air, are you? Also your £17 will buy you a lot of heat.
If you turn your thermostat down 2 degrees then your room will be 2 degrees colder,logical.
Mattylads ideas will save you a lot more, put turkey foil behind your radiator if it worries you.
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Old 23-09-2010, 18:40   #6
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Re: Energy saving gadgets/tips

Originally Posted by Gordon Booth View Post
MargaretR, it takes a certain amount of energy to heat a room.Whatever system you use it will take the same amount of energy(gas?) to bring your room to the required temperature. IF the booster makes your radiator 50% more efficient the water going back to your boiler will be colder therefore your boiler switch on more(although the room COULD heat up a little quicker). The radiator is already a convector, so a fan(which blocks off the top of the radiator and therefore stops the NATURAL convection) can't help a lot. And how can it stop heat going into the wall? That's already happened before the hot air reaches the top where the fan is! Also if it costs 30p/year(thats 3 hundredths of 1 penny/day) to run, its not using enough electricity to light a glow-worm so you're not getting a blast of hot air, are you? Also your £17 will buy you a lot of heat.
If you turn your thermostat down 2 degrees then your room will be 2 degrees colder,logical.
Mattylads ideas will save you a lot more, put turkey foil behind your radiator if it worries you.
If you can get foil faced polystyrene sheet and put that behind your radiators it is even better than just aluminium foil. With this device you have to take into account the electricity used for the fan. An insulator/reflector and a shaped shelf over the radiator will give you just as much an increase in heating per pence - probably more.
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Old 23-09-2010, 19:24   #7
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Re: Energy saving gadgets/tips

when closing your curtains at night in winter, put them behind the radiator (if your radiator is under a window) it stops the heat escaping
When people walk away from you, let them go... It doesn't mean they are bad people, it just means their part in your story is over
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Old 23-09-2010, 19:49   #8
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: Energy saving gadgets/tips

Originally Posted by MargaretR View Post
I decided to read that response just in case you had anything constructive to say - I am disappointed. (Too much to hope that you can ever be anything but destructive in you attitude to posts) Back on ignore - and another has joined you - you are infectious

The 'cardboard'(hardboard) walls in this flat spread heat between rooms easily.
If I keep my unheated kitchen cool the fridge freezer will have less work to do- ie - it will not need to consume as much electricity keeping the contents cool.

The radiator is at one end of a long oblong lounge.
The gadget will convect heat to the other end more quickly.

I did get GCE O level physics which involved learning about convection currents.
As others are already saying, despite your lucky win on the GCE front, it hasn't stopped you from being ignorant of anything except the impractical.

What I mentioned wasn't being spiteful, (unlike your reply,after all it is YOU blocking me, I enjoy your trips into the world of fantasy), so waste your money it means not a jot to me.
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Last edited by Less; 23-09-2010 at 19:52.
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Old 23-09-2010, 21:42   #9
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Re: Energy saving gadgets/tips

Put on an extra jumper
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