02-04-2014, 12:25
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Re: Flatulent dogs.
Originally Posted by Eric
I know my grandad had a couple or three. This was his fav: "A fart is a gust of wind that gives the belly ease. It warms the bed in winter, and drives away the fleas." Folk wisdom from my elders.
But Neil has it right. Pay as much attention to your dog's diet as you do to your own ... (he says as he breakfasts on a slice of cold pizza washed down with a beer  )
Also, there are some breeds more prone to be flatulent than others. My Rottweiler, Hera (1994-2004) ... still miss her so much ... was a real room clearer. I remember feeding her leftover turkey once ... and only once. My vet told me that Rottis, in layman's language, fart a lot, whatever one feeds them.
Don't go playing with lighters now Eric. 