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11-05-2008, 20:32
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Re: growing your own veggies
I will leave them in the large plantpot . Can't be bothered to dig them up. Apart fom which , i dont think i will have much room left to plant them after i get all those plants in out of the greenhouse, I have already weeded and turned over part of my grass in the back garden .
11-05-2008, 20:34
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Re: growing your own veggies
ahhhhhhh ok, i dont blame you really, turning your garden over is a nightmare, i started but the i couldnt be bothered with doing the rest so i just covered it in grass seed lol
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11-05-2008, 20:42
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Re: growing your own veggies
I do put a lot of work into my gardens every year , and i used to have an allotment aswell !! It got too much because i was at work most days
12-05-2008, 07:57
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Re: growing your own veggies
like i've said to you before Davey, i wish i had an allotment, i'd open a shop with all the veggies i'd grow  
When people walk away from you, let them go... It doesn't mean they are bad people, it just means their part in your story is over
12-05-2008, 08:16
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Re: growing your own veggies
shame your not over this way, you could ahve taken over the one at the bottom of my garden and stopped the kids hurting themselves...
Like the old woman who lived in a shoe, i have so many children i can't fit the tickers in my signature.....
I finally found someone daft enough to marry me, my wonderboy is 11, my monkeygirl is 3 and my bananaman is 2, my beautiful little flower was born in feb 2012
12-05-2008, 09:24
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Re: growing your own veggies
Originally Posted by emamum23
shame your not over this way, you could ahve taken over the one at the bottom of my garden and stopped the kids hurting themselves...
i have a huge garden here ta lol AND IT NEEDS CUTTING!!! DAVEYYYYYYYYYY!!!! i know you like sorting gardens out matey  come and help mi  
When people walk away from you, let them go... It doesn't mean they are bad people, it just means their part in your story is over
12-05-2008, 17:12
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Re: growing your own veggies
Originally Posted by flashytart
i have a huge garden here ta lol AND IT NEEDS CUTTING!!! DAVEYYYYYYYYYY!!!! i know you like sorting gardens out matey  come and help mi  
Got more than i could cope with over here . thanks for the offer !!! not.
12-05-2008, 19:05
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Re: growing your own veggies
its OK i did it anyway, cut 3/4 of the garden then the mower broke 
When people walk away from you, let them go... It doesn't mean they are bad people, it just means their part in your story is over
12-05-2008, 19:23
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Re: growing your own veggies
Take it you run over the electric cable??
12-05-2008, 19:25
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Re: growing your own veggies
You need to get a petrol mower if you have a large garden an electric one will just burn out if you have a large one. I got one thats self propelled it just take you with it no effort needed! well not much.
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12-05-2008, 19:27
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Re: growing your own veggies
Originally Posted by david1
Take it you run over the electric cable??
My mick did that yesterday when we was doing next doors garden he did it with the hedge cutters! about 5 minutes after he had fixed them from when i did it last year! lol
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12-05-2008, 19:30
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Re: growing your own veggies
Originally Posted by MUMMIBOO
You need to get a petrol mower if you have a large garden an electric one will just burn out if you have a large one. I got one thats self propelled it just take you with it no effort needed! well not much.
yes mummiboo i would have one of those if not two if could afford it . we are not all rich !!! 
12-05-2008, 20:01
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Re: growing your own veggies
My toms are doing really well: now got a plastic greenhouse ( cheap ) but it does the job and if I stick at growning my own, next year I will go for a real one:
spuds doing really well: and salad leaves all grown in plastic garden bags from the pound shop:
Now going to have a go at making some raised beds....
12-05-2008, 20:06
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Re: growing your own veggies
wow thats really good magpie, my dad has made a make-shift greenhouse, he's used his trailer and some plastic sheeting, it actually looks really good, i must take after my daddy cos i'm weeeeeally clever too 
and no Davey, i didnt run over the cable, it just stopped working
When people walk away from you, let them go... It doesn't mean they are bad people, it just means their part in your story is over
12-05-2008, 20:36
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Re: growing your own veggies
On the* allotments , we used to have a double glazing* firm we knew they took the old frames out of the houses and put the new ones in . then they brought the old ones down to the allotments , and we would build greenhouses out of them . They looked crap but they worked .
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