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04-10-2005, 10:26
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Halloween Callers
As its coming to that time when you dread to answer the door to be tricked or scared, lovely for the kiddies but can get ever so annoying when you have opened your door a hundred times to halloweeners a week early ive had some 2 weeks early before now which spoils it. Already been harranged by my 2 pestering for me to pick up masks & stuff already
Thought i'd pose a funny thread on tips of dealing with the witching week & what have been the best pranks or acts of little revenge all in name of fun ??
04-10-2005, 10:33
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Re: Halloween Callers
Last year Ginger had a wolf mask that he borrowed off his mum.
It was a adult one, and looked very very good, with fur and everything. We had, had loads of knocks at the door this particular night, so when the next knock came at the door, he jumped up, put the wolf mask on, ran out the backdoor, round the side of the house.
When I anwered the door to the kids, he jumped out on them, they absolutely "pooped" their little pants and ended up running off poor things.
It was sooo funny, me and ginger just stood there wetting ourselves laughing. I wonder if we get the same callers again this year??
Millions of sperm and you was the fastest??
Miracles do happen!!
04-10-2005, 10:40
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Re: Halloween Callers
PMSL!!!!! i bet that was hillarious & gingers got a loud voice as well lol
Tinks's & my kids still haven't forgiven me for the halloween surprise a couple of years back when i made a rarther horrible gunge pot full of money & yucky smelly gunge made from crap in the kitchen cupboards & the kids had to dip their hand in to get the money...............eeewwwww it was horrible & stained me carpet & door when kids flicked it back at me so that backfired pmsl!!!!! They were crappin themselves last year knocking at my door but least they were greeted to a surprise water squirter  pmsl
Dunno what to do this year 
04-10-2005, 12:59
Clearly Classy.......
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Re: Halloween Callers
last year Neil rigged up some spooky sounds and we had this remote pad thingy to press, it was so funny watching people's reactions, it was also wired up to the water that sprays our plants he repositoned one of the sprays and on a press of a button we wet them as well!!!
In the end we had more people walking passed so it had the opposite effect funny tho, we aren't doing it this year but i bet people will be wary!!!
04-10-2005, 13:03
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Re: Halloween Callers
PMSL Romps you may end up with people curious enough to come again LOL
Any plans this year or is it a surprise?
04-10-2005, 13:04
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Re: Halloween Callers
The most spookiest last year was watching most haunted at Pendle !!!! My kettle was bewitched that night pmsl
04-10-2005, 13:14
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Re: Halloween Callers
We actually had two kids trick or treating last Friday night. I pointed out that they were a month eraly and shut the door. 
04-10-2005, 13:30
Clearly Classy.......
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Re: Halloween Callers
Originally Posted by accymel
PMSL Romps you may end up with people curious enough to come again LOL
Any plans this year or is it a surprise?
probably not as we go away shortly after, we had a halloween party last year that was fun.messy but fun! I will put up decs and light candles for the boys but nothing planned really...but yoooooooooo never know!
06-10-2005, 20:54
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Re: Halloween Callers
I usually just buy loads of sweets, I dont give them money, saying that last year the sweets ran out and I had no choice, I do get sick of answering the door but its only once a year, I only give sweets etc on the 31st as well, anyone else gets told to come back!
08-10-2005, 22:10
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Re: Halloween Callers
One year my sis had a halloween party for the kids. It was a late birthday party for my nephew cos he got chickenpox 2 days before his birthday (which is in May!) and by the time all the kids in his class had it school was out for summer so she asked him when he wanted it and he said halloween. I must be one of the biggest idiots going cos i said i'd help! I got all dressed up in black and neon stickers on my black polo neck. Also invested in face paints but my sis nicked them so i ended up using moisturiser and talcum powder and red lipstick and black eyeshadow! That works even better than face paints! I was given the job to open the door to the kids when they arrived. We rigged it up with string and elastic that we'd pull one and the front door opened and then opened the other door and i was stood there it was funny watching the kids faces when they saw me stood there. It took me and my sis all afternoon to get the house ready for the kids with all the food etc. My nephew said it was his best birthday party ever!
Normally what i do for the kids round here when they come trick or treating they all get toffees except one and he gets money because he's a diabetic.
09-10-2005, 13:45
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Re: Halloween Callers
Blimey Jen sounds like something from Sabrina the teenage witch LOL bet it took ages to rig the house up.
Good my son is older now but when he was younger he was sooo scared of halloween callers he used to scream the place down he specially didnt like the scream mask!!! Though funniest with my son was when i was in a shop with tinks & Mt head & Mthead decided it would be so funny to don a mask from there as a joke & well my sons rather scared face said it all mmmmm seemed to remember he didnt like the cantona mask either PMSL!!!!!!! The most embarrassing was not halloween but a volunteer day in town centre & the firemen had their mascot erm my son was scared of that too when he was a tot - he had a hatred of big walking teds LMAO!!! lets say my chat with firemen was cut rather short  LOL
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