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20-04-2005, 18:16
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Hard boiled eggs
Is there some-one out there that can help me? My problem is with hard boiled eggs, even though there are no instructions on the containers telling you how to prepare this delicious meal I have through trial and error been able to get the eggs to the condition required.
I must admit that the first problem I had was boiling the water, the technique I used for this was to use my electric kettle the disadvantage to this was that once the water boiled the little thermostat thingy would switch the kettle off resulting in half cooked eggs, I got round this by applying the weight of my copy of the complete works of Shakespeare to the little switch thus preventing it from tripping too early. (yes there are advantages to heavy reading!). I am grateful to Mick for informing me that water can actually be boiled in a thing called a pan on what is called a stove, (after rummaging under the sink I came across one of these pan things, as with the eggs no instructions for the use of).
I can now hard boil as many eggs as I want.
However this is where i require assistance can somebody please explain how the eggs can be peeled in a fast & efficient way as it's taking me about quarter of an hour to de-shell each one.
Any help will be appreciated.

“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
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20-04-2005, 18:23
white rabbits
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Re: Hard boiled eggs
you must get the membrain under the shell off ,if you dont the egg will look like it has gone through a hedge backwards ,,,tap the egg gently until the shell cracks then just make sure you have got that fleshy bit ,and the shell should then come off in one nice easy piece,,,like pealing an orange ..
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20-04-2005, 18:38
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Re: Hard boiled eggs
If in doubt, go the the internet!
A link for hard-boiled eggs: http://www.goodegg.com/boiledegg.html
I find that it works best if the eggs have been thoroughly cooled (I just let them sit in cold water after they have cooked long enough) and that the shell has been tapped an all sides, so that you are not trying to remove large chunks of shell.
When in darkness or in doubt, visit Oswaldtwistle!
20-04-2005, 18:44
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Re: Hard boiled eggs
Originally Posted by grannyclaret
like pealing an orange ..
Thanks for that granny, unfortunately I find peeling an orange is far easier than peeling an egg even though when you tap an orange on a hard surface the skin doesn't crack in the same way that an eggs does.

“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
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20-04-2005, 18:46
white rabbits
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Re: Hard boiled eggs
oh less ,you are funny,like a breath of fresh air ,,,
Not a full brick
20-04-2005, 18:59
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Re: Hard boiled eggs
Originally Posted by grannyclaret
like a breath of fresh air ,,,
You've obviously never stood next to me after I've eaten four boiled eggs!

“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
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20-04-2005, 19:22
Coffin Dodger.
Re: Hard boiled eggs
i'm with you on this less,tried runnin cold tap on the buggars in the pan,tried tappin like grannyclaret said,tried allsorts still totally crap at peeling eggs,
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
20-04-2005, 19:51
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Re: Hard boiled eggs
Give up eating eggs - only solution.
20-04-2005, 19:52
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Re: Hard boiled eggs
Why boil them?
In under 90 seconds you can produce a similar result in a microwave oven, but remember to pierce the yolk first, otherwise you'll be cleaning exploded egg from the inside in the coming months...
"The Hour of Scampering is usually around teatime, according to the Vorlon/Human Translation Dictionary."
20-04-2005, 19:53
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Re: Hard boiled eggs
I peel my eggs under a running tap, so as I'm going along all the bits of shell get washed off.
20-04-2005, 20:03
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Re: Hard boiled eggs
I put my eggs in a pan of cold water to cool them down then I tap them onto the side of the pan and they peel quite easily, just make sure your removing the shell and membrane and it shouldn't be a problem.
20-04-2005, 20:03
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Re: Hard boiled eggs
Yes grannyclaret was right..........when it has boiled, leave to cool in a cold pan of water, then tap the egg gently til all is cracked then just peel....easy (for a woman). 
Millions of sperm and you was the fastest??
Miracles do happen!!
20-04-2005, 20:11
Beacon of light
Re: Hard boiled eggs
As everyone else says....leave the eggs in a pan of cold water until properly cooled (as opposed to improperly cooled)
Put the egg onto a firm surface and roll it around putting gentle pressure on the shell ( Less........I said GENTLE pressure) this should craze the shell (well, it would craze me alright) and then start to peel off the shell. If all else fails you can buy ready hardbolied eggs in the Salad bar at Morrisons!
Hope you found this tutorial helpful.
20-04-2005, 20:16
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Re: Hard boiled eggs
First place to break the shell is at the more pointy bit. There will usually be an air bubble there. Once you've broken that bit and got under the membrane you should be able to peel off easily (under a running tap as I've already said).
What you also need for this method is a colander so you don't get the plug all clogged up.
20-04-2005, 20:18
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Re: Hard boiled eggs
I have worked out a solution, I will have a word with Staggering man and ask him to get a jar of pickled eggs in, that way I don't have to bother about peeling, boiling or even washing the pan.
I'm sure that if he does that for me then in return at last orders I can stand at the bar and make sure that every-one leaves quickly because pickled eggs have an even worse effect on me than ordinary boiled ones.

“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
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