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Old 25-11-2003, 11:01   #1
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ellie's Avatar

Post health

my daughter suffers from really bad excema and ictheosis. i have tried all the perscribed creams, tar soap nothing seems to soothe it.
can anybody think of anything which could help. [smiley=help.gif]
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Old 25-11-2003, 12:05   #2
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Post Re: health

hi pussycat.

Can't really be of any help!

My daughter used to have it when she was young, and was prescribed a several creams from the doctor, none of which really worked, and which I can't remember the names of.

What she did have though was the emolient lotions which she used for washing instead of soap, and did alleviate the problem somewhat.

The good thing though is that children often tend to grow out of it as they get older, my daughter did. She just has the occasional flare up now and then, which isn't so bad.

Just keep nagging your doctor if you're not happy with the treatments.

Also, often the simplest things can work to some extent, depending on the severity of the condition. eg E45 cream.

Maybe check out the local health shop too, for natural remedies, but would suggest you still consult your doctor about any treatment you're thinking of trying.

Never heard of ictheosis, is that something similar?
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Old 25-11-2003, 15:13   #3
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Post Re: health

My niece who is 5 years old has had excema for most of her life, some washing powders can make it flare up. My sister has changed her washing powder to ariel she says it is the best. Have you tried different powders to see if it helps her.?
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Old 25-11-2003, 16:01   #4
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Post Re: health

icthosis is when you have no moisture in the skin. her skin looks like elephant skin its really dry and scalley. im trying e45 at the moment the doctor wont perscribe it and it is very expensive in the shops. it seems to beworking a little but as the rest of the creams it soon stops working. i have tried all the bath oils but they make it worse as well as clogging my bath.
i only use fairy on her clothes have done since she was born if i use any other it does flare up really bad
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Old 25-11-2003, 17:29   #5
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Post Re: health

The problem with E45 is that it is a pertoleum based cream and will not absorb into the skin at all! All it does is trap the moisture on the surface. I have had eczema all my life (I am now in late 30's) and have managed to go through the last two years for the first time ever without using and steroid creams. I use a cream by a company called 'Neal Yard Remedies'. You can buy it from their web site It is called Elderflower Hand Softener and costs £6.95 for 40g and £12.25 for 100g. They also charge £4 for posting! Expensive I know but it works for me and I know a couple of others it has worked for. Maybe you could also do some Xmas shopping with the company to make the posting less of a cost per item!

Other than that, I have not used soap for at least 20 years. I am ok with shower gel but try to use the 'cream' ones. I found Fairy washing powder a little harsh but find I am ok with Persil Aloe and Comfort Pure. Eczema can also be as a result of diet so keep out the citrus fruits and fizzy drinks. Dairy products are a defo no go area! Mine cleared quite well when I reduced dairy. Also see if you can get allergy tests done through your Doc as it could be a topical fact insist on this!

Good luck and hope it clears, it's not pleasant and I have spent many a night wearing gloves to stop myself scratching. I am just thankful I never got it on my face. I now only have it on my hands but had oit on my legs and arms as a kid.
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Old 25-11-2003, 17:31   #6
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Post Re: health

I have found out what my niece uses it is DIPROVASE which is a moistureiser and ELICON a steriod cream hope that helps you.
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Old 25-11-2003, 18:14   #7
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Post Re: health

[quote author=janet link=board=hta;num=1069761685;start=0#5 date=11/25/03 at 18:31:45]I have found out what my niece uses it is DIPROVASE which is a moistureiser and ELICON a steriod cream hope that helps you.[/quote]

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Old 25-11-2003, 18:17   #8
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Old 26-11-2003, 16:43   #9
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Post Re: health

hi, ive suffered with eczema for 40 yrs now its not bad at the moment ive learnt to control it ,  one of the doctors told me i had the skin of a navvy, (charming)  & told me to use HYDROS   OINTMENT)  ive bought it in peel st chemist, they may look at you daft but dont bother , the cream is a good  cream cause its full of lanolin, its quite a large tub &lasts for ages , not bad priced either
Ilove accy, thats why i moved back but now im up ossy
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Old 26-11-2003, 16:53   #10
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Post Re: health

sorry just been to look for some looks like ive used it all  i was gonna give you some  [smiley=daisy.gif] ,not sure of spelling either
Ilove accy, thats why i moved back but now im up ossy
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Old 26-11-2003, 19:08   #11
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Post Re: health

thanx mez i will keep the name in mind and keep my eye open surely they will sell it somewhere
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Old 26-11-2003, 20:03   #12
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Post Re: health

you wont find it on the shelves , youve got to ask the chemist for it just get a small tub first, the big one cost me bout  £4  12 months back .  just hope it works for your daughter.
Ilove accy, thats why i moved back but now im up ossy
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Old 03-12-2003, 16:52   #13
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Post Re: health

The problem with the steriod creams is that it thins the skin therefore, (in theory) each time a flare up happens it will  gradually get worse. My daughter had it when she was a baby. We treated it following the Chinese theory that anything that shows on the skin, roots from the digestive system. illiminating certain foods with help. Most comman being Oranges, bananas and peanut butter. We also used to put camomile tea in the bath and smoother her in Olive oil every night, only thing was you couldn't catch her after that! now 7 years on we have very little flare up, usually happens when she eats particular foods. and more often in the winter
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Old 03-12-2003, 18:29   #14
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Post Re: health

thanx littlemo but i have to be careful with what i use due to the ichtheosis olive oil when put on looks like its burnt her skin she goes that red.
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Old 03-12-2003, 21:36   #15
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Post Re: health

This is true accordding to my mother.As a child i sufferrred a bit from skin trouble.An old doc told my mother to rub me in Goose fat and since then i have been ok!.My youngest daughter suffers a little bit too.So after dragging her all the way around to differrent doctors and skin specialists i finally tried it too.Works a treat.she stunk for a couple of days but since then she has been ok???????????
BigMikDick from krautland
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